PFT-Florio: On officiating concerns, Jerry Jones misses the point (perhaps deliberately)


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Jerry: “We know there’s judgment,” Jones said. “And we know it can be wrong. And, really, is wrong a lot. The idea of getting it ‘right,’ quote, with all that’s at stake. It can be right, if you all agree that we’re gonna go on that guy’s judgment. Now he may be half blind, but we’ve decided that we’re gonna go on his judgment. We both agreed to it coming in. And we assume that his integrity is OK and good, so it’s just a question of did he miss it or not. I think we’ve always lived with that.”
Slightly off-topic but it is amusing to read Jones question other football-affiliated individuals on the grounds of integrity.


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I used to say the same thing, but it was always with the understanding that what people bet on is based on known factors and variables.

The problem is that the NFL manages the officials and if the officials make bad calls that impact game results that are easily correctable with technology, it places the legal responsibility directly on the NFL.

Maybe the official missed the call. Maybe the official likes the team that benefitted from the call. Maybe the official hates the team that suffered from the call. Maybe the official bet on the game themselves. Maybe the official was paid off. Maybe the official was threatened.

The possibilities are numerous when one sports official can impact millions of dollars belonging to hundreds of thousands or more sports fans when it all could have been avoided if they used common technology that they already have access to.
If that’s how anyone feels they should refrain from wagering on NFL games until the league makes changes that make them more comfortable placing bets. It’s not like paying taxes. Gambling is a voluntary activity.


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Slightly off-topic but it is amusing to read Jones question other football-affiliated individuals on the grounds of integrity.
That proves you assume tons of insights and accountability not mentioned, as to ethics.

He is a credable element involved in sports, that just got rid of Snyder and another owner caught at a ***** house. What goes here?


Cowboys 24/7/365
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That proves you assume tons of insights and accountability not mentioned, as to ethics.

He is a credable element involved in sports, that just got rid of Snyder and another owner caught at a ***** house. What goes here?


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Officiating should be better for one main reason. The players.

These guys put countless hours into the practice, games, meetings, etc. Some of them seem to know the rules better than the guys enforcing the rules. That in itself is sad.
I don't disagree. My comment was towards Florio, as I don't think gamblers need to be considered in anything.

now, as for improvements, there is many factors come into play.
adding more referees is one obvious way, not sure why NFL doesn't do that as much money as they make.
allowing for coaches to challenge any play to review for penalties.
video review after each play, but then that's covering all players everywhere.
and take into account at the end of the day, its an entertainment business, being within the 3 hour window is critical as in the past few years they have made changes to make sure they remain within that window
also, quality of the game, ala the flag fest between Dallas-Seattle is not something anybody likes to see

so the key for NFL IMHO is to make sure they get "more-right" some of these critical calls, not that they should catch everything. thus my comment above for a coach to be able to challenge any play if they feel there was a penalty (they already challenge called penalties for review). I don't know there are probably other thoughts and ways. but I would hate to see a flag fest in every game.


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Still waiting for his apology to Dez regarding that "video" that he apparently had seen.
Florio, like a typical NY Media fraud, made up his own conclusion and chose to wrongly cast aspersions on Irvin. He should have been subpoenaed by Irvin's legal team and required to defend his defamatory remarks.


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The main issue i have is consistency. The most important one is in game consistency. If you call it one way for the team you have to call it the same way for the other team. There have been a few games where this didn't happen. The other consistency that is much harder to achieve is consistency between crews. Have all crews calling the game similar. This will take a lot of work


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I used to say the same thing, but it was always with the understanding that what people bet on is based on known factors and variables.

The problem is that the NFL manages the officials and if the officials make bad calls that impact game results that are easily correctable with technology, it places the legal responsibility directly on the NFL.

Maybe the official missed the call. Maybe the official likes the team that benefitted from the call. Maybe the official hates the team that suffered from the call. Maybe the official bet on the game themselves. Maybe the official was paid off. Maybe the official was threatened.

The possibilities are numerous when one sports official can impact millions of dollars belonging to hundreds of thousands or more sports fans when it all could have been avoided if they used common technology that they already have access to.
The only decent fix is to eliminate all the unnecessary rules that didn't exist before.


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So is the NFL's choice to not allow any play to be reviewed and not hire full-time referees.
Are they not a private enterprise and can determine what they will or won't have governing their games? I'm no conspiracy guy or anything but human error causing occasional "outrage" is good for ratings.


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"We know the officiating is awful, but we don't really care" is not really what the fans want to hear.

Jerry is just making excuses for the league. What else can he say. The fact is the fans see how bad the officiating is and if they lose confidence in the game they will stop spending money and watching what they consider to be a bad product. Of course I am not saying all fans will stop watching. But what sport used to be the most popular sport in the country. It wasn't football, it was baseball. Baseball messed up their product and lost a lot of fans, and popularity. Now the NFL is the most popular sport in the country. But the NFL can lose that title too.

It seems every big game now the talk is not about the teams, or great plays, it is about the officials missing some obvious calls. I believe if this continues to get worse, the NFL will suffer financially.

What the NFL is not addressing is the turnover among the refs, and the refs who are seen as culprits, like Hochuli's crew. His crew has become notorious around the league. The league has worked really hard to get female refs on the field. They should work equally as hard to get bad refs off the field. Willingness to accept bad officiating is really bad for the sport.
yeah but they are making billions keeping vegas happy with outcomes.I think by "We" he means the owners, and they are the nfl.


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..don't think Jerry doesn't wants to stir up some dust. Knowing those guys can make or break the game.
So easy to look the other way when Parsons is getting the hold or Dlaw or Lamb.

Keep it safe.
Yeah last time he tried that with Ezekiel Elliott suspension he got banged up in the wallet and I believe some revenge type calls for a while now we might still be in that doghouse

besides I mean people ask Jerry these questions he's not going to come out and criticize officiating that's bad and say we got to improve it by paying them full time and all that that's all he needs is us to be in a more negative spotlight with the referees or the league for that matter.... What needs to happen is what typically does happen they need to send in clips N videos of bad officiating privately and ask them to look into it and try to improve it or and also in the locker room before and after games you can talk to the referees the umpires you tell them to look for things that a team you're about to face does and seems to get away with I mean you have ways to at least try to alert officiating in hopes that they will try to do a better job....


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I don't get the call for "full time" refs.

Full time is not going to make officials see better that Mahomes wasn't out of bounds, or that the WR got mauled on the next play. Full time is not going to make them pull the flag out when there is a blatant hold on Parsons right in front of them. Full time is not going to get them to call a horse collar on Philly for flinging Josh Allen around and instead calling an intential grounding despite the ball skipping right to a receiver a few yards away.
Having people do one job that they are more vested in can't be a bad idea can it? More Accountability and training would likely go along with it. It would need to anyway imo.

But having some guy with “**” money making these calls is clearly not a good answer. That’s with most employees that don’t have much to lose. Many of these refs have other jobs and sometimes they’re better jobs. That’s an issue for several reasons. The main one being focusing on a career instead of a side gig.


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If you're wagering money you can't afford to lose on sporting events, then you deserve whatever comes your way.
You jumped to a conclusion, and you avoided the main point - it doesn't matter if you can afford to bet on the games or not. The people wagering legally did not agree to look the other way on terrible officiating.


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In essence, the NFL is being called out for obvious manipulation of calls. It's just too blatant to ignore. The refs little union that makes them untouchable is fixing to be broken.
It ain't just Cowboys fans that notice the refs anymore. The internet age has beaten the world over the head with the NFL's referee problem. The Cowboys were the canary in the coal mine, because we've been getting jobbed by the refs since the franchise first got good in the 1960s.


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The Steelers say the same thing is happening to Watt. It’s just how the league is right now trying to protect QBs. The NFL wants healthy QBs not sacks.
I'd like to see them try and put together a video collection showing Watt getting held 1/10th as much as Micah who leads the league in pressures while simultaneously getting the fewest holding calls against the opponent's offensive line.


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I think this offseason a major change is on the horizon. There is too much money on the line for them to do nothing. Bettors bring a whole new era of people to the game. I know people who know nothing about football but drop thousands a week go to bars and watch.
Too much whining going on. When you gamble, anything can happen. No one knows beforehand if there's going to be a bad call or not. For everyone that gets screwed due to a bad call, someone else made a lot of money.

The NFL doesn't have to take steps to change their product to appease a separate organization.


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Hate the whole conspiracy thing but it's getting extremely hard to look the other way when certain games are clearly manipulated at the end to the extent its almost blatant.

Even with professional / full time refs mistakes will still happen however when it's extremely blatant the ref in question or head ref should be held accountable if not fired.

I'm talking like the non PI call they missed in the Saints playoff game years ago. Those refs should have been fired immediately. Even the flag on the hit on mahomes last week along the sideline the main ref should have been fined or fired for not clearly overturning the flag thrown. Then the blatant PI at the end of the game. That ref should not have a job if you can't recognize someone getting mauled like that.

But regardless I'm still going to bet on games.
I agree with everything you said. I'm an X heavy gambler. But I still do small time gambling with friends. This week I lost 10 bucks on that Chiefs game. Do you know how many times I was the beneficiary of a bad call? I can't complain.

If they want to improve their product, they have to make refs high paid full time employees. I say this only because the job will attract more people. It's like any job. The higher the pay, the more competition for the job.

Mistakes will still be made. The idea is to cut back on those mistakes dramatically.


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The officiating has been terrible for a long time. Way before the gambling became a thing. Now the flags are flying like confetti at a parade and every year they figure out new ways to throw more. Hard to just blame the refs when the rules committee is adding more wood to the fire. It's truly become a joke. If you really want to fix it, you have to digitalize everything with the technology that exists today, human error shouldn't be part of the game. it's crap with a crew running around the field that can't keep up. The game moves too fast. Have refs in the booth, and refs to spot the ball... that's where it should be heading in the next decade or so. Rome wasn't built in a day.