News: PFT: Randy Gregory hopes to be reinstated by training camp


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Doctors reportedly diagnosed Gregory with bipolar disorder, according to Clarence Hill of the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, with marijuana a way for Gregory to deal with his emotional and mental issues.​

Ok so he may or may not have Bipolar as it said reportedly. Then claims a doctor told him to use it ..... There is no cure for Bipolar but there are treatments to help. Medical MJ is not one of them as its not proven on any scale. He lives in Florida, in 2014 MJ was for only terminal patients then opened up for more in 2017. So if he was already using for these problems he defrauded the NFL by coming in knowing the issues he had.

Also He knew the MJ was banned by the NFL but chose to break the rules multi times, its not like there is not other options for him. I cant use on my Job even though Docs wanted me to have it. I had to make a life choice .... My Job also didnt allow a few friends of mine because of PTSD. Anyway, you want to turn it or look at it, Randy is in the wrong ... seems now he wants to make excuses for his poor decisions. If he is that bad , put him on disabilty ... or get another job. The NFL is not for everyone and the few that do get to play already have a short career.


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Jason Garrett direct quote:

"The most important thing is we talk about what it means to be a Dallas Cowboy, the kind of guys we want on our football team. If you look at the guys we've selected, each of these six guys represents that. They're good football players. The top three guys are from big schools. They're prominent players at that school, they have production at a high level. And then as we've gotten a little further down in the draft we've been able to take some guys who we think can fit a particular role for us. At least to create some competition on our football team. Again, they have the right measurables, they're the Right Kind Of Guys, we think they're good football players."

So every time Terrence Williams is caught lying about a dui while crashing his bicycle, or when David Irving chooses pot over the Dallas Cowboys, when Greg Hardy is signed for a huge deal immediately after threatening to kill his girlfriend and no one else in the league would even touch him, or even when Randy Gregory gets suspended for the fourth time... just remember these were the right kind of guys to represent the storied history of the Dallas Cowboys.
For Garrett, a “RKG” doesn’t equate to the player being a Boy Scout. His definition is more about players having a strong work ethic and having a love for the game of football. About guys who lead from the front and care about their craft, continuously working to get better. A player that works well in a team environment and hates making mistakes that let his team mates down. Not someone who has never slipped up off the field.

If a guy works incredibly hard in practice and has demonstrated that football is the most important thing in the world to him, he’s going to get a long look from the Cowboys, even without being perfect off the field. Another guy might be squeaky clean in his private life, but if Dallas feels like football isn’t the most important thing to him, or that he skates by on talent without trying to get better... Garrett very well could choose the player with a ding on his record.

Obviously, Dallas would love for all the players to be like Tyron Smith or Fletcher Cox, but that just doesn’t happen. No team has 100% great guys on the team and all teams miss on some guys character.

Those guys you list in your post all came relatively cheap, either in draft capital or in actual dollars.

Terrence Williams was a third round choice but he wasn’t viewed as any kind of risk coming out of college. Dallas didn’t know he’d be a dumb ***.

There were some warning signs with Irving, for sure. However, Dallas didn’t use any draft picks on him. He was signed off of Kansas City’s practice squad and was very cheap. He is talented but once the Cowboys determined he didn’t really love the game, they cut ties with him. The key was how little risk was involved in adding Irving. They took a shot that didn’t work out. Do that with a high draft pick or with a big contract and that’s how a team gets into trouble. This cost the team very little.

Greg Hardy was clearly a bad character. Dallas took a chance there but it wasn’t a big financial risk because of how the Cowboys smartly structured the contract. Hardy only got paid for the games he played in and a lot of the money was tied up in incentives. Dallas did their due diligence with Hardy in checking out that he played and practiced hard. But Hardy is simply nuts, and Dallas chose to not bring him back. Any production wasn’t worth the locker room BS that he brought. It didn’t work out but it was a one year contract that had no salary cap ramifications.

Gregory himself was a fairly high pick but relatively speaking, a low second for high first talent was a bargain, which is why Dallas took the chance. Outside of his weed issue, he has what the team looks for in a young player: hard worker who loves to play and wants to get better. A good team mate who is liked in the locker room.

To this point, it hasn’t really worked out, and speaking for myself, I wish the team hadn’t used the 60th pick on him. Even if he was a top 10 talent at the 60th pick, I would have gone with more of a sure thing. But I don’t have to agree with every move they make and I understand why they did it.

The point is though that Gregory pretty much falls under the RKG for Garrett. It’s why the team continues to help him in his recovery and to stick by him through the suspensions. He’s a great team mate and loves to practice and play the game.

Anyway, whatever the Cowboys are doing personnel wise... it is working. They’ve been winning a lot of games and their roster is unquestionably one of the better rosters in the league. They might be the best drafting franchise in the NFL and their salary cap is in good shape, although because of the great drafts they now have a lot of contracts coming up.


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..such a shame, good player too. I think all that pot shot out his basic rudimentary thinking skills. He probably buys burgers and forgets the buns.

big dog cowboy

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For Garrett, a “RKG” doesn’t equate to the player being a Boy Scout. His definition is more about players having a strong work ethic and having a love for the game of football. About guys who lead from the front and care about their craft, continuously working to get better. A player that works well in a team environment and hates making mistakes that let his team mates down. Not someone who has never slipped up off the field.

The point is though that Gregory pretty much falls under the RKG for Garrett. It’s why the team continues to help him in his recovery and to stick by him through the suspensions. He’s a great team mate and loves to practice and play the game.


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That'd be nice.

Until then, he's dead to me.

And I hope he uses that petition as rolling paper when he meets Gooddell.

LOL this post made me laugh because it's probably true. I'll be glad if he's back if it happens, but long ago I stopped worrying about it. I pretend he's not even on the team. If he does make it back it's a pleasant surprise.


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The point of labor law is to constrain the rules companies impose on their employees.

All of these weedies are asking for reinstatement at the same time. Lol. The NFL is gonna lift the ban or the players are gonna protest. Even the owners dont gaf if these guys use weed.

Somebody talking about the 1% not adhering to the rules but 70% of nfl players smoke weed for a reason.

Its the alcoholics, pill poppers, and ped users who are committing all the stupid immoral acts.

In the whole country of Canada you can grow and possess weed at 19 years old. Its legal in 30 + States in the US w a prescription.

This is a contact sport not a walmart employee or teacher or union member. The League is gonna change the rules or players will be talking so they dont get fined

Alcohol and pills get you a spot on TMZ. There is an overdosing and overmedicating problem but its not on Weed. I bet JERRY BROWNS FAMILY WISH JOSH BRENT WAS JOSH GORDON.


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The problem is the addictive alcohol, and legal/illegal drugs, and peds.

Weed is Medically Necessary in 30 + states and these VIOLENT athletes who play a contact sport WHO ARE more vulnerable and they only have options to use Addictive Liquor and pills to cope w the pressure and pain?

If Im former NFL Players who have had to seek treatment for Alcohol and pills, current NFL players who cant handle the alcohol and pills, players that use weed medically, Madd, etc etc Im standing up against the overmedicating and overdosing and the rediculous policeing of the harmless non addictive weed.

Im doing it before one less Addict overmedicates or overdoses or causes harm to my children, brothers and sisters.

The 70% of the NFL Athletes need to all get a Random and shut this League down for a season if it saves one Life. Weed is Rampant and accepted and nobody cares esp the owners

Im just talking so I dont get fined. Lets not have an NFL so the do gooders can sell you pills and alcohol because youre gonna need something. to cope if you play in the NFL. Let Tom Brady and Aaron Rodgers get suspended for weed and see where the NFL Stance is. There is a more positive gain for the NFL to decriminalize weed then pay for a fight against the players and supporters

The NFL won't and can't "decriminalize" weed at least until it is legal in all 50 States - and at the Federal level. At best they could institute a "don't ask, don't tell" policy and only test for it if someone was dumb enough to post a picture of themselves smoking weed on their Instagram.

If they had an open policy of accepting marijuana use, they would be accepting people breaking the law. If they allowed it only where legal, they would be offering some players an unfair advantage.


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How about the League follow labor laws like all other employers? Why is that so difficult?

Their exemptions from law are not total. Gregory has established mental illness and established drug addiction. (By the way, that's why it's so difficult.) Under the ADA, employers are required to provide "reasonable accommodation" for his mental health issues instead of firing him.

If you have a citation for case law that established that the NFL is exempt from the ADA, please provide. I think that would be a very tough sell in court.

Gregory hasn't been fired though, just suspended. Even so, while I admittedly don't know the details of the ADA, I've got to believe an employer isn't required to keep someone employed forever. Bipolar disorder can be treated and managed, but it's up to Gregory to stick with it.


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The NFL won't and can't "decriminalize" weed at least until it is legal in all 50 States - and at the Federal level. At best they could institute a "don't ask, don't tell" policy and only test for it if someone was dumb enough to post a picture of themselves smoking weed on their Instagram.

If they had an open policy of accepting marijuana use, they would be accepting people breaking the law. If they allowed it only where legal, they would be offering some players an unfair advantage.
They don't have to accept it, they could just choose not to test for it. Just like many other jobs/professions, some companies drug test and others don't.


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Gregory hasn't been fired though, just suspended. Even so, while I admittedly don't know the details of the ADA, I've got to believe an employer isn't required to keep someone employed forever. Bipolar disorder can be treated and managed, but it's up to Gregory to stick with it.

"We didn't fire him, we're just not paying him indefinitely."

Yeah, that'll fly.

The employer is required to make "reasonable accommodation". I don't see accommodation in "we're not paying you indefinitely".


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"We didn't fire him, we're just not paying him indefinitely."

Yeah, that'll fly.

The employer is required to make "reasonable accommodation". I don't see accommodation in "we're not paying you indefinitely".

Of course that is likely the basis for the request for reinstatement, but he has a treatable condition, and one that I believe was known and supposedly being treated before his last suspension, and he failed the test anyway. It's up to him to stick with the treatment and do what is required.
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They don't have to accept it, they could just choose not to test for it. Just like many other jobs/professions, some companies drug test and others don't.
That's what he meant by "don't ask, don't tell".