Make the playoffs? We're talking about the odds/percentages to win the rest of the games and make the playoffs? And ALL of this kookiness is because we beat a single team in the last 2 months, a team that wanted to lose to ensure a QB in the draft...a team that cut their starting QB to ensure they wouldn't win, and then started a bust QB that hasn't played in ages, and who had to cram the playbook in a few hours before the game sitting alone in the stadium? A team that BLATANTLY threw the game and just handed us the win on purpose? THAT'S what is causing all this? LOL LOL!!!!!
Forget the playoffs. The chance of us winning the very next game is 0.0000% much less the rest of them.
Cincinnati isn't going to throw the game like the Tanking Giants did. They are going to remind us that every single team over the last 2 months that actually wanted to win, pounded us into the dirt and clowned us.
This fan base is like a homeless person on the streets who just got thrown 2 bucks in pocket change by a passerby that felt sorry for him, who then looks at that 2 dollars and starts picturing himself as a CEO of a Fortune 500 company.