News: PFT: Jerry Jones is about to get a taste of NFL justice


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
How would the CBA apply to an owner? Jerry is not an NFL employee
and bylaws, did you miss that part? Those are their own rules governing the ownership.
And some of you guys thought Jerry was actually going to fight this:laugh:

Jerry got bent over all while Goodell was talking dirty to him:laugh:
I didn't think he would even take the next step and he probably regrets getting angry and venting to the media. Booger is not stupid and knows he could do a lot more damage than 2M to the NFL which has much bigger issues to handle.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
because you are not worth anything else and I caught you and you whine and cry. You could not admit that you were wrong and so you sit in the corner and hold your breath like any other spoiled little boy
Hey df, looks like this thread is headed for the graveyard. You will need to seek me out in other threads to insult me. Your best chance is in the Off-Topic Zone.


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I remember when I used to trust implicitly the NFL and its integrity. Since Goodell came along though, my trust has been whittling down to where now I feel pretty confident saying that it is riddled with corruption and favoritism. And unfortunately, as Cowboys fans, we find ourselves not one of the "favored" but quite the opposite.

Can't like posts yet so I just post that I agree. Goodell has been detriment to the NFL big time, a real a-hole to boot.


Well-Known Member
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Goodell needs a taste of a steel pipe to the mouth over and over and over and over...


Well-Known Member
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It's not a matter of sticking up for him, as I don't like him, but I do realize the part he plays in this drama. Do you think he wants to make this seem like a personal vendetta against Booger? He got his orders from those 6 owners that Booger threatened to sue. They want him punished and it's not about the money, it's about then threat.

Which six owners have him in their back pocket? I can get behind that except Kraft is supposed to be one of them and he certainly wasnt listening to Kraft during deflate-gate. In all truth Goodell would be just as big of a scum bag if he was simply an errand boy for those 6.

I actually do believe its personal now. Jerry stood in the way of his contract. Jerry was right on that as well. The guy is barely 2/3 of the way through his current contract and has made some horrible decisions yet they are trying to sign him to a new contract?


Beyond tired of Jerry
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no true Cowboys fan can support Goodie Goodell over Jones in this situation.

Yet another definition of "true" fan. :muttley:

I'm a Cowboys fan, not a Jerry fan. His "mine is bigger than yours" contest with Goodell is none of my business. My only interest with Jerry is his unfortunate role in building a team, which leaves me with no confidence of seeing another championship any time soon.


Well-Known Member
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JJ stands about as much as a snowballs chance in hell winning with that turd slurping jackass Goodell as arbitraitor....just remember the Zek's "fair" and "impartial" hearing......

Yeah, seems some are so busy hating on Jerry they've already forgotten Goodell's lies and unfair, unethical tactics he used against Zeke.
Hey I'm not a fan of Jerry Jones and his mishandling of the Cowboys, but Goodell is worse, he's a RAT!