People Who Don't Drink

I do not drink, and if I had my way it would be illegal in public. Just my opnion.
CliffnMesquite;3831309 said:
I do not drink, and if I had my way it would be illegal in public. Just my opnion.

Don't you perhaps think you should explain this thought/opinion a little further ?

Not that I disagree or agree.
Teren_Kanan;3831282 said:
I've never met a person who didn't drink, that I wanted to be around while drunk. Not to say I don't know some awesome people who don't drink. One of my better friends doesn't drink. Now, he's ok hanging out at a bar watching a game, while we drink, but at a house party or something? He's kind of boring to have around.

Boring to be around. Pretty much sums up my feeling on people who don't drink, at a party where everyone is drunk.

I don't drink...and don't plan on it ever. My friends respect me for it, but I know I don't bring much to the table at parties because of it. Infact I don't enjoy parties all that I generally appear somnolent and dull.

Who cares anyway. Parties generally are on weekends. And my weekends consist of soccer on saturdays and football on sundays. Needless to say I don't party much and I aint looking forward to partying much in the near future
I don't drink regularly or keep alcohol in the house mainly because I never developed a taste for it. I will drink at social events, however.
bbgun;3831316 said:
I don't drink regularly or keep alcohol in the house mainly because I never developed a taste for it. I will drink at social events, however.

Thats the thing I don't get. Why do people have to drink to be social at "social events"?

I know its my problem and theres nothing wrong with the majority of people only drink to be social. But I clearly just don't get it

I get the notion that people need a beer in there hand to feel comfortable at a party. I get uncomfortable sometimes...yet I refuse to give in to drinking for this sole reason
SkinsandTerps;3831311 said:
Don't you perhaps think you should explain this thought/opinion a little further ?

Not that I disagree or agree.

Humm. I hate dealing with drunks.
cowboyeric8;3831280 said:
I'm pretty much exactly like you on the subject. I don't drink. Its not religious or I don't look down on anyone. Just a personal choice.

I just try to go with the flow, and if it is their problem, thats on them, I just be myself and act normal.

But being in college and people knowing I don't drink is annoying. People and girls instantly think I don't like to have "fun" or I'm not "exciting". And I often don't get invited to places because of this. Which I just don't understand. But anyway, thats just my take.

Had the same issue in college myself.

People knew I didn't drink...and I was usually the last one to find out about the parties if I found out at all.

I think it's an incorrect assumption that someone who doesn't drink is particularly dull or doesn't know how to have a good time. If a good time means getting ****-faced drunk and making a fool out of myself, I guess I'm not that exciting. I prefer to be in control.
I don't drink any more. When I did drink it was only a couple of beers usually at home. I stopped when one beer gave me bad headaches the next morning.
Yeah I never have had alcohol either, I use to hate parties too because most of the time they were not just drinking but doing hard drugs usually. Surprisingly most of the time I said I did not do anything they would exclaim how awesome that is and they wish they could go back and never start. Now less formal get togethers that have closer friends and just light drinking are very fun, no one gets out of control and you can actually hold conversations.

I guess I have an odd perspective because I hung out with a lot of rock bands as a teen through early/mid twenties and that meant I went to the all-out insane type parties where people would set themselves on fire and things like that. I chose to not do anything and I found friends who did drink, no problem hanging with them.
I used to drink quite a bit, to a point where I was at the bar and having several drinks every day. Alcoholism is in my family, so knowing that, I stopped drinking for awhile.

I picked it back up again when I was bartending/waitressing because we would all go out to the bar after our shift. I would indulge too much occasionally, but never felt that I was out of control.

When I got pregnant, I stopped drinking completely. Even now, I really don't drink. I choose to be the designated sober person because our daughter is not old enough to be able to manage herself without adult help. I don't trust that I can have even one without feeling like my judgment will be affected, especially now that I'm a complete lightweight and I am feeling it after just one.

Honestly, I miss having a beer now and then, especially around Oktoberfest time when there are loads of tasty ones, but mostly I don't miss it at all.
rash;3831313 said:
I don't drink...and don't plan on it ever. My friends respect me for it, but I know I don't bring much to the table at parties because of it. Infact I don't enjoy parties all that I generally appear somnolent and dull.

Who cares anyway. Parties generally are on weekends. And my weekends consist of soccer on saturdays and football on sundays. Needless to say I don't party much and I aint looking forward to partying much in the near future

You sound like my friend. He doesn't enjoy the parties like that either.

If I'm not drinking, even I don't enjoy parties like that. Being around drunk people while sober can be annoying.

Social events without alcohol don't bother me either though.
I drank a TON in my 20s so after I moved into a different phase of my life I left a lot of that behind. It's not that I don't like alcohol, it's that I don't like the loss of control. So when I do drink now it's just one or two drinks.
Duane;3831433 said:
I drank a TON in my 20s so after I moved into a different phase of my life I left a lot of that behind. It's not that I don't like alcohol, it's that I don't like the loss of control. So when I do drink now it's just one or two drinks.

Always found that weird.

I've drank myself unconscious many times, but I've never experienced that "lack of control" that people talk about, though I've witnessed it all over. No matter how drunk I am, I feel I've never "lost control" of my thought process. I've never done something while drunk where the next day I thought "I shouldn't have done that", or "Oh wow did I really do that?".

Everyone's effected differently though.
I don't drink now. I did a little in college, but that was it. I have never liked the taste of alcohol, and am very sensitive to it (won't let my boyfriend kiss me if he drank wine or beer).

I don't see why people need to drink to have fun. I would rather be around a dull but sober person than an obnoxious drunk which I've had more than my fair share of meeting.

I've worked with kids with autism and social skills deficit. I've also worked with people who have Williams syndrome, the total opposite. I have zero problems socializing.
VietCowboy;3831454 said:
I don't drink now. I did a little in college, but that was it. I have never liked the taste of alcohol, and am very sensitive to it (won't let my boyfriend kiss me if he drank wine or beer).

I don't see why people need to drink to have fun. I would rather be around a dull but sober person than an obnoxious drunk which I've had more than my fair share of meeting.

I've worked with kids with autism and social skills deficit. I've also worked with people who have Williams syndrome, the total opposite. I have zero problems socializing.

I drink every now and then, just because I like some specific kind of beers, the taste, and all that. I drink beer just like I eat at MC Donalds or an asado (a typical dish here in Argentina). I dont drink to get drunk, I dont drink a lot, just to drink a can or two glasses of my favourites beers and thats all.

And which job do you do? Im studying to be a Therapist, I found your post interesting.
i enjoy a drink. glass of wine with dinner or going out with the boys. back in the day we used to be out getting hammered 3 times a week tops but these days i only really drink to excess when i'm going to the football. sunday will be a big one for me, in the pub at opening for celtics trip to rangers, bus back through to edinburgh then pub for some english football, home for a couple of beers and dinner then pub for the superbowl which will finish at closing time around 15 hours after i've started drinking. thats the exception rather than the rule though for example i've got around 15 bottles of spirits in my cabinet with varying amounts in them some of which i've had for a couple of years.

oh and fair play to the folk who don't drink, don't know how you do it. if i'm sober on a night out then i just get irritated by all the drunks
Hip-hop, body rockin' - doing the do
Beer drinking, breath stinking, sniffing glue
Belly flipping, always illing, busting caps
My name's Mike D. and I write my own snaps
Don't really drink any more.

Used to drink quite a bit while I was pretty young and when in the Army.

Just really have no desire for it now.

Not an alcoholic so that is not an issue for me.

We have a bottle of wine in the fridge and 2-3 wine coolers...they have been in the fridge for at least 3 years. Don't even remember why the wife got them in the first place.
I have one bottle of Crown Royal, never opened, in my computer room. It was something my grandfather had (he passed away last year). I bet the thing is close to 20 years old. I admit there are times I have the desire to open it up and have a drink but I don't.

The last time I got buzzed was the last time I bought a six pack. Funny story on that. For some crazy reason I wanted to get a six pack and sit back and enjoy the NFL draft. I had not bought a six pack in 10 years or more prior to that. Don't even know why I did it that day. Just felt like I wanted one.

So I buy a six pack. Watch the draft and later I would joke that I most have had a premonition of how bad the draft was going to so happened it was the Quincy Carter/Tony Dixon draft.:laugh2:

So now on very rare occasions (maybe 2-3 times in the last 3 years) I will have a margarita if we go to a local mom and pop mexican joint. Or have a dacquari when the wife's aunt comes in for a visit and they make them.

I just don't have the desire to drink. Just on a rare occasion it sounds good. I have no desire to go to the bars around here as they are grit bars and there is always a nipplehead in there who is the "angry" type drunk. Just don't want or desire that kind of drama.

As I noted earlier I have had the occasional desire to open that bottle of crown royal...and at times I have thought about maybe going and getting the little hotel/airplane sized bottle of JD and mix it with a coke. Don't know why but that kind of sounds good.

I will also say if I could find a wine that was real smooth and did not have much of an alcohol taste, while also being kind of cheap in price...I might consider starting to have a glass of wine at night. Mainly to help me sleep and it is also said that a glass a wine a day is good for many things.

On to the OP...there is no reason someone should be intimidated by you just because you don't drink. I mean it does not sound as if you are trying to lecture those that do so I don't know why it should intimidate others. So just be honest with people and say...I just don't desire any alcohol.

As to young people who deal with peer pressure causing them to drink when they might not want to. Tell people you just do not want to drink. If they say you are a Sissy, chicken, baby or other names, because you will not drink. Tell them it is braver to not drink when being pressured and ridiculed to do so than it is to just give in to gain some measure of acceptance.

I remember being around some friends (this was when I did drink quite a bit) who would ask if I wanted a beer. One time I said, no, I am not thirsty. The guy looked at me and don't have to be thirsty to drink beer, you don't drink beer because you are thirsty. To which I replied...I don't drink to gain your approval...I drink because I want to. He did not bother me after that.

So you don't have to intimidate people just because you don't drink. You also don't have to drink to gain acceptance.
Plus for the OP. If a girl asks you that could be a smooth operator and use a slick pickup line on her by saying...I don't need beer goggles when looking at you as you are already a hotty.:p:
I only do it for the anti oxidants. Zorba Paster says 2 beers a day is good, or glasses of whine, for a male.

But seriously, I am in college so drink 2 to 3 times a weekend. Plus I live in Wisconsin, beer flows through our bodies.

I have a few friends that dont drink, its fine but they usually leave parties early.

I really dont understand why people dont drink, unless they start and cant stop.

On a really hot day, a cold beer can taste so good.

Also to people that dont drink; the problem is a couple beers in or more, maybe a few shots and you will catch a buzz. Its pretty much the perfect level, the problem is you try to catch it again. I never really catch it, but I chase it. End up with hangovers.

But truly, drinking is alot of fun and doubt I would ever sware of alcohol.
I used to drink at parties. Then in 91 I got so smashed at a Division Christmas party I started chasing one of the secretaries around. Her poor hubby slept on the couch for the next week since he just sat and laughed. He told her he knew I was too drunk to catch her. Wrong answer. She never got mad at me thankfully. Do not remember much beyond the initial chase-nothing for the rest of the night. Funny thing is I woke up the next morning without a hangover (drank a Kamikaze Sunrise- 1/3 coke, beer (fosters)and southern comfort). Drank about a pint I think. After being regaled at my antics, I decided to not drink again. Have had a beer or two since then (hate American Beer-too bitter) and a shot or two of Southern Comfort since but nothing else. Have not had anything in about 5 years and do not miss it at all.
Its BS about people needing to drink to have fun. My best friends and I have a blast when we are together and none of us drink anymore.

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