Peyton Hendershot comments about the Cowboys

how many former players over the years have said this and still Jethro has his minions here drinking the kool aid; making excuses; blaming everyone but the one in charge.
This is why I wasn't sure why they asked Dak what he wants in his coach. He's only been on this team. He doesn't know any better. He initially wanted Garret to stay because its all he knew. Then he wanted Kellen Moore to stay because thats all he knew. Then he was introduced to an outdated WCO and he couldn't believe how much it helped him. And he wanted to MM to stay. He doesn't know any better because he's never had a modern offense before. Someone like Ben Johnson would have been huge for Dak (Goff is just as immobile as Dak and was still effective).
Goff has a arm.
Jerry is a billionaire. Billionaires are near flawless humans. I just wish there was a billionaire to not only control my team, but most aspects of life.

Jerry makes up with marketing what he misses by not winning
I really do think that’s changing. Corporate types, like me, don’t even use our company seats at the game. I try to give our 8 seats away almost every game and half the time I can’t get clients to take them. I end up giving them to poor cousins or just giving them to parents or kids on my son’s baseball team. Been a Cowboys since birth and the last time we won anything I was in 6th grade.

My son loves Mahomes because of our tech connection and truly has the Cowboys as irrvelant. I think more people are eyes wide open that they aren’t committed to driving to Arlington, paying the money and wasting 6 hours of your day to see a fairly ****** product. Once the glamour of the stadium wears off for someone, the actual event isn’t all that special.
I'm sure what he has to say is accurate but I don't care what scrubs have to say.
Yes, but MM and now BS should keep that team focused on football. And should not pay attention to Jerry. Though we can see how hard it would be not too. Yes a lot of distractions like the windows view of the training room for tours to see.
FWIW, I think Mike McCarthy tried his best to keep the team focused on football and winning. jerruh and his band of loser kids undid his efforts at every turn. Same thing that happened to all the coaches preceding MM.
I guess having the refs on your side does affect your culture in a positive way. Whether it's deserved or not, winning cures a lot. Peyton is just a collateral beneficiary of that winning.
Basically the Dallas Cowboys in it's current form exists as an entity that is about everything but football.

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