Phatt Phree's NFL All Criminal Team

I think you can make at least 20 all criminal teams and they would challenge for the superbowl.
Hostile said:
Take off the burgandy and gold glasses. This is getting sillier. Pointing a gun at another human being is worse than most of the stuff on that list. Way worse. You're talking about something that could end a life. Quit excusing it. It isn't a freaking video game where the guy gets back up next time you play. Pull your head out of the dark smelly place.

Who's wearing the homer glasses here? Nobody knows if Taylor actually pulled a gun. He was accused of pulling a gun, by a previously convicted criminal who has absolutely zero credibility. Taylor doesn't have much credibility at this point either, but the fact remains that no one will ever know if he actually pulled a gun or didn't.

Sean Taylor's word vs. Ryan Hill's. I'll be generous and call it a toss-up as to who's telling the truth. Your argument is based on the unsubstantiated CLAIMS of convicted criminal. That's pretty solid stuff there...:rolleyes:

Your blind hatred has convinced you that something happened, when you actually have no clue if it did or not.
Mr. Grundle said:
Who's wearing the homer glasses here? Nobody knows if Taylor actually pulled a gun. He was accused of pulling a gun, by a previously convicted criminal who has absolutely zero credibility. Taylor doesn't have much credibility at this point either, but the fact remains that no one will ever know if he actually pulled a gun or didn't.

Sean Taylor's word vs. Ryan Hill's. I'll be generous and call it a toss-up as to who's telling the truth. Your argument is based on the unsubstantiated CLAIMS of convicted criminal. That's pretty solid stuff there...:rolleyes:

Your blind hatred has convinced you that something happened, when you actually have no clue if it did or not.

Use the same analogy to the Irvin pipe then.

Do you KNOW it was Irvin's?

Do we have any proof that Irvin ever ingested cocaine?

That was a weak argument and you know it. It was just as solid as Commander fans claims about Irvin. But amazingly, I don't see Cowboy fans using the same logic to excuse Irvin's behavior as nearly every Commander fan to the letter has done in the case of Taylor.
Alexander said:
Use the same analogy to the Irvin pipe then.

Do you KNOW it was Irvin's?

Do we have any proof that Irvin ever ingested cocaine?

That was a weak argument and you know it. It was just as solid as Commander fans claims about Irvin. But amazingly, I don't see Cowboy fans using the same logic to excuse Irvin's behavior as nearly every Commander fan to the letter has done in the case of Taylor.

Did I accuse Michael Irvin of being a terrible person for doing coke? No, because I don't care if Michael Irvin does coke. The only person he was hurting was himself so I couldn't care less.
Mr. Grundle said:
Who's wearing the homer glasses here? Nobody knows if Taylor actually pulled a gun. He was accused of pulling a gun, by a previously convicted criminal who has absolutely zero credibility. Taylor doesn't have much credibility at this point either, but the fact remains that no one will ever know if he actually pulled a gun or didn't.

Sean Taylor's word vs. Ryan Hill's. I'll be generous and call it a toss-up as to who's telling the truth. Your argument is based on the unsubstantiated CLAIMS of convicted criminal. That's pretty solid stuff there...:rolleyes:

Your blind hatred has convinced you that something happened, when you actually have no clue if it did or not.
Are all of you incapable of reading?

Read the premise of the thread. SEVERAL (I hope that's big enough, bold enough, and standing out enough for you to grasp the meaning) of the players named on that squad had charges against them dropped. Same as Sean Taylor. Thus he qualifies to be on the team, which was the original contention of AtlCb that Moss Flamer failed to grasp and that I merely clarified.

Can you comprehend that, or do you really need an English lesson, because Mr. Grumble, I'll give ya one.

Join your compadre in the removal of cranium from nether orifice. You won't regret it.
Let me help you Hostile...I'll even put up a different color, so he has some choices...

Vintage said:
Let me help you Hostile...I'll even put up a different color, so he has some choices...

You even underlined it. Now that's the extra mile.

I bet he still won't get it and will accuse us of hatred.

Ability to read, apparently not a big deal in our Nations' capital. Explains a lot.
Hostile said:
Are all of you incapable of reading?

Read the premise of the thread. SEVERAL (I hope that's big enough, bold enough, and standing out enough for you to grasp the meaning) of the players named on that squad had charges against them dropped. Same as Sean Taylor. Thus he qualifies to be on the team, which was the original contention of AtlCb that Moss Flamer failed to grasp and that I merely clarified.

Can you comprehend that, or do you really need an English lesson, because Mr. Grumble, I'll give ya one.

Join your compadre in the removal of cranium from nether orifice. You won't regret it.

You're right. I misinterpreted the context of your post. Apologies.

Damn, I thought I was different, but I really am just another idiot Commanders fan. :(

I see where you're going though. The list is ******** and you could probably make a case for almost any NFL player to be on it. It is funny though.
Mr. Grundle said:
You're right. I misinterpreted the context of your post. Apologies.

Damn, I thought I was different, but I really am just another idiot Commanders fan. :(

I see where you're going though. The list is ******** and you could probably make a case for almost any NFL player to be on it. It is funny though.
Holy crow. You could knock me over with a feather.

Yeah, the list is funny, incomplete and could include a lot of players. Your colleague and others have been too quick to excuse this act. They want to believe the charges against him never existed.

That isn't the case. Go back in time, you will find where I said I do not wish for ST to goof up and fail. That I never wish it for any athlete.

But when someone says something stupid about their team's players I will jump on that. Moss Flamer felt the jump. That's all.
Hostile said:
Holy crow. You could knock me over with a feather.

Yeah, the list is funny, incomplete and could include a lot of players. Your colleague and others have been too quick to excuse this act. They want to believe the charges against him never existed.

That isn't the case. Go back in time, you will find where I said I do not wish for ST to goof up and fail. That I never wish it for any athlete.

But when someone says something stupid about their team's players I will jump on that. Moss Flamer felt the jump. That's all.

I feel the same way as you. Alot of Commanders fans are too quick to assume the charges never existed. Alot of Dallas fans are too quick assume the charges were true. But I guess that's what makes for 20-page threads to waste away a work day. :cool:
Mr. Grundle said:
I feel the same way as you. Alot of Commanders fans are too quick to assume the charges never existed. Alot of Dallas fans are too quick assume the charges were true. But I guess that's what makes for 20-page threads to waste away a work day. :cool:

I'll tell you something...if I were to be brought up on charges for SOMETHING I DID NOT DO...I would fight tooth and nail for the truth to come out so that I can be totally vindicated! I would not "plea bargain" to just hope that a trial might vote me guilty! I don't care...if I am innocent of something...I'm not giving up anything! If a jury somehow found me guilty, when in my heart I know that I am not guilty...I would do my time, but, I would know, in my heart, what was right...

Sean Taylor took the right way out, good for him...but that's probably because he's is guilty as hell! But, that's how punks go through life...especially rich punks...

If he was any kind of man...he would not have been in a situation like that in the first place, and secondly, if he WAS ACTUALLY INNOCENT he would have fought this with all he had...

But, nope...he pleaded "no contest", which means he knows he was in some deep crap...and needed out...FAST!

How about you Ms. Grundle...if you got arrested for pointing a gun, and you DID NOT DO IT...would you "plea bargain"?

RedStink logic...:cool:

Mr. Grundle, look at Romo's info on the roster, take out racist and taking performance-enhancing drugs, and add charged w/ DUI and a felony, pulling a weapon, and you have Sean Taylor

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