People Who Don't Drink

theogt;3831564 said:
Unless you're taking some form of medication beyond just alcohol, the "black out" is a myth. You don't lose control or go unconscious to the point where you'd get an unwanted tattoo while drinking.

That is a myth told by non-drinkers -- or drinkers looking for an excuse. It simply doesn't happen. Now, passing out happens. But there you're "losing control" just the same way you do when you go to sleep sober.

Na man, blacking out a browning out happens on the regular. By no means am I bragging, but Ive woken up the next morning and asked around to piece together parts of my night. Or Ill look at my texts and be completely confused.
Teren_Kanan;3831592 said:
I honestly don't understand the statement.

I generally know before I even start drinking what kind of party it's going to be and who's going to be there. The decision to drink myself unconscious is made before the first beer.

You go on and do what you want...not passing judgement on you, however to maintain and argue that you are in total control when you get so drunk you pass out is not being in control.
locked&loaded;3831595 said:
Na man, blacking out a browning out happens on the regular. By no means am I bragging, but Ive woken up the next morning and asked around to piece together parts of my night. Or Ill look at my texts and be completely confused.
No, it doesn't. But it's a convenient excuse -- one that people really want to believe, especially when they're using it for themselves.
theogt;3831564 said:
Unless you're taking some form of medication beyond just alcohol, the "black out" is a myth. You don't lose control or go unconscious to the point where you'd get an unwanted tattoo while drinking.

That is a myth told by non-drinkers -- or drinkers looking for an excuse. It simply doesn't happen. Now, passing out happens. But there you're "losing control" just the same way you do when you go to sleep sober.

That is an uninformed and absolutely ignorant post. :rolleyes:

If you don't know what you're talking about, don't spread your ignorance to others.

The following is from the NIAAA website. (National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism) It is a government health site and the post is by Aaron M. White, Ph.D.

Link to Article

Alcohol primarily interferes with the ability to form new long–term memories, leaving intact previously established long–term memories and the ability to keep new information active in memory for brief periods. As the amount of alcohol consumed increases, so does the magnitude of the memory impairments. Large amounts of alcohol, particularly if consumed rapidly, can produce partial (i.e., fragmentary) or complete (i.e., en bloc) blackouts, which are periods of memory loss for events that transpired while a person was drinking. Blackouts are much more common among social drinkers—including college drinkers—than was previously assumed, and have been found to encompass events ranging from conversations to intercourse. Mechanisms underlying alcohol–induced memory impairments include disruption of activity in the hippocampus, a brain region that plays a central role in the formation of new auotbiographical memories
nyc;3831605 said:
That is an uninformed and absolutely ignorant post. :rolleyes:

If you don't know what you're talking about, don't spread your ignorance to others.

The following is from the NIAAA website. (National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism) It is a government health site and the post is by Aaron M. White, Ph.D.

Link to Article
Complete and total BS. Doesn't happen.

This "research" is based off surveys and anecdotal evidence. If you look at the actual scientific research, they admit that it's still unclear what impacts alcohol has on the brain.

But of course the government (or doctors) isn't going to put out some information that puts alcohol in some positive light. It's similar to the studies that show that quitting smoking during pregnancy (if you're a long-term smoker) can be worse than smoking during pregnancy. You'll never see the government endorse or publicize a study like that.
theogt;3831593 said:
I'm not talking about being passed out. I'm talking about the "black out" myth in which someone does a bunch of stupid things and then blames it on drinking saying they blacked out. That's what I refer to when I say "losing control". If you're passed out, that's not necessarily "losing control" of your body -- though it's losing control of your surroundings. Your body isn't doing anything so there's nothing to control.

There are people who do indeed get so drunk that they literally do not know what they did the night before.

Does not mean they should not be held accountable for their actions. If that is the angle you are going for than I would agree with that. You drank, you did some dumb stuff, it is your fault whether you meant to do it, remember doing it or not.

However even if you are passed out and you say they don't lose control because they are passed out..even that is incorrect due to some people getting so drunk the pee themselves, throwup in their sleep (hopefully not to the point the die from choking on it) or pooping themselves. Yes that has happened. Try being stuck in a room with a drunk korean who pooped himself, started throwing up and luckily I positioned him to his side before he choked.

So yes it still happens.

Also something to consider...

C) when the victim is incapable of giving consent because of mental deficiency or disease, or when the victim is incapable of giving consent because of the effect of any alcoholic liquor, narcotic, drug or other substance, which condition was known by the offender or was reasonably apparent to the offender;
theogt;3831598 said:
No, it doesn't. But it's a convenient excuse -- one that people really want to believe, especially when they're using it for themselves.

This would be a solid argument if I had anything to cover up for. You're insinuating that just because I blacked out, I did something wrong. There will be times I don't remember walking back to my room or watching a tv show. I will see pictures that I don't remember being in.

I'm honestly not sure if you are joking or not. Black outs, or brown outs (Always sunny) happen to people all over and are undoubtedly real.
theogt;3831608 said:
Complete and total BS. Doesn't happen.

This "research" is based off surveys and anecdotal evidence. If you look at the actual scientific research, they admit that it's still unclear what impacts alcohol has on the brain.

But of course the government (or doctors) isn't going to put out some information that puts alcohol in some positive light. It's similar to the studies that show that quitting smoking during pregnancy (if you're a long-term smoker) can be worse than smoking during pregnancy. You'll never see the government endorse or publicize a study like that.

I don't need a government or scientific study to tell me what I know from exp.

I have been drunk enough to know that it is not a myth. Have been around enough people that have been that drunk to that point to know it is not a myth.

First you want to say it is just an excuse from non drinkers...well that was debunked by people in this very thread talking about their own exp.

Now it seems you are wanting to say it is a myth by the people wanting to protect the drinkers or the drinkers protecting themselves?

locked&loaded;3831624 said:
This would be a solid argument if I had anything to cover up for. You're insinuating that just because I blacked out, I did something wrong. There will be times I don't remember walking back to my room or watching a tv show. I will see pictures that I don't remember being in.

I'm honestly not sure if you are joking or not. Black outs, or brown outs (Always sunny) happen to people all over and are undoubtedly real.

I think it is one or two things.

1. By his posting history it is clear he likes to argue about many things and usually in doing so will go to the ends of the earth arguing a point even if the evidence does not support his case, even if he changes the goal posts or talks out of both sides of his mouth while arguing said point. Now...I think many of us are guilty of that from time to time, when I say Us...that includes me.:D

2. He might be arguing it from a point of someone trying to use it as an excuse against doing something illegal and getting arrested for it. For instance if someone kills someone else and his defense in court is...I was black out drunk. To which I say...well the person could be lying, the person could be telling the truth...but it does not mean it is a myth, just as it does not mean it is a valid legal excuse in all the courts.
BrAinPaiNt;3831638 said:
I think it is one or two things.

1. By his posting history it is clear he likes to argue about many things and usually in doing so will go to the ends of the earth arguing a point even if the evidence does not support his case, even if he changes the goal posts or talks out of both sides of his mouth while arguing said point. Now...I think many of us are guilty of that from time to time, when I say Us...that includes me.:D

2. He might be arguing it from a point of someone trying to use it as an excuse against doing something illegal and getting arrested for it. For instance if someone kills someone else and his defense in court is...I was black out drunk. To which I say...well the person could be lying, the person could be telling the truth...but it does not mean it is a myth, just as it does not mean it is a valid legal excuse in all the courts.

I'd venture to say you're probably correct.

I too enjoy a rousing argument. :cool:
I'm not under the alkafluence of inkahol that some thinkle peep I am.
It's just the drunker I sit here the longer I get. I don't have a drinking problem. I drink, I get drunk, I fall down. No problem.

BrAinPaiNt;3831635 said:
I don't need a government or scientific study to tell me what I know from exp.

I have been drunk enough to know that it is not a myth. Have been around enough people that have been that drunk to that point to know it is not a myth.

First you want to say it is just an excuse from non drinkers...well that was debunked by people in this very thread talking about their own exp.

Now it seems you are wanting to say it is a myth by the people wanting to protect the drinkers or the drinkers protecting themselves?

Actually I said it is an excuse for drinkers and a myth for non-drinkers.

If anyone in this thread tells me they've blacked out and done things they don't remember at all based on drinking alcohol alone, I'm calling them a bald-faced liar.

People may not remember every single detail of what happened, but that's true of being sober as well.
5Stars;3831652 said:
I'm not under the alkafluence of inkahol that some thinkle peep I am.
It's just the drunker I sit here the longer I get. I don't have a drinking problem. I drink, I get drunk, I fall down. No problem.

Uhhhh..Open the puke, I gotta door.
:drunk: :ralph:
I guess I must be lying because I have woke up after a hard night of drinking and did not know where I was or how I got there when I woke up
Guys this thread is about the non-drinkers.

But Blackouts happen. Not to the point that the blackout person explains it.
Some people indeed use it as an excuse to be stupid.
rash;3831318 said:
Thats the thing I don't get. Why do people have to drink to be social at "social events"?

I know its my problem and theres nothing wrong with the majority of people only drink to be social. But I clearly just don't get it

I get the notion that people need a beer in there hand to feel comfortable at a party. I get uncomfortable sometimes...yet I refuse to give in to drinking for this sole reason

I do so because I actually enjoy a drink every now and then. It has nothing to do with making me feel less conspicuous or others less awkward. I may keep the house alcohol-free, but I'm no teetotaler.
5Stars;3831652 said:
I'm not under the alkafluence of inkahol that some thinkle peep I am.
It's just the drunker I sit here the longer I get. I don't have a drinking problem. I drink, I get drunk, I fall down. No problem.

The Drunk's Prayer

Snorkle, snorkle little twink
Who the heck you I stink
I'm not under that they call
The alcafluence of inkyhol
Tee martunies make a guy
Feel so foolish don't know why
So just one more to fill my cup
I've got all day sober to Sunday up

And with that I bow out of this thread because it is already getting ugly. Must be the alcohol.
“Never Trust a Man That Doesn’t Drink”
-William Claude Dunkenfield-

The quote above is attributed to America’s greatest raconteur and philosopher, William Claude Dukenfield of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. If this bold statement was simply about the trustworthiness of inebriates, it would be rather unfair to lay such harsh judgement upon those who by some aspect of moral consequence or physical affliction refrain from the intake of strong drink. But in fact while Mr. Dukenfield himself exibited a sincere fondness for gin, his profound social commentary spoke more to those who might be somewhat parsimonious when it comes to partaking in the give and take of that which flows from the cup of human kindness.


PS-- I've never felt intimidated by someone who doesn't drink. I mostly feel bad for them, because being surrounded by drunk individuals can be incredibly annoying for a sober person! :D Different strokes for different folks.
theogt;3831654 said:
Actually I said it is an excuse for drinkers and a myth for non-drinkers.

If anyone in this thread tells me they've blacked out and done things they don't remember at all based on drinking alcohol alone, I'm calling them a bald-faced liar.

Well I have done just that and I am not lying so again you have proven yourself to be wrong...starting to be a bit of a trend with you.

When I did drink I learned that I should not drink large amounts of tequilla and while in korea I learned to not drink large amounts, obscenely large amounts, of soju...because they did just that.

I would remember the previous nights events up unto a point but after that point would not remember a thing of what happened after it.

As the other poster said, there would be pictures I would be in that I would flat out not remember. Or I would wake up the next morning with certain articles I had no clue how I obtained only to have it described to me later by friends that were out with me that night. One time I went to a bar with some friends and when I got there a few of the waitresses and dancers saw me and pulled out Dollar bills, started waving them and cat calling me. Well turns out the last time I was there I did a little strip routine on the poll on the stage. Do not remember doing it, but again, pictures where there to prove it was me and this was before people had home PCs and Photoshops to make things happen with ease.

So are wrong, and we are not liars. And just because there is something you don't believe in, or think it is wrong when multiple people are telling you otherwise it does not mean you are right and they are liars. Maybe you are just bald faced wrong and too arrogant or willful to admit it.
Doomsday101;3831659 said:
I guess I must be lying because I have woke up after a hard night of drinking and did not know where I was or how I got there when I woke up

That would drive me crazy dude. I know part of the "fun" is reflecting on those type of nights (example: The Hangover), but I cannot imagine waking up somewhere and not remember how I got there.

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