Post Pictures of Yourself and/or Family

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Aikmaniac said:
Older pic:


Eastbound and down, loaded up and truckin.
Banned_n_austin said:
Here's one of me taking a poop in my recliner ...
Nice pic Ben, I always thought you'd have long hair though.
Duane said:
Nice pic Ben, I always thought you'd have long hair though.

LOL - I'm losing my hair so I just shaved it ... I really thought that pic looked like I was taking a poo, so of course I posted it for you guys. :thumbup:
joseephuss said:
I am pretty certain I have seen you around town Ben.

Probably. I'm down at Zilker a lot and on the drag ... and 4th, 5th and 6th too. Also down by Barton Springs and things such as Eyors and ACL are things I go to.

You look farmiliar too. Where do you hang out?
lanecity1975 said:
one can only hope to look that good at 79.
one can only hope to make it that far actually.................. he has obviously taken very good care of himself.
good genes

He's been blessed with well behaved kids. We kept him young :D

Funny thing..a few years ago, he was at the gym shooting hoops...occasionally using his TWO HAND SET shot...he played basketball at Madison Square Garden for years...quite a big deal on the court.

Anyway, some kids at the other end of the court stopped to watch him...long story short, they asked if he wanted to get into their game...74 years old...with 5 kids in the late teens...playing a half court game.

Great stuff.
Banned_n_austin said:
LOL - I'm losing my hair so I just shaved it ... I really thought that pic looked like I was taking a poo, so of course I posted it for you guys. :thumbup:

Thank you so much.

BnA, do you have any family in Laredo? Is you last name Williams by any chance?

You look like a teamate of mine.
Rack said:
BnA, do you have any family in Laredo? Is you last name Williams by any chance?

You look like a teamate of mine.

Well, I did go across the border by Laredo one time ... who knows? I could have family there.
Banned_n_austin said:
Here's one of me taking a poop in my recliner ...

Remind me never to argue with you again ... over in that other forum.
BulletBob said:
Remind me never to argue with you again ... over in that other forum.

Why not? I like arguing?

BTW, post a pic ... I've got some more coming sometime, because I'm sure everyone thinks I'm as goofy as I look in those pictures. But I was bored and just got a digitial camera so I couldn't sleep and decided to play with the camera.

The 4th of July is coming up and that is my favorite holiday ... I'm sure I'll have some pics to share then ... as I am having a big party that day.
BrAinPaiNt said: digital camera sucks but here are a couple



Oh...and I normally wear the knit cap because of my ears...hey at least it is not a pimp hat lol.
Hillbilly !
Thought I would join the group !
This has been fun to look at all of the pics !

This is not a recent picture, I have more hair on top now, and I've gained some weight.
My dad was a drunk, and mom was a bloodhound.


I'll try to get a more recent picture.
WV Cowboy said:
Hillbilly !

Those are fighting words Mister ;) :p:

How have you been WV?

Hope everything is going well with you and yours.

BTW....if you here any good WVU news send me a PM.

I heard that JR House is going there now and there is speculation he will play football but at the time they said they could not let him practice until he did some stuff.
Ok i been away so i am late to the party; the only uploaded pics I have are liek this


I am the one being thrown (in other wards got his arse kicked :)) The one on the ground
Kangaroo said:
Ok i been away so i am late to the party; the only uploaded pics I have are liek this


I am the one being thrown (in other wards got his arse kicked :)) The one on the ground
Takes a strong man to take a pic of his butt getting kicked...:D
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