PFT: Kornheiser makes Theisman look like a fool last night

bobtheflob said:
Do you know what a quarterback rating is? I sure don't, I just know what's good and what's bad but I'd have no idea how to calculate it myself. I think part of Tony's role in that booth is to reach out to the more casual fan, that's why he always asks Theismann to explain more technical football terms like qb rating and silent snap counts.

The wonders of the internet. Not to mention, it isn't my job to know.
Kilyin said:
The wonders of the internet. Not to mention, it isn't my job to know.
Did you actually read that?? I wouldn't expect anyone to know that or how to calculate it, except statisticians. Kornheiser's job isn't to describe how to track QB ratings to the audience. It's to be entertaining while commenting on the game. He wasn't given the job because he is a football expert or a statistician.
I like that Tony is going to challenge Joe Moron.
But he shouldn't force the issue.
This exchange wasn't that impressive to me and I lean more towards what Joe Moron was saying.
Tony needs to wait for the right moments when Joe invites it and not try to do it after every statement which he seems to be doing.
peplaw06 said:
Did you actually read that?? I wouldn't expect anyone to know that or how to calculate it, except statisticians. Kornheiser's job isn't to describe how to track QB ratings to the audience. It's to be entertaining while commenting on the game. He wasn't given the job because he is a football expert or a statistician.

Yeah, I read it, it's not that complicated. It's simple math dude. Not like we're using trigonometry to build space shuttles here.

It's not the fact he didn't know the exact formula, he didn't even know what it meant. I didn't realize you had a rocket in your pocket for Kornheiser.

The point is, maybe he shouldn't have been given the job in the first place?
In truth, I don't believe Kornholio made a fool of Ole Norman. I think he did that by himself. TK just made sure to point it out is all.

Kilyin said:
Kornholer is just as stupid. He admitted that he didn't even know what a Quarterback rating is last night. I don't think I can take a whole season of these stooges.

I will go on a limb and say most everyone does not know what a QB rating is. I sure have no idea how they come up with it, without googling the info
Even without looking up the exact formula I coulda told you its a mathematical statistic based on attempts, completions, TDs, and interceptions. That's basic football knowledge, really.

I can see this is going nowhere fast. Apparently, my expectations for MNF are too high. Bring back Madden.
Kilyin said:
Yeah, I read it, it's not that complicated. It's simple math dude. Not like we're using trigonometry to build space shuttles here.

It's not the fact he didn't know the exact formula, he didn't even know what it meant. I didn't realize you had a rocket in your pocket for Kornheiser.

The point is, maybe he shouldn't have been given the job in the first place?
Simple math?? Well by all means Mr. Field's Medal, don't bother us mere mortals questioning your expectations for a sports journalist.

What do you mean he didn't know what it meant?? Obviously he knows it's a number by which QBs are rated, hence the name for the stat. Do you have a quote or something we can look at to determine if "he knew what it meant?" Instead of us going on your memory.

Or do you just like to whine?
peplaw06 said:
Simple math?? Well by all means Mr. Field's Medal, don't bother us mere mortals questioning your expectations for a sports journalist.

You must be from West Virginia.

peplaw06 said:
Or do you just like to whine?

I'm not whining, I'm criticizing the sorry product that ESPN is putting out every Monday night. You might wanna get a handkerchief, you've got some of Kornhole's baby batter on your chin.
Kilyin said:
I'm not whining, I'm criticizing the sorry product that ESPN is putting out every Monday night.
You say tomato I say tomahto.

And spare me the personal attacks. I am man enough to debate you and not get insulted from your 4th grade retorts.
The QB rating isn't anything much more than simple arithmetic but one still has to wonder how much time someone spent coming up with these particular manipulations.

Football really just works better with counting stats.
peplaw06 said:
Did you actually read that?? I wouldn't expect anyone to know that or how to calculate it, except statisticians. Kornheiser's job isn't to describe how to track QB ratings to the audience. It's to be entertaining while commenting on the game. He wasn't given the job because he is a football expert or a statistician.

This exchange reminds me of another one:

Jules: "Last I heard, she starred in a pilot."
Vincent: "What's a pilot?"
Jules: "You know, for a TV show."
Vincent: "I don't watch TV."
Jules: "Yeah, but you are aware that there is an invention called television and on this invention they show shows, right? ..."
Derinyar said:
The QB rating isn't anything much more than simple arithmetic but one still has to wonder how much time someone spent coming up with these particular manipulations.

Football really just works better with counting stats.

It's simple if you have any semblance of an education, apparently some people here don't.
Derinyar said:
The QB rating isn't anything much more than simple arithmetic but one still has to wonder how much time someone spent coming up with these particular manipulations.

Football really just works better with counting stats.

It can be a simple calculation without being a simple formula to explain. I would guess most posters here didn't know the formula until somebody decided to Google it.
best part of the game is when Theismann was being a huge brett favre homer blaming the 28 interceptions last year on recievers bein hurt, coaching, line, anything but brett who threw the football.

Kornheiser:" Last year brett threw some interceptions so bad the defender could have fair caught the ball" lmao
lspain1 said:
I like Kornheiser, and I think he's a nice add to MNF.

Me too. My fear is that I don't think he knows that a lot of people appreciate what he brings to the table. All I hear is mostly anti-Kornheiser comments in print and on the air waves. I am listening to ESPN radio right now and some dude called in and said Korny looks like a toad sitting on a stool in the booth. What does what he look like have to do with anything? Granted, he's no Playmaker;) , but his camera time is minimal.
bobtheflob said:
Do you know what a quarterback rating is? I sure don't, I just know what's good and what's bad but I'd have no idea how to calculate it myself. I think part of Tony's role in that booth is to reach out to the more casual fan, that's why he always asks Theismann to explain more technical football terms like qb rating and silent snap counts.

Thank you. Kornheiser is a sports writer and has been one forever. He knows more about sports than most of us have forgotten. Suggestion to those who need it: leave room for rhetorical qestions.
All in all, it's probably not too hard to make Theisman look like a fool.

Way to go Tony :D
Ummm Thiesman was correct it's Clownheiser that looked foolish JT returned punts in college and the CFL....the lower to the ground you are the quciker you can stop in a dime and cut - you're great PR guys ala White Shoes Johnson even our own K-mart ...were smallish...Upright Return men get their clocks cleaned and lead to fumbles....You can get away being taller as a KR guy but your ideal PR guy is 5 '10' as JT correctly stated.
I really do not like Kornheiser's commenting.

As another poster said, you need two types of people, one person who says what's happening, and another who analyzes it.

Kornheiser tries to make jokes FOR EVERY LITTLE THING! I liked him from PTI, but he's horrible on MNF. Hopefully this is just him being nervous. Maybe he'll be better in the future.

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