PITTDAWG: How is Rob doing?

Tobal said:
I'd love to hear Robs take on Larry Allen, what was that man like in the lockerroom.

Also it was reported that Flozell worshipped the ground Allen walked on I wonder how he will be with Allen gone.

lockeroom dynamics interest me, I've been on teams with very varied backgrounds, but we were similar in age and very few of us were fathers. I wonder about the added dynamic of age and family situations.

good teammate
pittdawg said:
one more thing.

rivera is working out really hard and chanty has gained alot of upper body strenght.

From what you have seen, would it be Correct to say that Rivera was not playing at 100% last year and is in closer to 100% this year? I hope so.
Thanks again for taking the time Pittdawg. THe inside info is much appreciated.

pittdawg said:
one more thing.

rivera is working out really hard and chanty has gained alot of upper body strenght.

So is Rivera actually looking like his old self? I know a few people who have had back surgeries and they always had problems.
spindoc said:
You have class. Thank you for participating.

double that--Thanks -- I know last season was tough--No one knew the
extent of the ankle injury. Few are ready for the fire on day one. Heathly,
stronger, and with a year under his belt. Remind him that it takes most lineman 3 years to really take hold.:bow: :bow:
neosapien23 said:
So is Rivera actually looking like his old self? I know a few people who have had back surgeries and they always had problems.

don't know if he's looking like his old self, but is working hard in the gym.
What about Flo, has he been around?
Hey Pittdawg! It's good seeing you back around the site.

It was great meeting you and your family at the Washington game last year!

I'm glad Rob's had a chance to heal up during the off season... I hope he gets a chance to do some serious damage this year!
Pittdawg -

Thanks for all you do for us in spite of the occasional flack here. I hope Rob comes on this year and proves his detractors wrong. That being said, just to prove I'm not kissing up to you...

Hey! Bite me, Man! :D
pittdawg said:
unlike some posters out there, rob actually plays for the dallas cowboys and doesn't have to be concerned with the whims of some wanabe. QUOTE]
Enough said!:laugh1:
So, just out of curiosity, what is a daily workout like in this voluntary workout period?
TruBlueCowboy said:
I saw Pittdawg online many times even though he didn't post. I think he realizes the Pandora's Box he opens by posting on a Cowboys website. He can handle it. And honestly, I think Cowboys fans were more than fair about Rob. His grace period lasted a lot longer than Torrin Tucker or Ryan Young. Yeah, we all get on our soap boxes, but you gotta admit some of those games were just painful as hell to watch. Poor Rob just didn't have a chance in some of those games. Michael Strahan: :bang2:

But Rob has a huge upside coming back as a second year player in a system he now knows.
With one good year under his belt.
With his first real off season in the weight program.

This is something the mods may want to consider - 15 questions with Rob.
Something like Trickblue did the other day.

Would be nice to have a feature on line one time a week during the season where the Cowboys supplied a player of their choice and the mods sent in 15 questions.
pittdawg said:
one more thing.

rivera is working out really hard and chanty has gained alot of upper body strenght.
Thanks for the info pittdawg!

Glad to hear Rob is getting stronger, that alone will make him a much better player.

pittdawg said:
rob is fine, fully healed and ready to prove himself again. already has gained over 10 lbs of muscle and "mandatory lifting" has just started. he is anxious to meet T.O. , but sorry to see some teammates leave.

Great news .......I sure hope Rob can build on what he started last year and show tons of improvement!
pittdawg said:
one more thing.

rivera is working out really hard and chanty has gained alot of upper body strenght.

How is Al Johnson doing so far, if you know? We all have high hopes for him (well some of us anyways) as well as Rob and Stephen. I even had high hopes for Jacob Rogers as well. Do you know any truth behind why they released him, when they were saying he was getting another shot?

Also do you know anything about kosier, and whether they plan to start him?

Glad to see you back. I might be in the minority but I don't think Fabini is a shoe in to start. Loosing all that weight had to zap Rob big time. I will make my final judgement when TC starts. I am sure now that Rob has tasted starting in the NFL he will not concede anything to Fabini. Tell him we all wish him the best and to continue to work his arse off (not literally because junk in trunk in trenches is actually a good thing). :)
Galian Beast said:
How is Al Johnson doing so far, if you know? We all have high hopes for him (well some of us anyways) as well as Rob and Stephen. I even had high hopes for Jacob Rogers as well. Do you know any truth behind why they released him, when they were saying he was getting another shot?

Also do you know anything about kosier, and whether they plan to start him?

i really wish i had more info for you guys, i just don't know about some of this stuff. believe it or not, rob and i don't really talk about the goings on with the team much, just about what relates to him most of the time.

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