LOL or a comic book. Finally someone agrees with me!
I watched that game and the offenses are not very good which results
in low scoring games and that isnt good for a new league.
But the uniforms and mascot names and designs are just insane.
If you look at the cowboy uniform and helmet, it is very simple and clean design, and they are the most popular team, and I think the reason
is the uniform and helmets.
Cowboy helmet light metallic blue with a simple dark blue star on it.
The TB Vipers have a simple type logo on helmet, but the lime green
is just not a pro football color and I hate snakes so cant like it.
I mean what moron would choose snakes for their mascot ?????????

no spiders and no snakes just doesnt work.
The dallas team was the marauders on tv, but in tv guide I use online
it says they are the renegades?
And really either one is sort of a negative mascot, because both are usually made up of undesirables doing bad things.
Seattle Dragons, awful looking uni, real dark blue pants and jersey, with some green and red. LOL not good color combos, and I dont care for solid color uni's.
So imo a new league should have 3 things
1.simple well thought out colors and uni's similar to cowboys style
and all uni's on each team should have same design helmets too.
2. helmets with simple mascot on it and more metallic colors and well thought out mascot choice and logo which is simple.
3. Great offense's, lots of scoring and td's and big plays
even if it is manipulated to be that way.
All 3 are what the afl did a long time ago, and as a kid I was an AFL fan
long before I got into cowboys or nfl games.
The main reason was they had more passing long plays for td's
more scoring, and nice looking uni's and helmets.
I have always liked the raiders helmets and Uni's, but the move to vegas
I am afraid they will now get new uni's and they will be crap like some other teams have gone to.