Philly Fans (re: McNabb) Are What Dallas Fans Used to Be...


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Quarterback Coach;3335816 said:
I know you don't hate me, or think i'm dumb. even as much crap as i sling to sdogo i get a kick out of the guy.

trust me when i say i am not a philly fan. i just like their attitude of "the ring is the thing."

And they sure have been rewarded handsomely for that attitude, haven't they??

Oh, wait a second, they haven't... they haven't won jack squat, and as a result, they are perhaps the bitterest, most relentlessly negative fan base in all of football...

And that seems to be what you aspire to... well, you're welcome to it... I mean, if you really believe that happy horsebleep you've been spreading, you've been nothing but pissed off for more than a decade now...

One wonders how you could remain a fan, having to choke down all that bitterness for so very long...


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bbgun;3335825 said:
I guess nothing short of a championship will satisfy him. As a Yankee fan, I kinda understand that mentality, but the NFL doesn't work like that. To me, that Philly playoff game was like a cool drink after a long walk in the desert.

That it was... how said that the ol' Coach wasn't able to enjoy it...

In fact, he must be just about the most miserable individual on the face of the planet, with all those CWS championships he failed to win, and all these years that the Boys haven't won a Super Bowl... the bile must be backing up in his throat...

Maybe that's why he just had to go hassle a mediot that he didn't like, then boast about it as if he'd done something worthwhile...


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Quarterback Coach;3335829 said:
uh begins...i have 2 now that sort of understand...the leaks are beginning...come to me my people...come to the 'dark side'...

Maybe if I get a lobotomy first...

It seems to have worked for you...


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DaBoys4Life;3335831 said:
If you're upset about the Vikings lose vent your anger.
If you're upset that the cowboys didn't win the superbowl once these past 3 season then vent your anger.
If you dislike a player then vent your anger.
If you don't like the moves the cowboys make then vent your anger.

Should you be considered dumb stupid or get ridiculed for how you feel?

Absolutely... it's called being an ignorant PITA...

And that's why the only reception you get in here is ridicule... you've earned nothing less...

I think it's within my right to say hey, you guys need to shape it up here here and here. Not just sit there and be a blind homer.

And it's within my right to say I don't care to take guidance from a braying donkey... you see, I have absolutely NO desire to be anything like you... in fact, if I thought I was becoming like you, I'd seriously consider suicide...


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Quarterback Coach;3335834 said:
i rant because i'm passionate. it may not be the best advice. it may not be the best way. it works for me though.

No, it doesn't... it leads to you being disrespected by most of this board...

again my methods may be crass at times, but i just say what most people think.

What color is the sky in your world?? "I just say what most people think", you claim, yet anybody reading this thread will find that EVERYBODY except one of this board's biggest fools is giving you grief about the crapola you're spewing...

No, most people assuredly do not think the way you do... most people think your ranting is idiotic...


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DaBoys4Life;3335843 said:
Have you ever listened to a philly sports radio station ?

Why in the name of all that's holy would anybody do that??

Are you telling me you do??



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DaBoys4Life;3335857 said:
How many times do I have to tell you guys that I do not play Madden? I speak my mind and you are threaten by it so you attack me. It's okay if you're afraid to speak your mind. Also I did not expect Miles Austin to have the season he did. Without that season miles Austin had we would not of made the playoffs . Even the mIles supporters did not expect him to have that type of season. If anyone would of suggested it would of been as ridiculous as my 5-11 season until the season came into fruition

You predicted 5-11, they went 11-5... that tells us all how much you actually know about the game...

That flushing sound you're hearing is your credibility circling the bowl... there it goes... bye bye, credibility... whoooooosssshhhhhh...


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Quarterback Coach;3335870 said:
uniformed no...

Oh, you should definitely get yourself a nice uniform... one with epaulets, and lots of gold braid... with your ego, you could declare yourself Generalissimo Quarterback Coach, Dictator for Life...

studying the, not unless i had access to everything that these guys do...sadly i have a big boy job (sucks)...

I work 50 hours a week, yet I still manage to find the time to be a semi-respected draft guru in here...

Perhaps your real problem is that you're just too lazy to take the time to inform yourself... it's just easier to rant and rave...

and btw i'm the fan that people LOVE to have on there team

I promise you that most people in here would be quite happy if you picked another team to root for... I'm embarrassed that you're a fan of the same team I've loved for nearly 50 years now... you give me a bad name...

just think about may actually agree with me.

Friend, if you haven't figured out that virtually NOBODY agrees with you, you're a bloomin' idjit... you keep repeating that mantra over and over, and you ignore the obvious truth-- the vast majority of posters in this thread think you're a fool...


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Quarterback Coach;3335889 said:
that might be about demanding more than the status quo...just a thought

ROTFLMAO... do you delude yourself that your pathetic little "demands" will have one iota of effect on what Jerry does with the team??

What exactly do you think you accomplish with your ranting, other than disgorging some of the bile that has built up in you in the course of living your miserable, pathetic life??

A happy, well-adjusted man would not spend so much time snarling his anger on a freakin' message board...

Think about it, you know you agree with me... :D


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Four;3335890 said:
don't speak for us is what I am saying

you speak for you and you have no idea what real fans think.

Don't say most of us aren't embarrassed by you, then when I try to explain you are confused don't ignore my advice.

you get on here and tell us how to be fans, we can sure as heck try to tell you how foolish you are.

if ten people call you a fool and only you refuse to believe it you are still a fool. Only the worst kind of fool, the one who doesn't learn from experience.

QC is afflicted with an inordinately high level of arrogance... which is kind of comical, given that juvenile display he advertises in his sig line...


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Quarterback Coach;3335894 said:
do you need a hug...i think you do

Do you need an enema??

I think you do...

Sure hope you fins someone willing to help you out with that...


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masomenos85;3335901 said:
Congratulations on success, I was talking as a poster though. You clearly hold an opinion of yourself that we do not share. That's not to say that your input isn't valued on the forum,

Aw, go on and say it-- it's not...

Where you see yourself as some sort of Socratic gadfly, we think of you as just part of the swarm.

Actually, I think of him as the cowflop the swarm of flies is swarming around...


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5Stars;3335941 said:

OK, really, I'm outta here!

(injury probe)??

Be nice, or you're liable to send him off on a diet tribe...


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Quarterback Coach;3336134 said:
Hey...good advice...make sure you buy in to it, because it seems every post I have you tell people to ignore me yet you post more than they do in the threads that you are preaching to ignore...

Tell you what...send me a self addressed stamped enveloped and I'll sign something for you.

Just as soon as I can get them to make up your commitment papers...


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Quarterback Coach;3336140 said:
i fail yet your screen name is 5 and counting...yup...super bowls don't mean it now...hears an idea...LISTEN TO YOURSELF!!! GET BACK TO THAT 5 AND COUNTING MENTALITY...not the we beat Philly the last 2 games...yay!!!

Again, your argument is the quintessential straw man, because you can't name one poster in here who doesn't want to win another Super Bowl...

Go on, name just one... I defy you to name one... you can't do it...


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Hostile;3336147 said:
I keep asking for you to give a correlation but you won't do it. Is there a reason why you would run away from your OP so frantically?

C'mon, Hos, you know the answer to that-- his original premise was idiotic, he knows full well it was idiotic, and he can't defend it...

Plain and simple, he's trolling... which is, of course, why I'm having so much fun holding him up to ridicule...


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Quarterback Coach;3336150 said:
guilty as charged...

And there you have it folks-- QC freely admits that he's "pointless and arrogant"... what's sad is that he seems to be pleased with himself...


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Quarterback Coach;3336153 said:
actually i haven't, and even a few have drawn the correlation as i have now 4 or 5 times...

but i shall try again...just for you...

a) Philly fans ***** cause they can't get to the next step,

b) Dallas fans USED to *****,

I've never known a Dallas fan who *****es like you do...

c) NOW Dallas fans seems okay with good efforts.

That's bull****... being pleased that we broke our playoff winning drought does not mean we're "okay with good efforts"...

And if I am sooooooooooooo what people are saying here. There is NO passion for that debacle in Minnesota.

What do you suggest we do, piss and moan and ***** about that game until next year's Super Bowl??

Yeah, that'll prove we're great fans...

I'd suggest that TRULY great fans are focused on how we can get over the hump, how we can get better next year... and that seems to be the main thrust of the board these days... I know I've spent hundreds of hours this offseason studying the free agent markets and the draft boards with that goal in mind...

That seems to be a hell of a lot more constructive way of passing the offseason than engaging in a prolonged *****fest the way you seem to want us to do...


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Quarterback Coach;3336159 said:
bb you'll be one of the first to utter the statement "damn that chris, i hate him, but he's right."

Y'know what, YOU'RE a "hack"...