PFT: Romo's best bet is to hold out


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
POSTED 11:12 a.m. EDT, September 28, 2007


Although we continue to believe that a player under contract should honor that contract, there definitely are situations in which a holdout can be effective.

In pro sports, withholding services is a player's only true leverage, regardless of whether or not the player is already a party to a contract requiring him to provide such services.

In the cases of quarterback Marc Bulger, who was entering the final year of his contract with the Rams, and running back Larry Johnson, who was embarking on the last season of his rookie deal with the Chiefs, the decision to stay away from the start of training camp helped both of them get the kind of deals now that they might never have seen otherwise, given their performances to date in 2007.

As one league source opined to us this week, "Bulger would be SOL right now if he hadn't pushed the issue" by not showing up when camp kicked off.

Ditto for Johnson, especially since there is speculation in league circles that the football world might never again see the bruising back who churned out near-dominant performances in 2005 and 2006. There's a lot of wear on the tires, and the offensive line is diminished. Though the contract pushes enough money to the out years to somewhat protect the team in the event that L.J.'s fastball is gone, Johnson's decision to take a stand has helped him to get money that simply might not have been there in March 2008, from the Chiefs or from anyone else.


We mentioned last night that the Cowboys plan to simply slap the franchise tag on quarterback Tony Romo if his agent, Tom Condon, continues to insist upon more than $30 million in guaranteed money for the undrafted signal-caller turned budding superstar.

But this strategy presumes that Romo will sign the one-year tender and report for duty. If he chooses not to sign the tender and stay away from training camp, the preseason, and up to ten weeks of the regular season, the Cowboys will be screwed for 2008.

The smart move for Romo, from a money standpoint, would be to stay away. From a football standpoint, the question is whether he'd be able to fend off his desire to play.

And, as a reader pointed out to us this morning, the fact that the Cowboys are reluctant to pay Romo more than $30 million guaranteed even though he has proven his abilities in an era where the No. 1 overall pick in the draft gets more than that without ever putting on an NFL helmet highlights the serious problems with the player compensation system.

For the Cowboys, they could get to pay two guys that much money in 2008, since they hold Cleveland's first-round pick as a result of the trade that allowed the Browns to draft Brady Quinn.


Well-Known Member
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There is a reason this rag is called the Daily Turd. I call BS on their so called insider knowledge.


Active Member
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I can feel the hate.

If PFT gets what they want, not only will Romo try to hold out putting the team and desire to play behind him, but they want us to suffer 2 to 3 big cap hits and be "screwed" for 2008. This blogger is a patriots homer I think.


That Guy
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This is so dumb... They're basically already planning on JJ using the franchise tag on Romo. Then operating off of that assumption, they state that Romo would be smart to hold out.

There has been no indication that this thing isn't going to get done, yet they're making wild assumptions on things a year away just to rile people up.


the older I get the better I was
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i dont think JJ slaps the tag and i dont think Romo would hold out
so PFT ....bite us.


Well-Known Member
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I would support Tony in a hold out. There is no doubt he is the guy or the Cowboys would not have passed on drafting a QB. I can see the clubs, "We gave you a shot Tony, show a little loyalty here" too.

But the NFL is a business.
Pay the man.


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garyo1954;1674725 said:
I would support Tony in a hold out. There is no doubt he is the guy or the Cowboys would not have passed on drafting a QB. I can see the clubs, "We gave you a shot Tony, show a little loyalty here" too.

But the NFL is a business.
Pay the man.

I don't think it will come down to that. Jerry will take care of him and from everything I have heard both sides are talking and are in no rush. If I was hearing reports of break downs in the talks I would be concerned but Jerry has always been willing to pay quality players.


Unfriendly and Aloof!
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I bet they read this thread that thought. "It's like leading a rat to cheese"


Active Member
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You guys always rag on PFT, but this is now the 4th national media type in the last 4 days who have discussed Romo and the Cowboys' contract negotiations.

Madden and Michaels brought it up out of the blue the other night and discussed Jerry's possible use of the franchise tag. Who do you think they spoke to in pre-game production meetings? Romo and Jerry would be my guess.

Then, Matt Mosley mentioned the contract negotiations in his column the other day after talking with Romo on the phone. Mosley said Romo's loyalty to the Cowboys "only goes so far". Why would he say something like that?

Then, another writer in this week's SI, mentioned that a source "familiar with the process" said to expect the Cowboys to begin negotiations with Romo "very soon", since Jerry wanted to see how he played the first month of the season and he hasn't disappointed.

Now, on the heels of all of that, Florio of PFT, (yes, I know the guy is a jerk but he does talk to tons of people in the league and now is even a regular guest on Sporting News Radio), has started discussing details of Condon's initial "moonshot" opening offer and Jerry's possible use of the franchise tag.

Again, I fully believe a fair, long term deal will get done in time, but it seems to me that if you follow the clues that are out there, it's pretty easy to figure out what's being discussed in the opening talks between Jerry and Romo's agent.


The Bullet
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All these stories are nothing but crap. Every time you see Romo he is smiling. JJ went for how long without a Qb? Chances are the contract has pretty much been settled on and they are just dealing with the final details to help accommodate the other signings that need to be done.


That Guy
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CaptainAmerica;1674737 said:
You guys always rag on PFT, but this is now the 4th national media type in the last 4 days who have discussed Romo and the Cowboys' contract negotiations.

Madden and Michaels brought it up out of the blue the other night and discussed Jerry's possible use of the franchise tag. Who do you think they spoke to in pre-game production meetings? Romo and Jerry would be my guess.

Then, Matt Mosley mentioned the contract negotiations in his column the other day after talking with Romo on the phone. Mosley said Romo's loyalty to the Cowboys "only goes so far". Why would he say something like that?

Then, another writer in this week's SI, mentioned that a source "familiar with the process" said to expect the Cowboys to begin negotiations with Romo "very soon", since Jerry wanted to see how he played the first month of the season and he hasn't disappointed.

Now, on the heels of all of that, Florio of PFT, (yes, I know the guy is a jerk but he does talk to tons of people in the league and now is even a regular guest on Sporting News Radio), has started discussing details of Condon's initial "moonshot" opening offer and Jerry's possible use of the franchise tag.

Again, I fully believe a fair, long term deal will get done in time, but it seems to me that if you follow the clues that are out there, it's pretty easy to figure out what's being discussed in the opening talks between Jerry and Romo's agent.

All that said, both sides are still in the negotiation process. When you're negotiating you have a position and don't back off much from that, at least not initially.

You don't rule out the use of franchise tags, you don't skimp on initial positions. Condon's current demand is $30 mil guaranteed. He doesn't expect to actually get that, or it wouldn't be his demand. He has to expect Jerry to try to get that number down.

Now as Romo continues to play well, the number could go up... but that's all part of it.

But I wouldn't be surprised is JJ mentioned possibly using the franchise tag. Doesn't mean it's going to happen though.


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If it were a done deal Jerry would rush to the media to release the details.

I agree it would be nice to think that Tony would be so unselfish as to take less than he deserves in order to benefit the club, but I think he is smarter and realizes if he suddenly couldn't play to management's expectations they wouldn't hesitate to drop him.

One of the things that Jerry said was "the longer we wait, the better understanding we have of where we are" (in terms of Tony's ability).

I heard that as the longer we wait the better chance we have of having something to bring the numbers down. I remember last year when Tony replaced Bledsoe Jerry made the comment "he still has a lot of sandlot in him."

If you intend to pay him, then pay him. No big deal.


Active Member
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Florio's a Steeler fan and admitted Cowboys hater.

Jones played this Romo contract about as well as he could. If Romo has a great year, the Cowboys win and Jones is happy. He's a billionaire what's a few million dollars more it'll cost to sign him.

You also have to remember that there was a chance that Romo struggled.


Well-Known Member
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Tony will have his new deal announced during our bye week.

Book it.



Rising Star
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If Jerry and Romo dont have a deal in place when FA starts, Romo will definately get franchised. That said no way is Jerry going to let it come to that, he has never let money stand in the way of him signing his top players.

Once again PFT shows why I NEVER read that trash they call news, that site is a joke.


Well-Known Member
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Hold on now. All they said is that if Romo gets the tag then he could leverage more money by holding out.

That statement is completely and totally correct. We may not like that but it is absolutely the truth. No one wants to play under the tag.


Well-Known Member
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Just for ***** and giggles, how do they figure salary for a franchise tag? Isn;t it an average of the top three salaries at the position? That would make Tony a very rich man right there. Why should he be upset with the designation of the "Franchise Player"? He would still be negoiating and have that as added bargaining power. A hold out wouldn;t prove a thing, or make him any money.