
fan62;2087497 said:
Want real pizza heartburn, you gotta try the original deep dish pizza from Uno's in downtown Chicago.

Will ruin you for eating any other pizza, but Mama-Mia the heartburn is BAD!


That pizza looks great.

This thread has made me hungry for some pizza. Thanks a lot.

BTW the only good thing that came out of Pizza Hut around here is when they merged with Wingstreet and we were able to get some great Buffalo Wings there.
PosterChild;2087428 said:
That doesn't ring a bell. I just called my sister whose phone is turned off. She'll remember I think, because she used to live there and probably dined there often enough.

I recall it as having a fairly ordinary name.

PosterChild;2087481 said:
Piecora's New York Pizza

Wheww That was gonna keep me up all night unless I coughed it up. Anyway, if anyone finds themselves in Seattle sometime, hit it.

The name Piecora is not fairly ordinary, at least not around here, anyways.
fan62;2087497 said:
Want real pizza heartburn, you gotta try the original deep dish pizza from Uno's in downtown Chicago.

Will ruin you for eating any other pizza, but Mama-Mia the heartburn is BAD!

There's a place here that has pizza just like that. It's called Zachary's. Best in town IMO.
DallasFanSince86;2087599 said:
The name Piecora is not fairly ordinary, at least not around here, anyways.

Yeah, the name is not exactly as I remember but my sister confirms it... BTW, isn't Papa Johns from Louisville? As far as chains go it gets my vote for decent pie.
Hey Hostile have you heard of a pizza place called fire side lodge?

My friend said he ate there when he was in Arizona and it was really good.
Uno's is good, but Giordano's is better...and if you like vegi,they can mail order it to you.

CATCH17;2087872 said:
Hey Hostile have you heard of a pizza place called fire side lodge?

My friend said he ate there when he was in Arizona and it was really good.
No I haven't. The name reminds me of a great pizza place in Provo, Utah called Brick Oven.

In Tucson the best pizza places are...

Grandma Tony's
Brooklyn Pizza Company
the kid 05;2087897 said:
i love their green olive stuffed pizza :) delicious
It's funny, cuz I'm trying to get to Chicago in time for the Taste. No luck so far. But it's on my radar for sure.
CATCH17;2086705 said:
If Pizza Hut had a face I would punch it.

I am sick of everytime I order a thin crust pizza I have heart burn for the next 24 hours.

What is the deal with this crap?!?!

I eat healthy all week and decide to have a few slices of pizza and next thing you know im going through an entire bottle of tums, waking up dehydrated, and feeling bloated the entire next day.

No more Pizza! I hate you! You taste great but you hurt me to bad!

Anyone else feelin me?

Pizza hut, ewwwwwwwww. You should know better. Don't they have any REAL pizza places where you live? See what happens when you treat your body well and then throw crap in it, it rejects it. SHame on you for eatting crappy pizza :cool:
This thread was supposed to be bashing pizza!

Now im hungry for more pizza.

Thanks guys..... :bang2:

k19;2087917 said:
Pizza hut, ewwwwwwwww. You should know better. Don't they have any REAL pizza places where you live? See what happens when you treat your body well and then throw crap in it, it rejects it. SHame on you for eatting crappy pizza :cool:

There is no such thing as real pizza in this area. Its the McDonalds of Pizza all around me.

Shame on me is correct too. I need to be pimp slapped for eating it.
WoodysGirl;2087900 said:
It's funny, cuz I'm trying to get to Chicago in time for the Taste. No luck so far. But it's on my radar for sure.

i've always lived no more then an hour away from chicago and i still haven't gotten to the taste :( I dunno if you have tried them or not but Vienna beef hot dogs are par none the best tasting dogs you will ever taste, little more cost wise though
CATCH17;2087921 said:
This thread was supposed to be bashing pizza!

Now im hungry for more pizza.

Thanks guys..... :bang2:

There is no such thing as real pizza in this area. Its the McDonalds of Pizza all around me.

Shame on me is correct too. I need to be pimp slapped for eating it.

as long as you eat the stuffed crust pizza..mmm...have you tried making your own pizzas and seen if the results are the same?
the kid 05;2087928 said:
as long as you eat the stuffed crust pizza..mmm...have you tried making your own pizzas and seen if the results are the same?

Home made pizza doesnt effect me at all unless it has green peppers in it.

But ill put up with peppers giving me heartburn.
the kid 05;2087923 said:
i've always lived no more then an hour away from chicago and i still haven't gotten to the taste :( I dunno if you have tried them or not but Vienna beef hot dogs are par none the best tasting dogs you will ever taste, little more cost wise though
Oh the Taste is great. You should go. It's just like one big picnic. Take alot of money, cuz you'll want to try everything...and it can get expensive.

I don't eat beef anymore, but when I did, YUM.
CATCH17;2087934 said:
Home made pizza doesnt effect me at all unless it has green peppers in it.

But ill put up with peppers giving me heartburn.

problem solved...i'll take my payment over paypal thank you :)

WoodysGirl;2087935 said:
Oh the Taste is great. You should go. It's just like one big picnic. Take alot of money, cuz you'll want to try everything...and it can get expensive.

I don't eat beef anymore, but when I did, YUM.

maybe ill get a group of friends to go this year...whats the reason behind the stopping of beef eatting? Decide to go vegan? (not tryin to be a jerk aboot it just curious)
PosterChild;2087834 said:
Yeah, the name is not exactly as I remember but my sister confirms it... BTW, isn't Papa Johns from Louisville? As far as chains go it gets my vote for decent pie.

Yes, sir. They sponsor lots of things around here. Particularly events in the Kentucky Derby Festival, and of course they have the naming rights to the Louisville Cardinals Football Statium: Papa Johns Stadium.
I used to travel to Chicago a great deal...

We always ate pizza at Lou Manalti's...
the kid 05;2087937 said:
problem solved...i'll take my payment over paypal thank you :)

maybe ill get a group of friends to go this year...whats the reason behind the stopping of beef eatting? Decide to go vegan? (not tryin to be a jerk aboot it just curious)
At one time, I was heading that way, vegan, that is. I cut out pork when I was about 19-20. Went back and forth about beef until about 23-24 and I haven't eaten it since. I have limited dairy intake and I eat chicken, fish, and turkey.

No special reason other than I was just trying to change up my diet. If I were to eat beef or pork, I end up feeling really bad.

You and your friends should definitely go. Just for the atmosphere alone. Pick a day where you might actually enjoy the music performers. Then buy food tix and go sample.
theebs;2087090 said:
But if you have had good pizza, the pizza huts, dominoes, pappa johns etc just stand out as being really bad.

Pizza hut not only tastes pretty awful but it is extremely greasy. Yuck.

this place has some of the best pizza in the world. Ask sarge. I am sure he loves it.

I could suggest several places to eat wonderful pizza...but I think it'd not be so useful for u :D
Anyway, this one seems to be at least reliable, coming from Napoli area...the homeland of Pizza!!! :rolleyes:

mmm...I must say that all these pizza controversies made me hungry :)

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