News: PFT: Federal judge reinstates Ezekiel Elliott suspension


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As I am sure its been mentioned in this thread, the NFL does not need a criminal charge or even an arrest to administer discipline under the personal conduct policy.

If Goddell thinks you did anything to "tarnish the shield" then he can suspend the NFLPA ever agreed to this, wow:facepalm:
The NFLPA agreed to it about 50 years ago, and it was never a problem when good men held the office of commissioner. The problem is Goodell, not the CBA.

PA Cowboy Fan

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As I am sure its been mentioned in this thread, the NFL does not need a criminal charge or even an arrest to administer discipline under the personal conduct policy.

If Goddell thinks you did anything to "tarnish the shield" then he can suspend the NFLPA ever agreed to this, wow:facepalm:
But nothing can happen to Goodell when he tarnishes the shield and he's done plenty.


Lightning Rod
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Spoken like someone who believed everything the NFL said on the matter without looking into the actual facts - much like fans of the other 31 are doing with Elliott, did with the Saints, and did with the Dolphins.

Right. One's a Cowboy and one isn't.

the fact Mr. Bundschen destroyed his phone to conceal evidence sure made him look guilty


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
"Brady was clearly guilty" - fans of 31 NFL teams outside New England
"Elliott was clearly guilty" - fans of 31 NFL teams outside Dallas
I'm not a fan of Brady or the Pats and I agree that common sense indicates he was definitely involved in deflategate; however, I don't think it can be proven.

I get the feeling some fans of other teams are starting to believe that the NFL discipline process is corrupt after everything that has come out about these cases.


Lightning Rod
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As I am sure its been mentioned in this thread, the NFL does not need a criminal charge or even an arrest to administer discipline under the personal conduct policy.

If Goddell thinks you did anything to "tarnish the shield" then he can suspend the NFLPA ever agreed to this, wow:facepalm:

yes that is true but Roger the Good didn't just say look you pulled down a shirt, makes you look bad, hurts the shield, ergo 1 game suspension, he doubled down and said that despite what everyone else had found, because Zeke didn't prove he didn't do it, he did it, and branded him an abuser.


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But nothing can happen to Goodell when he tarnishes the shield and he's done plenty.

He also makes 32 owners billions of dollars......................if you want to get rid of Goddell, all you have to do is convince 24 of them to vote him out.

You think there are 24 owners ready to vote him out?


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yes that is true but Roger the Good didn't just say look you pulled down a shirt, makes you look bad, hurts the shield, ergo 1 game suspension, he doubled down and said that despite what everyone else had found, because Zeke didn't prove he didn't do it, he did it, and branded him an abuser.

You are 100% correct my friend, but unfortunately all that means jack.

The CBA, article 46, makes Goddell the judge, jury, and executioner............doesn't matter what anybody else says, doesn't matter if the evidence is flimsy, doesn't matter if everybody else recommends no discipline, all that matters is what Goddell thinks and if he thinks you are guilty then you are guilty.

And as we are all seeing, the Courts seem to agree with this.................Goddell has full discretion to disciplines as he sees fit.................Bye Zeke


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Whats good for the Cowboys is good for the league. But I can see where some might be feeling some joy in Jerry’s struggles. Jerry does continue to press when it comes to his suspended players . I keep hoping he’s going to cross the line like Donald Sterling did and finally rid us of his self centered egotistical ways of running our beloved franchise.

Remember, Elliott brought this on himself. And then while being investigated continued with questionable conduct. Now whether it all is worthy of a 6 game suspension is debatable but it’s not like the rest of the NFL fabricated Elliott’s behavior.

I am not here to tell you that Zeke is a saint,or a Mensa member.By all accounts,Zeke may be a mouth breather,a complete idiot.
But this case is 100% grounded on his dealings and alleged incidents with the alleged accuser.
Article 46 gives the commissioner broad powers to impose penalties,but it does not gives him the power to abuse them.
There is a mountain of evidence(electronic communications,witnesses affidavits,and clear intent to harm by alleged victim) that led the chief investigator for the NFL(Kia Roberts) to advice Goodell against suspending Elliott.Goodell ignored every and all evidence presented to him because Article 46 gave him broad powers to suspend players as he wished.Yes,DM is a serious matter and has to be dealt with swiftly,but you have to have a slam dunk case.
I mentioned a while back that this was not a case about tampering with NFL equipment,or an on field misconduct.
This is about accusing a man of battering a woman.
You just don't wash that one out.Your income potential is diminished.You are permanently labeled and shunned.
Jerry Jones is correct.
Zeke is the victim of over correction.Goodell is still trying to make up for the Ray Rice fiasco in 2014.
Goodell KNEW what happened in that elevator.Rice and his now wife met with Goodell and disclosed every single detail of that despicable
incident.Goodell went on to suspend Rice for 2 games fully knowing what had happened.
The NFL had the tape of the incident,they chose to play dumb.
Gather all that info and tell me Zeke does not have a multi million lawsuit against the NFL.


Lightning Rod
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You are 100% correct my friend, but unfortunately all that means jack.

The CBA, article 46, makes Goddell the judge, jury, and executioner............doesn't matter what anybody else says, doesn't matter if the evidence is flimsy, doesn't matter if everybody else recommends no discipline, all that matters is what Goddell thinks and if he thinks you are guilty then you are guilty.

And as we are all seeing, the Courts seem to agree with this.................Goddell has full discretion to disciplines as he sees fit.................Bye Zeke

If I were Zeke, I would sue the skank and Roger the Good personally for defamation and the NFLPA for agreeing to give Roger the Good more power than God


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Most fans knew this was going to happen from the beginning. Its time for the club to get past it and concentrate on winning the next 6 games without Elliott. The Cowboys should still be competitive and may even surprise some people. How does 3-3 sound??


Well-Known Member
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Most fans knew this was going to happen from the beginning. Its time for the club to get past it and concentrate on winning the next 6 games without Elliott. The Cowboys should still be competitive and may even surprise some people. How does 3-3 sound??
The problem is, he'll come back fat and out of shape and well lose the last three games. Lol


Beyond tired of Jerry
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The problem is, he'll come back fat and out of shape and well lose the last three games. Lol

Yeah, Zeke has a history of being fat and out of shape. Don't let all of those half shirts and his abs fool you.


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All this Cowboy trouble goes back to 1995 when ole Jerry boy cut his famous Nike deal and by-passed the NFL's official marketing arm and thus cost the other owner millions of dollars in revenue. Elliott is the sad victim of these invents. This has never been about Elliott vrs Goodell...This is only about Jones vrs the other Owners. The Cowboys will never be allowed to win another SB as long as Jerry Jones is above ground. He has too many enemies in high places.


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The NFLPA agreed to it about 50 years ago, and it was never a problem when good men held the office of commissioner. The problem is Goodell, not the CBA.

100% agree with this statement... They never thought the Commish would abuse his power in the way Goodell has. That is the fundamental flaw in the whole thing. The expected, or rather thought that the commish would act in good faith, and Goodell has not.


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He also makes 32 owners billions of dollars......................if you want to get rid of Goddell, all you have to do is convince 24 of them to vote him out.

You think there are 24 owners ready to vote him out?

I'd argue that it wasn't Goodell. It really was Jerry and the way he marketed the Cowboys. Don't forget the league sued Jerry over all the deals he was signing, and the league went oh hey look we can make more money doing it this way.


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I am not here to tell you that Zeke is a saint,or a Mensa member.By all accounts,Zeke may be a mouth breather,a complete idiot.
But this case is 100% grounded on his dealings and alleged incidents with the alleged accuser.
Article 46 gives the commissioner broad powers to impose penalties,but it does not gives him the power to abuse them.
There is a mountain of evidence(electronic communications,witnesses affidavits,and clear intent to harm by alleged victim) that led the chief investigator for the NFL(Kia Roberts) to advice Goodell against suspending Elliott.Goodell ignored every and all evidence presented to him because Article 46 gave him broad powers to suspend players as he wished.Yes,DM is a serious matter and has to be dealt with swiftly,but you have to have a slam dunk case.
I mentioned a while back that this was not a case about tampering with NFL equipment,or an on field misconduct.
This is about accusing a man of battering a woman.
You just don't wash that one out.Your income potential is diminished.You are permanently labeled and shunned.
Jerry Jones is correct.
Zeke is the victim of over correction.Goodell is still trying to make up for the Ray Rice fiasco in 2014.
Goodell KNEW what happened in that elevator.Rice and his now wife met with Goodell and disclosed every single detail of that despicable
incident.Goodell went on to suspend Rice for 2 games fully knowing what had happened.
The NFL had the tape of the incident,they chose to play dumb.
Gather all that info and tell me Zeke does not have a multi million lawsuit against the NFL.
It’s been easy for me to align with the NFL decision as I believe he did get physical with her. I’m not saying he beat her but I don’t for one second believe he’s innocent.

While it wasn’t a strong enough case to prosecute I believe there was enough evidence to find he violated the Personal Conduct Policy.

And besides some overly zealous Cowboy fans I believe most NFL fans ( at least I’ve talked to)feel while he might been getting a raw deal he Isn’t totally innocent.

The owners and players union gave Goodell this power and besides Jerry’s whining I haven’t heard from any other owners complaining about Goodell going too far.

Sure this policy was a reaction to the Rice debacle and I’m happy about it because otherwise these players would get away with it.

While I applaud the NFL owners for this policy , it doesn’t go far enough. Elliott had bad history at Ohio St. Jerry knew about it and took a chance anyway just like he did with Gregory. Wouldn’t be a bit surprised if Elliott slips up again and then will be booted. I sincerely hope we don’t resign Elliott to a second contract.

If the NFL starts banning these type of players then owners like Jerry will stop taking risk on them. It’s such a small percentage about 1%. We don’t need them for the league to flourish.

We need a Commissioner to be even tougher and ruthless than Goodell. Really clean the league up like the owners said was their intention. But the owners want this thug talent so they continue walking this tightrope while attempting to provide a perception they care but only to satisfy the money trail. Hypocrisy!!


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I'd argue that it wasn't Goodell. It really was Jerry and the way he marketed the Cowboys. Don't forget the league sued Jerry over all the deals he was signing, and the league went oh hey look we can make more money doing it this way.

Good point.................I agree, I think there are a lot of owners that resent Jerry for all the money he makes that is not shared. I mean, we heard reports during the investigation of Zeke that other owners were telling Goddell that he better not go lightly on Zeke because he is a Cowboy.