News: PFT: Elliott's dad says "legal team is ready to fight"

a PR nightmare would be a win and thus a credible threat.
to make it a credible threat, you need to act on it like the parents tweeting about white woman- black man - be smart
that is where jerry can go to the other owners and push from things from getting out of control and costs them branding and money.
jerry "i cannot control elliott, and we need to do something before things get out of control with protests and riots."

skank talked but lied. investigator even said skank cannot be trusted.
the all powerful CBA does not allow the NFL to change the suspension?

The "white woman - black man - be smart" comment would hold no ground in an EEOC against the NFL. In order to win such a case, you have to prove that the discrimination came from employer. Neither Goodell nor anyone in his office made those comments nor any comments at all where race would come into questions. There are enough disparities between the two cases, most notably accuser testimony.

The actual evidence in the two cases, Brown's admission, etc aren't all that important in an EOC dispute. The only thing that matters is the process in which the decisions were made, and there is little to point in a legal EOC case that processes were different. Both were lengthy investigations, the NFL worked with police and documents, and in both cases reached out to the accusers for an interview. Molly Brown's unwillingness cannot be held against Roger and the NFL.

As far as PR, it would likely be bad at the onset but wind down as it progressed and in the end the NFL would come out looking still strong on DV in fighting through and Zeke and the Cowboys looking bad for injecting race where it didn't belong. The PR nightmare goes both ways.
that should be enough to start protests and threaten riots.
something like "roger, zeke's family is furious and his parents talking about leading protests. i hope the situation does not get out of control."

Dude, calm down? Were you in Charlottesville this weekend by chance?
The "white woman - black man - be smart" comment would hold no ground in an EEOC against the NFL. In order to win such a case, you have to prove that the discrimination came from employer. Neither Goodell nor anyone in his office made those comments nor any comments at all where race would come into questions. There are enough disparities between the two cases, most notably accuser testimony.

The actual evidence in the two cases, Brown's admission, etc aren't all that important in an EOC dispute. The only thing that matters is the process in which the decisions were made, and there is little to point in a legal EOC case that processes were different. Both were lengthy investigations, the NFL worked with police and documents, and in both cases reached out to the accusers for an interview. Molly Brown's unwillingness cannot be held against Roger and the NFL.

As far as PR, it would likely be bad at the onset but wind down as it progressed and in the end the NFL would come out looking still strong on DV in fighting through and Zeke and the Cowboys looking bad for injecting race where it didn't belong. The PR nightmare goes both ways.

cowboys absolutely cannot be seen to be injecting race.
neither can elliott.
but jerry needs to be sitting there waiting for weakness and come in to be the voice of reason to prevent a PR disaster.

elliott's 'angry' parents can and have started doing so.
i suspect all the tweeting and stuff are planned by the attorneys.
if the evidence points to black man-white woman - be smart, then elliott is a victim but a stupid victim
of note, stephen A is on zeke's side - of course he is black.
there is now more articles in favor of zeke.
one step would be to get some civil rights person to take the cause, but there is obvious danger of this getting out of control. hopefully to 'stick' the knife in

when brown's stuff came public, why did nfl not change the number of games.
they could have and should have - that would be the zeke team argument.

frankly, the pr attack will not get into that detail.
it would be pure and simple
"white man 1 game black man 6 games. white man is guilty while black man's accuser falsified evidence"
message is short and simple for mass consumption.
you get the details in when there is a legal fight.
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DV is either 6 games or 0 games so it had to be six games pretty simple.
I have to wonder if all you guys would be as upset or defending Elliot if he wasn't a cowboy let's say he was a giant I bet none of you would care.
No I cared when Josh Brown was proven guilty of domestic violence and received a 1 game suspension too just last year ?
it is a public relations war as well as a legal war.
parents have already started it with the black man- white woman - be smart stuff
if you dont see this coming, i dont know what to tell you.

what is the downside of filing with EEOC?
there is only 1 white case so do you ignore it when it happened AFTER the 6-game mandatory rule and the white player admitted guilt while zeke's accuser is a proven liar and shown to try to falsify evidence?
i dont see any as i dont even see any counter suits

this is war, and there is no room for embarrassment.
play whatever card you have as well as you can.
take no prisoners.
The part in bold could be brought into question as well.
I'm not the one talking about rioting.

talking about rioting, threatening rioting, be in a position to lead a riot, but not actually rioting.
i am giving others here enough credit and sophistication to understand that.

if your enemy thinks you are crazy, they will back down earlier and you get a better outcome.
if the other owners see a PR disaster coming, jerry can come in, be the white knight to calm things down, and hopefully stick the knife in.

look at which difficult powerful shorty backed down today.
question is how to win the 'looking crazy' battle there.
I was referring to the "there is only 1 white case" that I bolded from your post. I'm sure there are white players abusing women, but it's always a black guy being punished.

you can say that but that could be backed up by number of legal DV cases investigated by police.
although NFL would not dare say that it is a black problem - :lmao:
talking about rioting, threatening rioting, be in a position to lead a riot, but not actually rioting.
i am giving others here enough credit and sophistication to understand that.

if your enemy thinks you are crazy, they will back down earlier and you get a better outcome.
if the other owners see a PR disaster coming, jerry can come in, be the white knight to calm things down, and hopefully stick the knife in.

look at which difficult powerful shorty backed down today.
question is how to win the 'looking crazy' battle there.

Nonsense like that is one reason why events like this weekend happen.
Nonsense like that is one reason why events like this weekend happen.

that is why the owners should backed down far before things get out of hand.
you have to swing the big stick if you are going to take down the big boys.
jerry can be the voice of reason while zeke's parents can get the ball rolling.
i dont know how you cannot see that coming.
the question is how far you dare to push it.
If she had the precence of mind to meticulously photograph her bruises, how come she didn't show them to her friends at the time? It would have further confirmed her story and, unlike other areas of her story, the friends wouldn't have to lie about it.

I think She didn't want to Out him until he dumped her. Once he de-invited her to his party, she decided to reveal everything (and also lie).
DV is either 6 games or 0 games so it had to be six games pretty simple.
I have to wonder if all you guys would be as upset or defending Elliot if he wasn't a cowboy let's say he was a giant I bet none of you would care.

I wouldn't care, but that doesn't mean the league still wouldn't be wrong. If Elliott had been convicted of DV or if there wasn't clear conflicting information that kept charges from being filed, most of us here would accept that he deserves to be suspended. And if evidence comes out that makes it clear the DA should have sought charges or the NFL had good reason to suspend him, then most of us will accept that. However, what we know right now is that the league chose to believe a woman who said she would ruin Elliott's life and has lied about him abusing her in the only public incident where the evidence was easy to obtain to show she was lying. So the NFL is believing her in the other instances, which are primarily he said, she said, despite this information.

The implications of this for other players around the league should be scary. Imagine if you are a player and want to divorce your wife, and she threatens to claim DV if you do. She might not can prove it in court, but it's only necessary for her story to be believable to the league for you to be suspended.
it is a public relations war as well as a legal war.
parents have already started it with the black man- white woman - be smart stuff
if you dont see this coming, i dont know what to tell you.

what is the downside of filing with EEOC?
there is only 1 white case so do you ignore it when it happened AFTER the 6-game mandatory rule and the white player admitted guilt while zeke's accuser is a proven liar and shown to try to falsify evidence?
i dont see any as i dont even see any counter suits

this is war, and there is no room for embarrassment.
play whatever card you have as well as you can.
take no prisoners.

The downside is you undermine your case and credibility.

Elliott doesn't appear to be arguing that he was treated unfairly under the policy and NFL's history of punishments in the area of DV.

He's arguing that he's innocent of the charges. Filing a suit claiming his punishment was too harsh based on what white players got is essentially him saying, "Gee, I did it but I shouldn't have been punished as many games as I did."
The downside is you undermine your case and credibility.

Elliott doesn't appear to be arguing that he was treated unfairly under the policy and NFL's history of punishments in the area of DV.

He's arguing that he's innocent of the charges. Filing a suit claiming his punishment was too harsh based on what white players got is essentially him saying, "Gee, I did it but I shouldn't have been punished as many games as I did."

no it does not.
you are not saying i am guilty but the punishment was too harsh.
you are saying the nfl discriminated against me because i am black.
here is the proof.

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