Tony Romo had plenty of time to drive the ball. There was a minute left. TO had single coverage on the play and was a better option. TR didnt have to throw it to anybody but run for yardage. The point is, TR has had a problem with forcing the ball. He doesn't just try and force the ball to TO, he does it to every receiver at particular times. How does TO suddenly become the scape-goat for this issue?
Also, TO did not break on the route against he Steelers. I alfready analyzed the play. First of all, TO pointed out to Romo prior to the snap that Polamalu had the coverage. The other DB of the Steelers, unlike in the 49ers game, correcty read the coverage an played deep, taking away the inside of Owens route. The 49er DB just touched TO and let him go buy, and Singletary had already pointed out that they didn't jam TO properly at the line, letting him run by. Further, as soon as one sees TO turn and supposedly break on the ball, Polamalu already had inside position. TO also hesitated in the 49ers route as well, which is a clear indication that hesitation was part of the play.
The Steelers knew exactly what was coming on that play. TO pointed it out to Romo, Polamlua already broke on the route, and their DB took away the inside. It is actually a mark against against Garrett nd his predictability.
The point is, it is Garrett's coaching has not made Romo better, it has contributed to his problems. The whole notion of trying to get big chunks down the fiels has put Romo in a bind to make plays. He has to run around avoiding the rush, wiaiting for plays to develop, which the defense already knows what is coming.