Oh, those aren't the blackmail pics. The
blackmail pics are from around 11 years ago. My then lady friend was a picture taking fool. She thought one of the world's greatest inventions was the disposable camera. She snuck one along when we went to Myrtle Beach for a weekend and got pictures of me on the beach. A: I'm no Charles Atlas. B: I just look plain goofy in swimming trunks. C: She couldn't have waited until we'd been there for a while and I at least had some kind of tan.
The other was one she took after a night on the town when I was a little less, shall we say, coherent than normal. She had bought a pair of Speedos for me and had me pose, if it can be called that. It wasn't a
horrible picture. The thing is, when you've got a person who spends most of their day inside at work, there's not a whole lot of color where the clothes are. On top of that, on some level I was still embarassed and my face was BEET red. I looked like a lollipop.

I thought I had thrown the thing out after we broke up, but noooo. My wife found it, and even though I tossed it I just know she's got a scan of it someplace.