People Who Don't Drink

I'm half Irish and half German. I think that speaks for itself as to where I stand. ;)
nyc;3831497 said:
I'm half Irish and half German. I think that speaks for itself as to where I stand. ;)
My grandfather was born in Ireland. His favorite joke was "whats' the difference between an Irish wedding and an Irish funeral?

The wedding has one more drunk."
Teren_Kanan;3831440 said:
I've drank myself unconscious many times, but I've never experienced that "lack of control" that people talk about, .
:eek: :huh: :lmao:
Now that is classic.
Teren_Kanan;3831440 said:
Always found that weird.

I've drank myself unconscious many times, but I've never experienced that "lack of control" that people talk about, though I've witnessed it all over. No matter how drunk I am, I feel I've never "lost control" of my thought process. I've never done something while drunk where the next day I thought "I shouldn't have done that", or "Oh wow did I really do that?".

Everyone's effected differently though.

Umm, if you are unconscious, you are in control of nothing. I think you are just in denial.

You remind me of this guy my brother was friends with back in high school. He basically said, he drives better drunk that sober. :rolleyes:
Drinkers feel judged by non drinkers, especially after we've had a few. Hence the 'well I don't drink all the time...' lines.

It's always great to have a non drinker in the group. Built in designated driver.

If a person is a good time when everybody's not drinking, they're a good time when they're the only sober ones. It just gets annoying being the sober one, because people are stupid when they start to drink.
nyc;3831523 said:
Umm, if you are unconscious, you are in control of nothing. I think you are just in denial.

You remind me of this guy my brother was friends with back in high school. He basically said, he drives better drunk that sober. :rolleyes:
If you're unconscious you're asleep and not doing anything, so there's nothing to control. People who "lose control" while awake and drunk are just using the alcohol as an excuse for being a terrible person.
theogt;3831540 said:
If you're unconscious you're asleep and not doing anything, so there's nothing to control. People who "lose control" while awake and drunk are just using the alcohol as an excuse for being a terrible person.

You don't lose control.

Well considering he did not say he drank so he could go to sleep, but instead drank himself until he passed out...yeah I would consider that losing control.:laugh2:

Let's see...I think I have drank plenty, I will just go lay down and sleep vs Hey one more and I will ***passes out***.
nyc;3831523 said:
Umm, if you are unconscious, you are in control of nothing. I think you are just in denial.

You remind me of this guy my brother was friends with back in high school. He basically said, he drives better drunk that sober. :rolleyes:

In denial of what? Being unconscious means you have no control? You're asleep, what's to control? Drinking until you pass out on a couch equates to driving while drunk?

What I'm saying is, at no point before I was actually asleep, did I feel like I had no control over my actions, or any loss of vital decision making. I never felt like I Lost control, in the sense that I might do something I regretted later. Drinking myself unconscious is just another way to say I've been just as drunk as all these people who "lose control" and the fact that I've never experienced that, makes me find it weird.
theogt;3831540 said:
If you're unconscious you're asleep and not doing anything, so there's nothing to control. People who "lose control" while awake and drunk are just using the alcohol as an excuse for being a terrible person.

This. This 100x over. I'm bad at explaining my points but this is pretty much exactly what I was trying to convey. And your explanation of it was my exact thought on the situation, I just didn't want to possibly offend anyone =p, given previous posts in this thread.
theogt;3831540 said:
If you're unconscious you're asleep and not doing anything, so there's nothing to control. People who "lose control" while awake and drunk are just using the alcohol as an excuse for being a terrible person.
There are 2 main types of drinkers who lose control, and you just desrcibed one of them.

The other type drinks themselves unconscious.

Unless you are in a closet drinking by yourself, drinking yourself unconscious is about as classic of an example of loss-of-control as you can get.

Girls (or boys) who are gang-raped, or have thier possessions stolen, or get a surprise tatoo, or who just have an eybrow shaved off...those are often the ones who drunk themselves unconscious.
BrAinPaiNt;3831549 said:
You don't lose control.

Well considering he did not say he drank so he could go to sleep, but instead drank himself until he passed out...yeah I would consider that losing control.:laugh2:

Let's see...I think I have drank plenty, I will just go lay down and sleep vs Hey one more and I will ***passes out***.

The second is what I consider drinking myself unconscious. Even the way you put it, it's still a conscious decision I make before I pass out. I am fully aware that the next beer will put me out before I do it!
That's control! :laugh2:
Aikmaniac;3831255 said:
Had a decent conversation with a co-worker today regarding those who choose not to drink alcohol.

I'm curious to read some thoughts from you guys about this.

Personally, I do not drink. On nights I go out with close friends, there is no awkwardness at all, however when I was on the dating scene, I felt as though the women I dated were somewhat intimidated by this.

It seems that they immediately try to "comfort" me by saying that they a) don't drink all the time, b) never drink beer, or c) have some wine with dinner or on special occasions.

Now, it's not some religious thing nor am I judgmental of those who do drink. I just have decided not to. Just like those who are vegetarians or anyone who won't drink soda.

Are any of you non-drinkers or know someone in your circle who doesn't drink? If so, how do you approach the issue without "intimidating" those that do?

I don't drink any more, nothing aginst those who do I just got to a point that I no longer enjoyed waking up feeling like crud. Many of my friends still drink and that is no issue to me and I'm old enough that I don't feel any need to explain myself to others of why I choose not to drink.
DFWJC;3831559 said:
There are 2 main types of drinkers who lose control, and you just desrcibed one of them.

The other type drinks themselves unconscious.

Unless you are in a closet drinking by yourself, drinking yourself unconscious is about as classic of an example of loss-of-control as you can get.

Girls (or boys) who are gang-raped, or have thier possessions stolen, or get a surprise tatoo, or who just have an eybrow shaved off...those are often the ones who drunk themselves unconscious.
Unless you're taking some form of medication beyond just alcohol, the "black out" is a myth. You don't lose control or go unconscious to the point where you'd get an unwanted tattoo while drinking.

That is a myth told by non-drinkers -- or drinkers looking for an excuse. It simply doesn't happen. Now, passing out happens. But there you're "losing control" just the same way you do when you go to sleep sober.
Teren_Kanan;3831561 said:
The second is what I consider drinking myself unconscious. Even the way you put it, it's still a conscious decision I make before I pass out. I am fully aware that the next beer will put me out before I do it!
That's control! :laugh2:

That is control for a person who is drunk maybe. However it is not control in the real world.
theogt;3831564 said:
Unless you're taking some form of medication beyond just alcohol, the "black out" is a myth. You don't lose control or go unconscious to the point where you'd get a tattoo while drinking.

It's a myth told by non-drinkers. It simply doesn't happen. Now, passing out happens. But there you're "losing control" just the same way you do when you go to sleep sober.
I've always been a "social" drinker and have been to many wild parties... and I've sure seen some crazy thinks happen to passed-out drunks. The shaved eyebrow was one example.

But no, I haven't seen someone get a tatoo. You're probably right, I'd think they might wake up.

He redefined what he means by drinking himself unconscious, so I'll assume he's not talking about being the guy who just flat out passes out in public or pees himself while passed out at a party. I've seen that too.

Those types have classically lost control, imo.
DFWJC;3831559 said:
There are 2 main types of drinkers who lose control, and you just desrcibed one of them.

The other type drinks themselves unconscious.

Unless you are in a closet drinking by yourself, drinking yourself unconscious is about as classic of an example of loss-of-control as you can get.

Girls (or boys) who are gang-raped, or have thier possessions stolen, or get a surprise tatoo, or who just have an eybrow shaved off...those are often the ones who drunk themselves unconscious.

Sound like people who made poor choices pre-drinking to me. I don't drink myself unconscious around people I don't trust. It's not something that happens on accident "oh hey I drank too much I'm going to pass out, oops". When I'm unconscious i'm not doing anything but laying down blissfully asleep.

I find that the Girls (or boys) who are gang-raped, or have their possessions stolen, or get a surprise tattoo, or who just have an eyebrow shaved off...those are often the types of people who "lose control" while awake and drunk are just using the alcohol as an excuse for being an idiot who makes bad choices and blames it on alcohol or "blacking out".
theogt;3831564 said:
Unless you're taking some form of medication beyond just alcohol, the "black out" is a myth. You don't lose control or go unconscious to the point where you'd get an unwanted tattoo while drinking.

That is a myth told by non-drinkers -- or drinkers looking for an excuse. It simply doesn't happen. Now, passing out happens. But there you're "losing control" just the same way you do when you go to sleep sober.

This is what I tend to suspect.
theogt;3831564 said:
Unless you're taking some form of medication beyond just alcohol, the "black out" is a myth. You don't lose control or go unconscious to the ponit where you'd get a tattoo while drinking.

It's a myth told by non-drinkers. It simply doesn't happen.

Actually it is not a myth.

People have had many things done to them when they are drunk and passed out.
Granted they are so drunk that they could be in a situation where they are borderline alcohol poisoning but the idea that the black out is a myth is silly.

Hell I remember going, getting a tattoo and falling asleep DURING the tattoo. The tattoo guy woke me up after it was done. Said it was the craziest thing he ever saw.

Now I know that is different then passing out and then someone giving you a tattoo without you knowing it.

But people can be exactly that drunk.

I know of one guy that would drink and pass out like that. We would put him in a sleeping bag and drag him down the stairs and around the hallways and he would never wake up. When I say Drag I mean drag and not carry. Luckily he had a hard head and the sleeping back provided some padding. But you would hear, thump, thump, thump as we dragged him down the stairs.

I feel bad for all of the shenanigans we pulled on that guy when he was drunk. He would be so knocked out you could have tattooed him or done some really bad things to him and he would not wake up.

I really don't know why you would think some of these things could not happen due to alcohol but add the caveat of drugs also being involved.

There are many people who die of alcohol poisoning. There are people who die after being too drunk and choking on their own vomit. There are people who get so drunk the pass out and find themselves outside and die from hypothermia. There are also cases of girls getting drunk and being raped.

I really don't know how you can argue that other than just wanting to argue.
BrAinPaiNt;3831565 said:
That is control for a person who is drunk maybe. However it is not control in the real world.

I honestly don't understand the statement.

I generally know before I even start drinking what kind of party it's going to be and who's going to be there. The decision to drink myself unconscious is made before the first beer.
BrAinPaiNt;3831589 said:
People have had many things done to them when they are drunk and passed out.
I'm not talking about being passed out. I'm talking about the "black out" myth in which someone does a bunch of stupid things and then blames it on drinking saying they blacked out. That's what I refer to when I say "losing control". If you're passed out, that's not necessarily "losing control" of your body -- though it's losing control of your surroundings. Your body isn't doing anything so there's nothing to control.

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