
Chief;2086924 said:
CROP DUSTING — When farting, you walk briskly around the office so the smell is not in your area and everyone else gets a whiff but doesn’t know where it came from. Be careful when you do this. Do not stop until the full fart has been expelled. Walk an extra 30 feet to make sure the smell has left your pants.

You might try that technique.:laugh2:

Wow ive been doing that since I was old enough to break wind. I didnt know it had an actual name.

Thanks Chief.

BTW I had to do some work outside for the 2nd half of the afternoon so I made it without anyone giving me the "did you fart look", and then me looking back at them like "gross who did that".

No more heart burn either. It only took 10 tums to cure that problem.
Yeagermeister;2087108 said:
Too each his own but I prefer more than one piece of pepperoni per slice.

I must have missed something, what does this mean?
Best pizza I ever had was in Seattle and I can't for the life of me recall the name of the joint. Been about 5 yrs I guess. White take out box w orange lettering...

It was in or near the Capitol Hill area and looked a bit like a dive or sports bar with a small patio dining area. I'm pretty sure it was a fixture in the area for a while-- maybe a Seattle area resident can help me with the name.
PosterChild;2087398 said:
Best pizza I ever had was in Seattle and I can't for the life of me recall the name of the joint. Been about 5 yrs I guess. White take out box w orange lettering...

It was in or near the Capitol Hill area and looked a bit like a dive or sports bar with a small patio dining area. I'm pretty sure it was a fixture in the area for a while-- maybe a Seattle area resident can help me with the name.
CATCH17;2086705 said:
If Pizza Hut had a face I would punch it.

I am sick of everytime I order a thin crust pizza I have heart burn for the next 24 hours.

What is the deal with this crap?!?!

I eat healthy all week and decide to have a few slices of pizza and next thing you know im going through an entire bottle of tums, waking up dehydrated, and feeling bloated the entire next day.

No more Pizza! I hate you! You taste great but you hurt me to bad!

Anyone else feelin me?

What city do you live in? Try Redbrick Pizza.
Hostile;2087407 said:

That doesn't ring a bell. I just called my sister whose phone is turned off. She'll remember I think, because she used to live there and probably dined there often enough.

I recall it as having a fairly ordinary name.
theebs;2087394 said:
I must have missed something, what does this mean?

All of the "NY style" pizza I have ever eaten barely had any toppings and the crust was like cardboard.
ELDudearino;2087410 said:
What city do you live in? Try Redbrick Pizza.

We have one of those right near the house. It's that good eh?

For those living in the Dallas area, Carmine's Pizza at Spring Valley Rd and the Dallas North Tollway is greatness. We go there once a week probably. Extremely good.
mmm, thin crust pizza from Pizza Hut. Yum. If they make it right!

I always ask for extra extra (yes 2 extras) sauce. For some reason to the workers at my local pizza hut that translates into: very very little sauce.
PosterChild;2087428 said:
That doesn't ring a bell. I just called my sister whose phone is turned off. She'll remember I think, because she used to live there and probably dined there often enough.

I recall it as having a fairly ordinary name.

Piecora's New York Pizza

Wheww That was gonna keep me up all night unless I coughed it up. Anyway, if anyone finds themselves in Seattle sometime, hit it.
Want real pizza heartburn, you gotta try the original deep dish pizza from Uno's in downtown Chicago.

Will ruin you for eating any other pizza, but Mama-Mia the heartburn is BAD!

Wow. Pizza porn; I love it. That looks incredible...I usually prefer NY Style but I would be all over that...
Yeagermeister;2087438 said:
All of the "NY style" pizza I have ever eaten barely had any toppings and the crust was like cardboard.

Ever had any in NY?

I am not even sure what ny style is. I am actually not a fan of the pizza in nyc. Central ny italian food is incredible. Especially the pizza and the tomato pie.

I had pizza in chicago a couple of years ago and I didnt like that at all. I found it to be disgusting actually!!
theebs;2087513 said:
Ever had any in NY?

I am not even sure what ny style is. I am actually not a fan of the pizza in nyc. Central ny italian food is incredible. Especially the pizza and the tomato pie.

I had pizza in chicago a couple of years ago and I didnt like that at all. I found it to be disgusting actually!!

Nope never been to NY unless you call a flight lay over from Germany visiting. I just don't care for that style of pizza. To each their own.
Ozzu;2087444 said:
We have one of those right near the house. It's that good eh?

For those living in the Dallas area, Carmine's Pizza at Spring Valley Rd and the Dallas North Tollway is greatness. We go there once a week probably. Extremely good.

It's better than Pizza Hut but nothing compares to Pizzaria's in Chicago and NY, the mom and pop places. Thanks for the tip on Carmines, I'm gonna try it Wednesday if I pass my physical:D
After eating a pizza that looked just like the one above, I will never ever enjoy a Pizza Hut, Dominoes, Pizza Inn or their ilk again. Absolutely, the most aromatic, best blend of spices, most wonderful crust, I have ever eaten. Tried pizzas in at least 30 other cities and none compare. Been to Uno's in 2 other cities since then, but it is just the everyday franchise pizza. Just ruined me for pizza.
fan62;2087497 said:
Want real pizza heartburn, you gotta try the original deep dish pizza from Uno's in downtown Chicago.

Will ruin you for eating any other pizza, but Mama-Mia the heartburn is BAD!


They got one downtown Ft Worth, good stuff. Even the crust is homemade.
ELDudearino;2087532 said:
They got one downtown Ft Worth, good stuff. Even the crust is homemade.
Thanks - I was wondering if it was good or just another copycat Franchise.
Good Huh?

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