News: PFT: Jerry Jones is about to get a taste of NFL justice


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I guess due process and fairness are something you have contempt for. The bylaw clearly says filed and lost; Jerry did neither. Now why don't you go back to your basement and let the adults talk
Not including yourself in that are ya, Chauncey?
I guess due process and fairness are something you have contempt for. The bylaw clearly says filed and lost; Jerry did neither. Now why don't you go back to your basement and let the adults talk
You will have to take that Godzilla looking Lego thing you made out first.

I guess the fact this has nothing to do with "due process" escapes your keen legal mind since this does not involve the legal system? This is purely within the scope of the NFL and governed by their own bylaws. Which installed the Commissioner as the final authority in disciplinary matters over all employees, including the owners. Don't believe me? Look it up or just ask Booger, Snyder, Kraft or Irsay. Their due process before it does enter the courts includes the appeal, over which Goodell has the last say in as well.

Now, why don't you use your mind for something beside childish insults?


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Goodell is our best hope to rid our local franchise of the beast. The one who’s preventing us from a greater front office, coaching staff and as a result ..better team.

All for what? His own personal fantasy team.


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And Goddell is God of the NFL. The owners bestowed such power upon him to represent the league.
And that is what so many fail to grasp. They trying to interject the court system here and that's down the road, if it comes to that but it will not.

Booger is just like Nunberg, running off at the mouth and making threats and will end up the compliance. Booger has his buds in the NFL but none backed him when he threatened ed to sue 6 other owners for doing their assignment which was approved by the owners. He will not risk distancing himself from any allies he does have in the league. Taking this past the appeal stage would do just that because he's going to war.

Booger made a huge mistake with his temper. He allowed everyone to connect the dots between his player getting suspended, after he'd gone out on a limb saying that would not happen, and Goodell's contract extension. It all came off as sour grapes just like Kraft lashing out after he thought agreeing to not appeal the team's punishment would get his boy Brady off.

As usual, it always comes back to the same thing, Booger can't keep his mouth under control and that saber rattling threat to sue, which may have been only that, sent a bunch of high dollar attorneys onto the clock to ascertain what the exposure might be to the 6 owners and the NFL.


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I doubt he'll have near as much power after the new CBA in 2020.
Do you think the players would be willing to give up a % for that?

There is another kink is this as well, do we think Goodell even wants this power? Think he might be tired of being the owners' hatchet man? Would not surprise me for the owners to already have a plan in place for the CBA to set up a different disciplinary situation, such as a council. But, they won't come with that right away, that's not how they the game.


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Jerry had every right to fight the NFL considering how the Zeke situation was handled. Goodell's decisions has are costing the NFL millions and Jerry is the only owner with enough guts to fight back.
Oh, I see, so when it’s another owner and another player it’s ok for Jerry to tell them “take your medicine, serve the suspension and play football” but when it’s his own player he’s all the sudden some rogue vigilante type owner standing up against all that is evil and bad in the NFL?

Do you not remember him publicly supporting Goodell during Deflate Gate and commended him on what a great job he was doing? He also voted to keep Goodell. It wasn’t until it was his own player that he became so vocal and agitated...which is fine to a degree but he would have looked much better doing if he didn’t flip flop when it was his own player.

Point being Jerry is out for Jerry. Zeke is a commodity that effects Jerrys bottom line, that’s all. It wasn’t until Jerrys “investment” became a target of Goodell that Jerry “had enough guts to fight back” because it was just the opposite when it was Kraft.


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You should know this if you're at least out of high school that a binding legal document can't be changed by just one side. goodell and/or the league can't just order the change of a legal binding document just because he wants it. It has to be approved by both parties and since NONE OF US have seen the franchise papers Jones has so NONE OF US can proclaim that something has been agreed upon by both parties and part of the franchise documents.
Unless it's written in that one side has the right to change it. Which is often the case.


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damn. lot of rancor over the non-issue. it isn't goodell instigating this action, it is a group of owners, for whom goodell works and must answer, who are instigating said action. i'm sure roger would just love to see it go away. he could actually go back to the disenchanted owners and plead jerry's case, he could plead his own case to jerry. in this instance it is the commish who is in between a rock and a cadre of angry owners who don't like our jerry.
I've tried to tell them, Cern, but they've fallen for one of the oldest tricks in the book. Goodell is nothing but the fall guy, the guy who takes the hate and makes a fortune to do the owners' bidding.


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I've tried to tell them, Cern, but they've fallen for one of the oldest tricks in the book. Goodell is nothing but the fall guy, the guy who takes the hate and makes a fortune to do the owners' bidding.
Sad but true. But it has been an entertaining glimpse into the private side of the billionaires boys club. Is it surprising that a group of some of the world's most affluent egomaniacs would jockey for position. Who'da thunk it


Lightning Rod
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And that is what so many fail to grasp. They trying to interject the court system here and that's down the road, if it comes to that but it will not.

Booger is just like Nunberg, running off at the mouth and making threats and will end up the compliance. Booger has his buds in the NFL but none backed him when he threatened ed to sue 6 other owners for doing their assignment which was approved by the owners. He will not risk distancing himself from any allies he does have in the league. Taking this past the appeal stage would do just that because he's going to war.

Booger made a huge mistake with his temper. He allowed everyone to connect the dots between his player getting suspended, after he'd gone out on a limb saying that would not happen, and Goodell's contract extension. It all came off as sour grapes just like Kraft lashing out after he thought agreeing to not appeal the team's punishment would get his boy Brady off.

As usual, it always comes back to the same thing, Booger can't keep his mouth under control and that saber rattling threat to sue, which may have been only that, sent a bunch of high dollar attorneys onto the clock to ascertain what the exposure might be to the 6 owners and the NFL.

Unless those lawyers are charging 100000 an hour, a mere threat to sue would not give rise to 2 million in legal fees


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Not including yourself in that are ya, Chauncey?
You will have to take that Godzilla looking Lego thing you made out first.

I guess the fact this has nothing to do with "due process" escapes your keen legal mind since this does not involve the legal system? This is purely within the scope of the NFL and governed by their own bylaws. Which installed the Commissioner as the final authority in disciplinary matters over all employees, including the owners. Don't believe me? Look it up or just ask Booger, Snyder, Kraft or Irsay. Their due process before it does enter the courts includes the appeal, over which Goodell has the last say in as well.

Now, why don't you use your mind for something beside childish insults?
because you are not worth anything else and I caught you and you whine and cry. You could not admit that you were wrong and so you sit in the corner and hold your breath like any other spoiled little boy


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Unless it's written in that one side has the right to change it. Which is often the case.

Show me a actual contract that was written and signed by both parties that enables one party to arbitrarily change the terms of that contract. Yes there are clauses that allows one to void the remaining years of a contract if certain terms are not met or to invoke an option, but to just arbitrarily change a contract because you want to add further restrictions - I seriously doubt you'll find anyone to agree to and sign a contract that allows the other party to arbitrarily change or add further restrictions. You might be foolish enough to sign that but don't look for many other people to do that. The whole reason for getting things in writing is so that things can't change without both parties agree to it.


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I think Goodell is the worst thing thats happened to the NFL in its history. He is freaking awful. The guy butchers just about every issue and makes huge public displays that only serve to undermine the league's likability. He publicly goes after the leagues most successful team in the Patriots for an infraction he couldn't prove and at most was 25k fine. He then suspends Brady whose the most popular player in the leagues history for his role in something he couldn't prove but publicly investigated ad nauseum. Now he's coming for the cowboys suspending Zeke for nothing and fining Jerry for daring to question him. You can say it was the owners but this rule is so obscure that Goodell had to be behind it. I guarantee you that little idiot is wispering in ears or through his staff.

NONE of this is in the best interest of the NFL and it is driving fans away and making the NFL league office into a villain. And I haven't even gotten to Kapernik and the anthem debacle. Goodell is the most loathed commissioner in the history of any sport and it is not even close.

Yeah the poor innocent Goodell bit is hillarious. Why any self respecting Cowboy fan would feel the need to stick up for Goodell is beyond me lol.


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Unless those lawyers are charging 100000 an hour, a mere threat to sue would not give rise to 2 million in legal fees
We do not know how many or how many hours they logged once the threat was made but it may not have been just the league lawyers. The 6 owners might have put their lawyers on it as well.

But that really doesn't matter because Goodell has the authority to levy any fine he wants and let the appeal process deal with it.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Yeah the poor innocent Goodell bit is hillarious. Why any self respecting Cowboy fan would feel the need to stick up for Goodell is beyond me lol.
It's not a matter of sticking up for him, as I don't like him, but I do realize the part he plays in this drama. Do you think he wants to make this seem like a personal vendetta against Booger? He got his orders from those 6 owners that Booger threatened to sue. They want him punished and it's not about the money, it's about then threat.