Police Brutality/False Arrest Advocate, Antonio Buehler, Gets Arrested Again

Sam I Am;4691271 said:
I don't understand this statement. It's embarrassing because they want 50 feet between you and the arrest they are making. Exactly what is embarrassing about that? They are making an arrest. Back up. You don't need to be right on top of them while they do their work. You can still see what is happening from 50 feet away.

Besides, it isn't always safe to be near an arrest. You have no idea what the perp is going to do.

I agree, however I think 50 feet is excessive.
rocboy22;4690906 said:
I would be mad about this guy's actions if I was the one getting arrested, but not if I was the cops.

The issue is they already falsely arrested him one time. Now they did it again because someone they're upset and scared that someone filmed the incident last time Buehler was arrested for asking them why they were manhandling a female dwi suspect.

Trust me. Antonio didn't do anything wrong. This is what they do when you question their ability, even more their integrity, to do their job.

Anyway, a jury will decide this--on both cases. Hopefully justice prevails and these spineless police lose their jobs....
Sam I Am;4691271 said:
I don't understand this statement. It's embarrassing because they want 50 feet between you and the arrest they are making. Exactly what is embarrassing about that? They are making an arrest. Back up. You don't need to be right on top of them while they do their work. You can still see what is happening from 50 feet away.

Besides, it isn't always safe to be near an arrest. You have no idea what the perp is going to do.

Embarrassing because the law protects people who want to film the police. Now the cops want this arbitrary rule, which will be enforced arbitrarily if it is made into policy, so they don't have to obey the law themselves.

It's outright embarrassing, not because cops don't do this, but because this is my town.. we're supposed to not be as uptight as the rest of Texas... And we allow this garbage from our cops.
arglebargle;4690969 said:
In this case, if you don't clean up your own house, you shouldn't complain when someone else has to.

The damage done by a bad cop is way out of proportion to the percentage of bad ones that exist.

It's a tough job, underpaid in many instances. I worked for a business run by the wife of a policeman. Heard her complaining to him once that he'd lost the super Maglite flashlight she'd gotten him. He said he had forgotten it in his locker, and it was stolen. I asked him about this, and in a moment of candor he said that you couldn't leave stuff in your unlocked locker at police HQ, or it would disappear. This was in Austin, Texas. That pretty much told me what I needed to know.

You don't have to try hard to find joker policemen here. It's like a requirement for APD. I think I'd rather hang out with some of the guys who police other towns. APD must have a rule that you have to qualify as being a slime ball before you get the job.....
Rynie;4691059 said:

jobberone;4691300 said:
Maybe. Maybe not. Depends on what occurred previous to that. If you are running from the police then you are taking your life in your hands. Sure there is appropriate response but they aren't going to screw around with you fleeing from justice because its too easy to be harmed and innocent bystanders to be injured or killed. And you never know when someone has a weapon or when they will use it. What was that she put into her blouse. Was it a weapon?

Your agenda is crystal clear. But you can only see things from one side. You lack the wisdom to see both sides of the equation. Or you don't care about the cops who are killed and injured making arrests.

You can have the last word.

When I was younger, I ran from the police twice and got away. I took my life into my own hands and I was better off for it. :laugh2:
Denim Chicken;4690892 said:
We have our license plates scanned, monitored on CCTV, data entered in Govt databases, facial recognition, drones, NSA wiretaps; GPS data monitored—and your worried about cops being videotaped? Give me a freaking break.

Well put. The idea that the police are entitled to more privacy on the job than we are in our own free time is preposterous.
CowboyMcCoy;4691543 said:
When I was younger, I ran from the police twice and got away. I took my life into my own hands and I was better off for it. :laugh2:

If you don't stop making political statements like the one about your local police department you are going to be running again. :)
TheCount;4691580 said:
Well put. The idea that the police are entitled to more privacy on the job than we are in our own free time is preposterous.

It's not a matter of privacy. It's a matter of public safety and not harassing our cops and letting them do their job.

Would you like someone to follow you around filming all your actions on your job and getting in your face? And what are you going to say when someone who is truly dangerous takes someone hostage because they're too close to the action. Or simply stabs them in the heart as they get up and run? Or someone crazy or malicious throws a biological or acid into someone's face just because you were closer than the cop was? Sure as hell they would sue the police because they were negligent in preventing a disaster.
jobberone;4691592 said:
It's not a matter of privacy. It's a matter of public safety and not harassing our cops and letting them do their job.

Would you like someone to follow you around filming all your actions on your job and getting in your face? And what are you going to say when someone who is truly dangerous takes someone hostage because they're too close to the action. Or simply stabs them in the heart as they get up and run? Or someone crazy or malicious throws a biological or acid into someone's face just because you were closer than the cop was? Sure as hell they would sue the police because they were negligent in preventing a disaster.

Filming a cop on the street isn't harassment. If a cop want's to complain about my coming into their office to film them while they do paperwork, then I'll listen.

No one is entitled to a 50 foot radius of clear space to work in public, that's a ridiculous request much less something they want to mandate by law.
TheCount;4691598 said:
Filming a cop on the street isn't harassment. If a cop want's to complain about my coming into their office to film them while they do paperwork, then I'll listen.

No one is entitled to a 50 foot radius of clear space to work in public, that's a ridiculous request much less something they want to mandate by law.

The root issue here is people with nothing better to do than film the police in the hopes that they catch them doing something questionable, not the police themselves.

Irrational hatred of police due to a minority hinders the job of the majority. No, it wouldnt normally be a job hinderance. The problem is the people filming are rarely " normal".
TheCount;4691598 said:
Filming a cop on the street isn't harassment. If a cop want's to complain about my coming into their office to film them while they do paperwork, then I'll listen.

No one is entitled to a 50 foot radius of clear space to work in public, that's a ridiculous request much less something they want to mandate by law.

It is harassment because the only reason they want to do this is to hopefully catch someone on tape doing something that even appears to be wrong. And they are doing this for their own gain not in the interest of protecting the rights of others. This will generate money for him and maybe a book.

And you're totally neglecting the safety aspect which is the greatest concern not whether someone doesn't want to be filmed. Almost every single person getting arrested is not a normal person who is totally innocent and are being wrongly treated and harassed by the police. They are bad guys who do bad things. There are people out there who will hurt you esp if you get in their way.

You people chap my arse. You cry for your rights including being politically correct and you're the first to criticize the very people who protect you from some pretty nasty people. You and the others of your ilk will be the first persons crying for help when a bad guy actually enters your life and the first to whine about not being protected properly no matter what happens. You think if a cop is arresting someone then their rights are probably being violated. People like me are thinking those guys are putting their actual lives on the line keeping bad people off the street. Go sit your butt in a patrol car for a week then come back and let's see if your story changes.
jobberone;4691632 said:
It is harassment because the only reason they want to do this is to hopefully catch someone on tape doing something that even appears to be wrong. And they are doing this for their own gain not in the interest of protecting the rights of others. This will generate money for him and maybe a book.

And you're totally neglecting the safety aspect which is the greatest concern not whether someone doesn't want to be filmed. Almost every single person getting arrested is not a normal person who is totally innocent and are being wrongly treated and harassed by the police. They are bad guys who do bad things. There are people out there who will hurt you esp if you get in their way.

You people chap my arse. You cry for your rights including being politically correct and you're the first to criticize the very people who protect you from some pretty nasty people. You and the others of your ilk will be the first persons crying for help when a bad guy actually enters your life and the first to whine about not being protected properly no matter what happens. You think if a cop is arresting someone then their rights are probably being violated. People like me are thinking those guys are putting their actual lives on the line keeping bad people off the street. Go sit your butt in a patrol car for a week then come back and let's see if your story changes.

jobberone;4691632 said:
It is harassment because the only reason they want to do this is to hopefully catch someone on tape doing something that even appears to be wrong. And they are doing this for their own gain not in the interest of protect the rights of others. This will generate money for him and maybe a book.

Why is it their own gain? What did he gain by being falsely arrested--again?

And you're totally neglecting the safety aspect which is the greatest concern not whether someone doesn't want to be filmed. Almost every single person getting arrested is not a normal person who is totally innocent and are being wrongly treated and harassed by the police. They are bad guys who do bad things. There are people out there who will hurt you esp if you get in their way.
We're talking about Austin, Texas. It's not full of bad apples in terms of citizenry. How are people not normal because they get arrested? What does good mean? Bad? Seems a bit arbitrary to me....

You people chap my arse. You cry for your rights including being politically correct and you're the first to criticize the very people who protect you from some pretty nasty people. You and the others of your ilk will be the first persons crying for help when a bad guy actually enters your life and the first to whine about not being protected properly no matter what happens. You think if a cop is arresting someone then their rights are probably being violated. People like me are thinking those guys are putting their actual lives on the line keeping bad people off the street. Go sit your butt in a patrol car for a week then come back and let's see if your story changes.
I don't have sympathy for any of them. I'm sorry, but it's this kind of attitude that makes it that way. Cops see themselves as above the law for some reason, society owes them, whoa is them, etc. Those poor police officers breaking the law.

Some people will defend cops no matter which law they break. My guess is Antonio is acquitted on both counts.

Watch the video and point out which law he actually broke. I still fail to see that this time or the last time he got arrested. At which point did he break the law?
jobberone;4691632 said:
It is harassment because the only reason they want to do this is to hopefully catch someone on tape doing something that even appears to be wrong. And they are doing this for their own gain not in the interest of protecting the rights of others. This will generate money for him and maybe a book..

Even using your biased retelling of their purpose, that's still not harassment.

jobberone;4691632 said:
And you're totally neglecting the safety aspect which is the greatest concern not whether someone doesn't want to be filmed. Almost every single person getting arrested is not a normal person who is totally innocent and are being wrongly treated and harassed by the police. They are bad guys who do bad things. There are people out there who will hurt you esp if you get in their way.

Safety is the only reason something like mandating all citizens move 50 feet away from any cop when he tells you to is being remotely considered, obviously.

jobberone;4691632 said:
You people chap my arse...

You people? Oh brother, here we go. I'm not even going to entertain the rest of this. Have a nice night.
Rynie;4691403 said:
I know I'm coming off as a cop-hater, but that's not the case. Growing up, I had SEVEN policemen that lived in my neighborhood, including the Captain of the police department. All very good, honorable people. A guy at the end of my street became a cop too, but he was crooked. He finally got fired, after several incidences. He's planted evidence. He got caught having phone sex while on duty, and had a hit-and-run while he was in the squad car. HE RAN. I've also been pulled over in my city by COUNTLESS jerk cops. Now, I get that they deal with the scum of the earth, but I'm nothing but cooperative and respectful to police when I get pulled over. I don't think it's asking too much for a little respect. Reciprocity can go a long way.

This is a fair and reasonable post. You should expect to be treated respectfully. And being respectful and not creating tension will go a long ways with most police. Don't make them nervous. You aren't a bad guy but they must look for it everytime they interact with someone.

The bad ones get weeded out because they are just intolerable in that job. I'm not defending bad and crooked cops. They should and often do go to jail. They betray the very trust we give them.
TheCount;4691649 said:
Even using your biased retelling of their purpose, that's still not harassment.

Safety is the only reason something like mandating all citizens move 50 feet away from any cop when he tells you to is being remotely considered, obviously.

You people? Oh brother, here we go. I'm not even going to entertain the rest of this. Have a nice night.

I've never had a problem with you but I do on this thread. I stand by what I said. I was extremely clear I was including you in that comment. If you don't like it then I can understand that and respect it. Being dismissive because I told you I don't like your stand on this at all is just passive-aggressive. If you wish to opine I'm being aggressive then I'll own some of that but most of that is true disgust. Go sit in a patrol car and get back to me. You'll sing another tune.

I was very clear safety was the major issue here. Since you admitted that then we have some common ground and that should end the debate. Have a great night.

I've said all I want to say and I've now dominated this thread. So I will bow out.
TheCount;4691589 said:

This is really ridiculous. But asking questions about why cops do things things just like this are why Antonio got arrested this time. Last time he was arrested it was for asking the local department why they were pulling a dwi suspect around by her arms. He's out on bond and free now, questioning the police about that incident and currently records them doing their job. Goodness gracious... I hope that guy gets what he has coming.

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