No, not conservative. Smart. The play design is not hard and fast in our offense. It's designed to be flexible. If the Defense is giving you 8 yards, why would you take a chance on a play that might or might not be completed? That does not make sense to me and I am certain that this is not how our offense is designed to work. This, IMO, is why Garrett said the proper play was the check down.
If you go to Murray, I think he gets 10 yards, maybe more because there is really only 1 player who can make a play on him and he's a good 10 yards away. If you fail on the 2nd down, you have zero chance of completing a route that gets you 16 yards. You must hope that you can get the ball out to a receiver or back and then they can run for the 1st down on third. If you take the Check Down, then you have a realistic chance of getting a completion of 6 to 8 yards and that's a 1st.
Yeah, if you see the play to Escobar as the right play in that situation, then we have a philosophical difference here. No doubt about that.
On a side note, I don't think that you can say Dallas wanted to continue attacking up field on that play. There is no evidence of this. Had this been true, they would not have sent Murray out in the pattern. They would have kept him in to block. We would not have heard Garrett say that the correct play was the check down. He would have said something very different. I think that Dallas, I.E., Garrett wanted to take what the play allowed for and pick up a 1st down.
We literally watched Manning do the same thing to us all day and we never stopped their offense once. At some point, you have to consider what is to be gained and lost on any given play and make the best decision. Again I say, I do not blame this loss on that pick or Tony. However, I do believe that the INT was a mistake on Tony's part. A lot of contributing factors that went into it but a mistake, just the same. That is my opinion of the matter.