PFT-Florio: On officiating concerns, Jerry Jones misses the point (perhaps deliberately)


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Jerry: “We know there’s judgment,” Jones said. “And we know it can be wrong. And, really, is wrong a lot. The idea of getting it ‘right,’ quote, with all that’s at stake. It can be right, if you all agree that we’re gonna go on that guy’s judgment. Now he may be half blind, but we’ve decided that we’re gonna go on his judgment. We both agreed to it coming in. And we assume that his integrity is OK and good, so it’s just a question of did he miss it or not. I think we’ve always lived with that.”

Florio: "It’s one thing for the two teams involved to live with that. It’s quite another for the people who are wagering their money legally on gambling to live with it. They haven’t agreed to accept mistakes that are avoidable, even if the teams in a given game have."


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Jerry: “We know there’s judgment,” Jones said. “And we know it can be wrong. And, really, is wrong a lot. The idea of getting it ‘right,’ quote, with all that’s at stake. It can be right, if you all agree that we’re gonna go on that guy’s judgment. Now he may be half blind, but we’ve decided that we’re gonna go on his judgment. We both agreed to it coming in. And we assume that his integrity is OK and good, so it’s just a question of did he miss it or not. I think we’ve always lived with that.”

Florio: "It’s one thing for the two teams involved to live with that. It’s quite another for the people who are wagering their money legally on gambling to live with it. They haven’t agreed to accept mistakes that are avoidable, even if the teams in a given game have."
I think the betting world may force he hand of the NFL to employ full time refs. Even if the product stays the same, it shows the bettors that they are trying to rectify the problem.


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..don't think Jerry doesn't wants to stir up some dust. Knowing those guys can make or break the game.
So easy to look the other way when Parsons is getting the hold or Dlaw or Lamb.

Keep it safe.


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"We know the officiating is awful, but we don't really care" is not really what the fans want to hear.

Jerry is just making excuses for the league. What else can he say. The fact is the fans see how bad the officiating is and if they lose confidence in the game they will stop spending money and watching what they consider to be a bad product. Of course I am not saying all fans will stop watching. But what sport used to be the most popular sport in the country. It wasn't football, it was baseball. Baseball messed up their product and lost a lot of fans, and popularity. Now the NFL is the most popular sport in the country. But the NFL can lose that title too.

It seems every big game now the talk is not about the teams, or great plays, it is about the officials missing some obvious calls. I believe if this continues to get worse, the NFL will suffer financially.

What the NFL is not addressing is the turnover among the refs, and the refs who are seen as culprits, like Hochuli's crew. His crew has become notorious around the league. The league has worked really hard to get female refs on the field. They should work equally as hard to get bad refs off the field. Willingness to accept bad officiating is really bad for the sport.


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The Pat Mcafee Show had a segment about how bad it is. Having full time refs is the least they can do was the sentiment. So they agree with many on this board.

Having refs answer questions about the calls is another. Being accountable (literally in this case) is important to most jobs. Having a “Head ref” watching on tv who can judge as well as most NFL fans is another idea. He can simply call down—“no. That’s wrong” will help too on the very obvious ones we can all see.


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I'll never bet on a NFL game.
I am not a gambler, but since the courts ruled that gambling on sports is legal, sports leagues, which are heavily bet on by legal gamblers, may ultimately be held responsibile for bad calls, especially those that are easily avoidable if everything was reviewable.

Add to that the NFL's antitrust exemption and there is likely a high-powered law firm just waiting to file a class-action suit and I am sure there are few people in congress that would jump at the chance to drag the NFL into a public investigation.

When it was mostly about owners and players making money, the fans and their complaints were mostly ignorable by everyone and the media benefitted from the NFL so it gave them little reason to bite that hand either.

Now though, things are different. The outcomes of games now represent a lot more than just fan happiness and satisfaction. Gamblers lose money. Cities lose revenue if they lose home playoff game hosting, etc.

Wth sports gambing now court-confirmed to be legal, the onus falls squarely on the NFL to provide and maintain integrity of games.

It would be one thing if the technology did not exist, but it does and it is available to everyone.


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Jerry: “We know there’s judgment,” Jones said. “And we know it can be wrong. And, really, is wrong a lot. The idea of getting it ‘right,’ quote, with all that’s at stake. It can be right, if you all agree that we’re gonna go on that guy’s judgment. Now he may be half blind, but we’ve decided that we’re gonna go on his judgment. We both agreed to it coming in. And we assume that his integrity is OK and good, so it’s just a question of did he miss it or not. I think we’ve always lived with that.”

Florio: "It’s one thing for the two teams involved to live with that. It’s quite another for the people who are wagering their money legally on gambling to live with it. They haven’t agreed to accept mistakes that are avoidable, even if the teams in a given game have."
If you're wagering money you can't afford to lose on sporting events, then you deserve whatever comes your way.


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A bet is nothing but risk... bad calls, weather, field conditions and any other fluke thing that may happen... sounds whinny to suggest otherwise. ‍
Yeah honestly for Florio to try and pretend that this is about protecting the dignity of people sports gambling is sort of ridiculous. The sports media complex is getting filthy rich sucking all of the money out of the pockets of the fans using legal gambling apps but they want to pretend they have these peoples' best interests in mind.

The amount of people I know blowing most of their disposable income on daily sports betting is astounding to me. I went to a Nuggets game here in Denver the other night and I kid you not probably 60-70% of the people around me were placing in game bets on next basket made, next basket 2 or 3 pointer, second half points, etc. It was bizarre to watch.

Placing a bet is accepting all of the forces of fate that can intervene and cause you to lose. Human officiating in any sporting event is one of those forces. If you want to gamble on pro sporting events, that is your prerogative, but pretending officiating is the real thing screwing these bettors is nothing but a false flag.

Does the NFL need better officiating? Yes, it very obviously does, but to try and push it under the guise of protecting bettors is just disingenuous.
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Yeah honestly for Florio to try and pretend that this is about protecting the dignity of people sports gambling is sort of ridiculous. We need to stop dignifying this stuff. The amount of people I know blowing most of their disposable income on daily sports betting is astounding to me.

Placing a bet is accepting all of the forces of fate that can intervene and cause you to lose. Human officiating in any sporting event is one of those forces. If you want to gamble on pro sporting events, that is your prerogative, but pretending officiating is the real thing screwing these bettors is nothing but a false flag.
If it was legal when the Saints got robbed I can see the issue lol


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Duh. Of course he misses the point. Owners absolutely cannot discuss poor reffing. Even Jerry knows that.


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I am not a gambler, but since the courts ruled that gambling on sports is legal, sports leagues, which are heavily bet on by legal gamblers, may ultimately be held responsibile for bad calls, especially those that are easily avoidable if everything was reviewable.

Add to that the NFL's antitrust exemption and there is likely a high-powered law firm just waiting to file a class-action suit and I am sure there are few people in congress that would jump at the chance to drag the NFL into a public investigation.

When it was mostly about owners and players making money, the fans and their complaints were mostly ignorable by everyone and the media benefitted from the NFL so it gave them little reason to bite that hand either.

Now though, things are different. The outcomes of games now represent a lot more than just fan happiness and satisfaction. Gamblers lose money. Cities lose revenue if they lose home playoff game hosting, etc.

Wth sports gambing now court-confirmed to be legal, the onus falls squarely on the NFL to provide and maintain integrity of games.

It would be one thing if the technology did not exist, but it does and it is available to everyone.
In essence, the NFL is being called out for obvious manipulation of calls. It's just too blatant to ignore. The refs little union that makes them untouchable is fixing to be broken.


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In essence, the NFL is being called out for obvious manipulation of calls. It's just too blatant to ignore. The refs little union that makes them untouchable is fixing to be broken.
I think this offseason a major change is on the horizon. There is too much money on the line for them to do nothing. Bettors bring a whole new era of people to the game. I know people who know nothing about football but drop thousands a week go to bars and watch.


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Jerry: “We know there’s judgment,” Jones said. “And we know it can be wrong. And, really, is wrong a lot. The idea of getting it ‘right,’ quote, with all that’s at stake. It can be right, if you all agree that we’re gonna go on that guy’s judgment. Now he may be half blind, but we’ve decided that we’re gonna go on his judgment. We both agreed to it coming in. And we assume that his integrity is OK and good, so it’s just a question of did he miss it or not. I think we’ve always lived with that.”

Florio: "It’s one thing for the two teams involved to live with that. It’s quite another for the people who are wagering their money legally on gambling to live with it. They haven’t agreed to accept mistakes that are avoidable, even if the teams in a given game have."
I get what florio is saying. but NFL is not there for gambling. its an entertainment business. Gambling is a side business flourishing as a result of NFL being what it is. league should manage its rules for itself, not to appease gamblers.

I agree, that officiating can be better. should be better. for the sake of the game and those playing and their fans, but not because of gambling


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I get what florio is saying. but NFL is not there for gambling. its an entertainment business. Gambling is a side business flourishing as a result of NFL being what it is. league should manage its rules for itself, not to appease gamblers.

I agree, that officiating can be better. should be better. for the sake of the game and those playing and their fans, but not because of gambling
Officiating should be better for one main reason. The players.

These guys put countless hours into the practice, games, meetings, etc. Some of them seem to know the rules better than the guys enforcing the rules. That in itself is sad.