Post Pictures of Yourself and/or Family

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Four years ago I broke my lower right femur a month before I was supposed to head to my first game at Texas Stadium. I wish I had some incentive like that to heal for this break, but this one is going to take a lot longer and be a lot more painful and doc told dad after surgery don't expect to do much with my leg for at least 12 weeks. :(

I broke it in a fall with dad out of my truck since the cable broke on my truck lift on the way to Deadwood, SD for a ski week of fun at Ski For Light. The accessible parking was poor, on a hill, and icy at our hotel. It wasn't a hard fall, but enough to due this damage and require surgery. I was more worried about a blot clot then anything and am grateful it wasn't that. Still sucks and the pain is horrible. Pain management was awful my first couple of days where the nurse denied and made me wait hours for pain medication. It was miserable and I reported him.

I'll have a lot of computer time as my leg is so swollen from bleeding into the leg for four days and the surgery that I don't fit into my wheelchair anymore so I'm stuck in a rent-a-crap hospital chair and relying on others to help me in and out of it. I use my broken leg as my primary leg to grab and transfer so it's driving me bonkers waiting for it to heal and I have only been out of the hospital a couple of days.

Any fun, free computer games or suggestions of things I can do to pass the time?

I wanted a photo of the post-surgery x-ray as I'm not sure if I have a rod or hip hardware and the nurse said it would be easier to get it off a free CD from the hospital then pull it up on the computer in my hospital room and take a photo with my phone. However, I have tried this stupid CD in three different computers and it's a no go. It's says I need IE 5 or better which I have. I'll have to wait for my checkup to get a post-surgery photo.

The bones should be lined up.

This is what it is supposed to look like.
Kristi;3834630 said:
I broke it in a fall with dad out of my truck since the cable broke on my truck lift on the way to Deadwood, SD for a ski week of fun at Ski For Light. The accessible parking was poor, on a hill, and icy at our hotel. It wasn't a hard fall, but enough to due this damage and require surgery.

Sorry to hear about Kristi. Hopefully that sounds worse than it really is. The next few weeks won't be much fun for you so hang in there!
For the ladies of the zone.

Rynie;3826767 said:
I'm sorry, I just don't understand why people would want to visit India, or any other middle-eastern country. I don't get the appeal. I hate the smells, food, everything. Was it fun though?

india's amazing mate, so much variety and coming from scotland its somewhere completely different to what i'm used to. don't get me wrong its hard work at times, particularly when you get off a train and are mobbed by rickshaw drivers or seeing the poverty of the slums in mumbai.
one of the highlights was in the wee frontier town we went for our camel safari the guy at the hotel we booked the camels through had the rest of the day off so took us on a tour of the town, never asked us for money at any point, got us a rickshaw for the day for cheaper than the guidebook said we would expect to pay to get to the out of town attraction (a rat temple) that we went to as part of our rickshaw hire also the rickshaw driver ended up buying us chai (crazy milky tea they all drink) from some random road side stall. got to see things we would never have otherwise known were there never mind seen. very friendly people though like all places there are folk looking to rip off tourists. for the record we gave the guy a bit of cash for his trouble.
completely different cultures there as well, went to a hindu ceremony, had lunch with monks in a buddhist monastery, visited a church built by scots in the colonial days, one of the biggest mosques on the planet and had a pilgrims lunch at the home of sikhism not to mention seeing the taj mahal and colonial era forts.
the countryside is incredible particularly in the himalaya and if you like wildlife then its a great place to visit.
indian food is one of my favourites so that wasn't a problem for me but i must admit in the cities the smell of human waste is pretty bad. as disgusting as it sounds you get used to it pretty quickly. definitely had a long soak in the bath when i got home right enough as the smell kind of gets under your skin.
its not for everyone but we loved it and hopefully will be back in the next few years.
Apollo Creed;3849594 said:
For the ladies of the zone.



I'm not saying .. I'm just saying .. :D

What is up with these young men and their need to post a half naked picture of themselves on this forum?

Besides, don't they know that Bob isn't around anymore?

BTW, where is Bob? Is he still around? Did he change his user name?
ethiostar;3850261 said:
What is up with these young men and their need to post a half naked picture of themselves on this forum?

Besides, don't they know that Bob isn't around anymore?

BTW, where is Bob? Is he still around? Did he change his user name?

i think bob got banned.
This was taken a couple of months back.

My little guy.

In hindsight, i guess i didn't really need to post the pic here since i'm using it as my signature. :)
ethiostar;3854875 said:
This was taken a couple of months back.

My little guy.


Now thats a good picture
ethiostar;3854875 said:
This was taken a couple of months back.

My little guy.


Awesome photo!

ethiostar;3854875 said:
This was taken a couple of months back.

My little guy.

Oh man, now I can really see the expression on his face.

Dude, this is just a fantastic photo. Thanks for sharing this.
SupermanXx;3697373 said:

GOD i hate that guy he went to my highschool. Everyone disregard anything he says.
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