PFT: Brian Schottenheimer, "We wanna play physical, fast, make everyone cover the entire field"

Of course

No one says they want to play soft, slow, and only between the hashes
I don't know if u noticed....but he forgot to say "play smart".

BIG mistake.

This is starting to look like we WILL be playing fast, tough, and all over the field...but we'll be playing DUMB.

Like like accidentally lining the punter up at left OTackle, or fielding 18 guys at once on offense.... or accidentally wearing bowling shoes instead of cleats.

Wait, did we only want to make teams defend half the field in 2022?

If they didn't say we wanted to make teams defend the whole field...then obviously that wasn't a priority for us. We also didn't say we wanted to play fast and tough in 2022.

Probably a big reason we failed again.

It’s sound football philosophy to “use the whole field”. The late great college coach Mike Leach was a master of how to spread the field and force the defense to cover every inch between the lines.

When you think about it, football has a ton of geometry in it. The coaches that understand how to use the entire field on offense are usually way ahead of the defense.

Looking at Mike Leach’s teams at Texas Tech, Wash. State and Miss State, you saw his offenses with far less athletic talent than most of their opponents, rack up video game numbers against everyone. His Tech teams beat Texas A&M 7 times in 10 seasons, beat OU AND Texas 4 times and went to 10 straight bowl seasons. His Wash State teams routinely beat USC, UCLA, and Oregon, and his Miss State team beat A&M both seasons, beat LSU, and made Ala sweat.

Spreading the field and using all of it just good football.
@Bobhaze - In Mississippi, Ole Miss & State don't agree on much of anything. When Mike passed, even Rebels were genuinely saddened. It spoke not only to their respect for having to face him on the field but the way with which he carried himself & interacted with people.

As for football philosophy, absolutely makes sense to never give your opponent any thought that there is something they don't have to defend.
either this will work or it will fail spectacularly and Dak won't be re-signed,there is no middle ground.
They will do just well enough to keep us all on the hook and engaged and then the playoff blow up. Ground hog day....until they prove me wrong.

Brian Schottenheimer: I want us to play fast, make everyone cover the entire field​

Posted by Josh Alper on May 17, 2023, 10:17 AM EDT

“We wanna play physical, fast and to make everyone cover the entire field . . . I want us to be able to play fast. . . . It’s been a grind [but] it’s been fun,” Schottenhemier said, via the team’s website. “As you guys know, the system’s not broken. It’s not broken. They’ve won a lot of games here. Mike’s been around for that.”
I want and they should want an offense that scores Touch Downs. Jonesboys priorities are still not straight.
Team was 4th in scoring last season but 11th in yards. I’d say the scoring ranking is a bit skewed due to some games that got out of hand (Bears, Colts). If we can finish top 10 in yards I’d call it an improvement unless we fall off a cliff in scoring.
Our D had a hand in that difference bw being 11th in offense, but being 4th in scoring, etc.
I want and they should want an offense that scores Touch Downs. Jonesboys priorities are still not straight.
to be fair if they came out and said "We want to score TD's on Offense" the narrative would be "DUH"
I just hope Brian is nowhere near the playbook. He has been a baaaaadddddd OC through the years.
This offense will go as the OL goes. Big questions regarding LG, Tyron’s availability, and Steele’s recovery from injury… and how do they mesh with Solari?
It's a question but not a major concern, this OL actually has some depth for once in a very long time.

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