Post game thoughts- wasted season


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That pretty much sums up my thoughts. I know we have alot of injuries, and I didnt expect us to win today but I also didnt expect to see such a lackluster effort either. It's over for this team this year. I'm sure some will cry and complain, saying its being a chicken little or giving up on them, but seriously. This team is just lousy.

What a train wreck this team is now. Its so painfully obvious this team doesn't want to play for Wade Phillips. He's clueless in just about every way possible.

1) disgraceful performance by the OL...I lost count at how many times I saw our OL knocked down on the ground or just plain run over. Corey Proctor is just a wasted roster spot. Montrae Holland must REALLY suck in practice if he cant get on the field ahead of this stiff. Columbo is a tough guy and all, but his blocking is mediocre. Leonard Davis looked like the player the Cards gave up on again today. Adams is clearly injured, and is hurting the team by playing. But that gets back to poor coaching and decision making (see below). The OL was so overwhelming in the first 3 games, now looks like the weakest link of the team. They cant block anybody.

2) we are by far the worst tackling team I have ever seen...its pathetic, the effort and technique are just horrible...I see tons of high school teams that tackle better than this. Other than Scanrick right now, none of those DB's tackles worth a damn.

3) I cant believe we paid Ken Hamlin 40 million dollars...he got his money and mailed it in the second he cashed the check...he's gotta be one of the worst starting safeties in football right now...bad vs the pass and run...he takes poor angles on just about every play...

4) 5 red zone possessions, 5 tds for the Giants...just pathetic defense

5) no real reason to talk about the QB situation...Johnson was absolutely dismal, then the coaching staff further botched the game by not yanking him sooner...not that Bollinger looked good, but he deserved a shot when the game was still a game...Johnson's last pick pretty much sealed the game IMO

6) only 7 more games left of the Wade Phillips cant end soon enough either

7) we might be a 9-7 team...maybe...but I'd start making plans for doing something ele during the playoffs, because this team isnt going to be there

8) all things considered, this is the worst Cowboys team I've ever watched...been watching them 30+ years, and this is just a disgrace...if I was a season ticket holder, I'd definitely be mailing Jones a letter asking for my money back. I know I wouldnt get it, but he deserves to hear from fans for this. He should have fired Phillips after that Ram game debacle.

9) I cant figure out why certain players can make obvious mistake after mistake, or just plays poorly and the coaching staff never does anything about it. Guys like Proctor, Curtis, Courtney Brown, Bowen etc etc...they have no business being out there, yet play after play the coaching staff trots them out there. Poor play is not dealt with here, its rewarded. Its just lousy coaching. And not only do they not bench the guys who play bad, they dont even appear to get mad about it.

So say what you will, but at 5-4 this team has little shot at making the playoffs even when guys like Romo, Newman and F Jones return. They've now got 4 conference losses and have almost no shot at winning the division barring an unbelievable collapse by the Giants.


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The funny thing here, is, everyone absolves the GM from the blame. And he is not getting fired, so don't expect anything changing.

HC's name will change, but this team will remain the same. I refuse to believe its the coaches anymore. GM should be the first one to take blame.

He will hire another coach, make statements about, he has to get it right and get teary eyed again. ANd then we will be back to same old same old in a season or two.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Great post.

Regarding point #9:

This is one of the most frustrating points for me.

Bad players continue to play.

Flozell Adams is playing like a bum - injury or not he shouldn't be out there.

Yet every week, there he is.

False starts, getting run around repeatedly, and not caring.

And not a thought is given to yanking him.

And if this team doesn't have anyone they can try at LT, it's a further indictment of this staff not being prepared.

If Free is so bad that he's not even a consideration, he shouldn't be here.

Cut him and start bringing in guys off the street until you find someone decent.

If nothing else, it'll strike some fear in this underachieving bunch.

And Adams is but one example, I'm sure we can all see there are several other worthy 'candidates'.



All Star
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dbair1967;2393257 said:
8) ...this is the worst Cowboys team I've ever watched...

Lots of hyperbolts in your post and this is one of them. This loss has been the easiest for me all season because i didnt expect much from this group. I thought the D played hard when it was a game then mailed it in. Brad Johnson needs to retire tonight. Flozel Adams is below average and playing poorly. Cory Protor shouldnt be on the field and he is the best of the backups? Geez. Wade is an idiot, Stewart is an idiot, Garrett is an idiot.

And we shouldnt assume with Romo all is fixed. We should be at least competitive.


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dbair1967;2393257 said:
3) I cant believe we paid Ken Hamlin 40 million dollars...he got his money and mailed it in the second he cashed the check...he's gotta be one of the worst starting safeties in football right now...bad vs the pass and run...he takes poor angles on just about every play...

I seem to remember some Seattle fan warning us that this is exactly what would happen.
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jimmy40;2393352 said:
I seem to remember some Seattle fan warning us that this is exactly what would happen.

I remember that as well... All he is good for is yelling at people on the sidelines. Lead by example you piece of ****...


Well-Known Member
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Jerry is on a roll with bad moves:

40M for Barber
40M for Hamlin
40M for Flo
45M for RW11
Gave up a 1st rounder for a WR we didn't need
Gave up a quality NT for a 6th rounder when we don't have a proper NT on the team
Let Garrett talk him in to keeping Brad Johnson for another year
Tried to sneak Matt Moore onto the PS
Unable to draft OL worth a darn for 10 years now
Multiple wasted 1st and 2nd rounders on backup LBs

The only positive is that we don't have to go through cap hell to rebuild the team - it is only Jerry's lost money.


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dbair1967;2393257 said:
That pretty much sums up my thoughts. I know we have alot of injuries, and I didnt expect us to win today but I also didnt expect to see such a lackluster effort either.

JJT did:

Giants, 34-10
COMMENT: Too many players have talked about getting on a roll after the bye, which means they already know they're going to get blown out in the Meadowlands.


Salary Cap Analyst
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dbair1967;2393397 said:
you see anything there to dispute?

Of course. But I also know that you're in no mood to listen, let alone change your mind.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
AdamJT13;2393588 said:
Of course. But I also know that you're in no mood to listen, let alone change your mind.

I'd be intersted in any silver linings you'd care to offer.

This frustrated fan could use one.


Arch Defender
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AdamJT13;2393588 said:
Of course. But I also know that you're in no mood to listen, let alone change your mind.

You can try, maybe it will help a little.

I saw a few plays that were good, but otherwise it seemed like a hopeless cause and ultimately whats probably going to amount to a wasted season.


Arch Defender
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bbgun;2393562 said:
JJT did:

Giants, 34-10
COMMENT: Too many players have talked about getting on a roll after the bye, which means they already know they're going to get blown out in the Meadowlands.

give that man a cigar then...good call on his part

lets hope thats what happened
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bbgun;2393562 said:
JJT did:

Giants, 34-10
COMMENT: Too many players have talked about getting on a roll after the bye, which means they already know they're going to get blown out in the Meadowlands.

Well it doesn't help when you don't have a real back up QB....


No Quarter
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amazing you guys are just catching on now.

jerry wasted this season.... enabling overpaid dummies, keeping cupcake and not even having a legitimate backup QB on the roster. great moves braniac.


Well-Known Member
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We will make the playoffs and be hot entering them.The nfc east all has hard games now,Giants will lose a few.


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Eskimo;2393412 said:
Jerry is on a roll with bad moves:

40M for Barber
40M for Hamlin
40M for Flo
45M for RW11
Gave up a 1st rounder for a WR we didn't need
Gave up a quality NT for a 6th rounder when we don't have a proper NT on the team
Let Garrett talk him in to keeping Brad Johnson for another year
Tried to sneak Matt Moore onto the PS
Unable to draft OL worth a darn for 10 years now
Multiple wasted 1st and 2nd rounders on backup LBs

The only positive is that we don't have to go through cap hell to rebuild the team - it is only Jerry's lost money.
So basically signing 4 probowlers, trading a backup NT for a 6th round pick, and letting a backup QB go.

Absolutely terrible, I tell you.

And I hope you're not suggesting that Anthony Spencer was a wasted pick. He was the 2nd best player on defense today outside of Ware.

This is Our Year

Ohama, Kill, 52 is the Mike
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Yeah, I really wish we still had Fergie!!!! Not a super star, but a solid player good against the run and was a leader on the defense vocally. Johnson just isn't a fit in this 34 scheme.