TheCount;4681274 said:
My angle is that you're speaking in generalities that aren't true. The game has never been "work the ball in to get the closest shot". The game has been to have your best players score and everyone else play roles. If a big man happens to be your best guy, then of course you feed him. What coach is going to tell his guards to just keep chucking it when they have a dominant offensive big man?
Playing the game for almost 50 years, you are wrong on this one. You can't take the game today and relate it back to what it once was. We won state in '80 and our strategy was to work it in to our big guys...
TheCount;4681274 said:
Gasol can't get the ball? The only person that takes more shots than Gasol on the Lakers is Kobe. Who I'm assuming you are targeting with that "ballhogs" comment.
Gasol is a feature player... he takes shots... but Kobe is king...
TheCount;4681274 said:
And if you have a problem with Kobe taking more shots than Gasol, then you just have a vendetta against the guy.
I don't have a problem with Kobe per se... not sure of vendetta comment...
TheCount;4681274 said:
The year before, in the full year, Gasol took 1120 shots. That's the 2nd most shots he's ever taken in any single season his entire career. Gasol get's the ball plenty and he takes (and makes) plenty of shots.
When he gets a chance...
TheCount;4681274 said:
You may have lived through the "golden era", and everyone is entitled to their opinion on when that era is (For me, the golden era is the 80's and 90's) but the idea that the game is somehow worse today because it's full of selfish athletes (which you claimed originally) is completely and utterly without merit. That's my angle.
Still not sure of you... you attack my stance on many occasions...
I have an opinion... you do too... just stop prefacing it with "With all due respect" because you don't respect me... "bunk' proves that...
I am perfectly willing to engage you in discussion, but you constantly resort to backhanded insults...
What gives? I actually like vampire shows...
Do you want to discuss things on a friendly level, or do you want to continue to dish out backhanded insults? Not sure of your issue's with me, but you have certainly taken shots at me recently...
I really don't care, not sure what I have done to warrant this, but I can fend for myself, but you have been going out of your way to challenge me...