Future;4677107 said:Seriously. That's 100 times worse.
I played intramural flag football one year and we played a team who not only had plays, but had one of those QB wristband things and audibles. It was ridiculous. Worst sports experience of my life.
I agree with Kangaroo, I love when guys play zones. It means that they are all soft defenders.
joseephuss;4676602 said:My buddies and I went to shoot the ball around one night. There were five us. These 5 other guys came up to us and asked if we wanted to get a pickup game going. Why not? As soon as the game starts these guys break out into a zone defense and then start calling out plays on offense. It was ridiculous. I'd rather deal with a ball hog.
TheCount;4677298 said:All due respect (and I mean that), but the whole "Today's generation only has a me mentality" is as tired as it is untrue.
On the list of Top 10 most single season shot attempts, Wilt Chamberlain is #1 - 6. Rick Barry is on there twice at 8 and 9 and Elgin Baylor is #7.
So 9 of the Top 10 guys in that category played well before "today's athlete". Jordan is the only modern baller on that list, and that was before he had help.
On the flip side, the Top 10 list for most assists in a season features primarily modern day players. John Stockton is 7 of the Top 10. Isiah Thomas and Kevin Johnson are on there along with Kevin Porter.
So the idea that today's generation takes more shots and passes less is completely bunk. The moment some caveman invented the first competitive sport, I guarantee you there was another caveman that literally refused to share "the rock".
As far as the OP, I suggest you learn to love defense. Every game, pick an opponent and dog him up and down the court. Learn to take pleasure in his failure to generate any offense, make him as frustrated as you are for not seeing the ball on the other end.
Eventually, you'll find that as you become more dominant on D, you'll magically start receiving the ball more on O.
The second step is to learn to pass better. I don't mean that as soon as you get the ball you look to get rid of it. Be patient. Get the ball and wait, tell teammates to cut and get other guys involved. Hit guys coming off screens and get the ball to people in position to score. Reward those that post up, and reward those that play D along with you. Become a fan of your teammates as well, root them on and encourage guys working for good shots to keep taking them even if they miss a few. Don't forget to root for guys that are hitting the boards too, even if they are timid on O.
I guarantee you that if you learn to love D and learn to get the ball to other people that are working hard, as opposed to just standing around the three point line, you'll find the ball in your hands more and more on offense.
The truth is that no one likes a ball hog. The biggest mistake people make is that when they play with ball hogs, they become the monster they loathed and start chucking it up whenever they touch it.
Joe Rod;4678676 said:Is it like this?
Hoofbite;4677995 said:I play in a Kickball league in the fall and spring. There's a couple try-hard teams out there.
One in particular has won the championship for like 3 straight seasons that I know of.
They're entirely lame. Home/Away is determined by a chug off. Fastest person to down a beer gets to choose home or away. Of course this team doesn't do the chug off because they aren't going to drink while playing so they just accept the visitor role every time.
They have their lineup strategically set when other teams just call out names seemingly at random. They'll get a dude on first, bunt with a chick with the next batter and the guy who was on first takes 3rd without even slowing down at 2nd at all.
Seriously, these guys are playing in a league where half the teams are tanked by the 4th inning and they actually have hit-n-runs called to move a guy over to 3rd.
They take extra bases any time a female opponent fields the ball because they know that most teams have random girls who can't really throw out there. You're required to have 4 on the field at all times when on defense so they basically aim for them and a guy who started on first will basically be looking to go home on anything that's hit in the direction of a girl. Meanwhile, all their girls are ex-soccer players or super athletes who can kick the ball further than half the league.
They have an actual bullpen. Same dude usually starts for them and then some small chick who's obviously an ex-softball player will come in later. Both throw the ball about as fast as possible with lots of arc in both directions.
I'm not even sure why anyone would get a kick out playing against a bunch of drunks. I can't stand drunks when I am not a part of the group. Imagine being at a park full of drunks and you are acting like a hard *** because you just won another game while completely sober.
Hoofbite;4677995 said:I play in a Kickball league in the fall and spring. There's a couple try-hard teams out there.
One in particular has won the championship for like 3 straight seasons that I know of.
They're entirely lame. Home/Away is determined by a chug off. Fastest person to down a beer gets to choose home or away. Of course this team doesn't do the chug off because they aren't going to drink while playing so they just accept the visitor role every time.
They have their lineup strategically set when other teams just call out names seemingly at random. They'll get a dude on first, bunt with a chick with the next batter and the guy who was on first takes 3rd without even slowing down at 2nd at all.
Seriously, these guys are playing in a league where half the teams are tanked by the 4th inning and they actually have hit-n-runs called to move a guy over to 3rd.
They take extra bases any time a female opponent fields the ball because they know that most teams have random girls who can't really throw out there. You're required to have 4 on the field at all times when on defense so they basically aim for them and a guy who started on first will basically be looking to go home on anything that's hit in the direction of a girl. Meanwhile, all their girls are ex-soccer players or super athletes who can kick the ball further than half the league.
They have an actual bullpen. Same dude usually starts for them and then some small chick who's obviously an ex-softball player will come in later. Both throw the ball about as fast as possible with lots of arc in both directions.
I'm not even sure why anyone would get a kick out playing against a bunch of drunks. I can't stand drunks when I am not a part of the group. Imagine being at a park full of drunks and you are acting like a hard *** because you just won another game while completely sober.
BraveHeartFan;4679115 said:And the issue is?
I'm sorry but I don't see these two things as remotely the same.
These people apparently go into your seasons with the mind set of actually doing well and winning. I'm not sure why that's an issue or a problem to anyone. It's not like the rest of you couldn't play harder or drink less.
I don't think there is anything wrong with your team either, or any of the teams for that matter, having fun in whatever way they wish. But I'm just not sure how anyone is supposed to take what this winning team does as a negative just because the rest of the league appears to not really care about anything other than getting drunk.
Yeagermeister;4679360 said:how do you bunt in kickball? :laugh1:
Hoofbite;4677995 said:I'm not even sure why anyone would get a kick out playing against a bunch of drunks. I can't stand drunks when I am not a part of the group. Imagine being at a park full of drunks and you are acting like a hard *** because you just won another game while completely sober.
Hoofbite;4679561 said:The issue is it's a social event not the Olympics. It's a drinking league. They supply kegs for the tournament. This is not a professional kickball league where a small fraction of the league drinks. It's a drinking league where from what I have seen, all teams drink except for this one.
The league has one night out of the week where everyone plays with a cup in hand at all times. Fielding and running the bases, cup in hand. If you get to second, your cup is refilled.
They're sponsored by local bars and after games a good number of the teams head to the closest sponsor bar for dinner and drinks.
People are out there to have a good time. Nobody signed up expecting to play against Randy Johnson and the butch chick who's closing the game out.
Sure, they're entitled to have a good time too. I agree, they're committing time and paying for the team T-shirt. But how about not trying to see if you can enforce the mercy rule every week by kicking until sunset.
trickblue;4678526 said:You are comparing apples to oranges... Wilt didn't bring the ball down the court. He was a 7'1" freak of nature. He got the ball when it was passed to him or he rebounded it. The strategy of the teams he played on was to get the ball to him as he was virtually unstoppable. He also was a prolific rebounder that would put the ball back up after rebounding...
I would expect him to be on top of the list as that was his role in the NBA.
Baylor was also a prolific rebounder and scorer, but was also well known for being a gifted passer as well...
Barry doesn't surprise me... he ushered in the ball-hog era in the NBA...
I wouldn't call it "bunk"... and I wasn't necessarily referring to the NBA alone. High School, College and Pro's are chock full of "look at me" players...
Yeagermeister;4676615 said:Talk to the other guys and agree to not let him have the ball if he starts hogging it or all 4 of you walk off the court.
RoyTheHammer;4679883 said:It sounds like its not a case of one guy being a ball hog, but 4 other guys knowing who the weak link is.
TheCount;4679830 said:So you're saying it's okay to hog it if but only if you're bigger and better than everyone else on your team? :laugh2:
A little hypocritical, don't you think?