Post Pictures of Yourself and/or Family

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Woody'sGirl said:
Takes a strong man to take a pic of his butt getting kicked...:D
I figure if he had his druthers, that pic wouldn't have gotten taken.

But you are right, it takes a strong man to put it up on the internet, .. or a dumb one.
It doesn't look like he's really getting his butt kicked. It looks like he is sparring and letting the guy get his way with him (no pun). Of course, I am a fan of mixed martial arts and have a very trained eye for this sort of thing :D - even if it is a still shot.
This is an older one. The hairline's gone back a bit more and there's a wee bit more gray in the facial hair is the only difference from now, though. I've never been one for having my picture taken, and this instance was no exception. The only other semi-recent ones were from when I was doing some landscaping earlier this year and ended up resembling a mud wrestler. My wife snuck a few and buried them on a disc somewhere so I can't get rid of them.

DLK150 said:
This is an older one. The hairline's gone back a bit more and there's a wee bit more gray in the facial hair is the only difference from now, though. I've never been one for having my picture taken, and this instance was no exception. The only other semi-recent ones were from when I was doing some landscaping earlier this year and ended up resembling a mud wrestler. My wife snuck a few and buried them on a disc somewhere so I can't get rid of them.


Wife saving the blackmail picks on ya huh? lol
Banned_n_austin said:
It doesn't look like he's really getting his butt kicked. It looks like he is sparring and letting the guy get his way with him (no pun). Of course, I am a fan of mixed martial arts and have a very trained eye for this sort of thing :D - even if it is a still shot.

it was not a still shot just a high dollar camera digital and we did the same throw over and over for the shot hehe I have more from this session and another we did.
BrAinPaiNt said:
Wife saving the blackmail picks on ya huh? lol


Oh, those aren't the blackmail pics. The blackmail pics are from around 11 years ago. My then lady friend was a picture taking fool. She thought one of the world's greatest inventions was the disposable camera. She snuck one along when we went to Myrtle Beach for a weekend and got pictures of me on the beach. A: I'm no Charles Atlas. B: I just look plain goofy in swimming trunks. C: She couldn't have waited until we'd been there for a while and I at least had some kind of tan.

The other was one she took after a night on the town when I was a little less, shall we say, coherent than normal. She had bought a pair of Speedos for me and had me pose, if it can be called that. It wasn't a horrible picture. The thing is, when you've got a person who spends most of their day inside at work, there's not a whole lot of color where the clothes are. On top of that, on some level I was still embarassed and my face was BEET red. I looked like a lollipop. :eek::

I thought I had thrown the thing out after we broke up, but noooo. My wife found it, and even though I tossed it I just know she's got a scan of it someplace.
DLK150 said:

Oh, those aren't the blackmail pics. The blackmail pics are from around 11 years ago. My then lady friend was a picture taking fool. She thought one of the world's greatest inventions was the disposable camera. She snuck one along when we went to Myrtle Beach for a weekend and got pictures of me on the beach. A: I'm no Charles Atlas. B: I just look plain goofy in swimming trunks. C: She couldn't have waited until we'd been there for a while and I at least had some kind of tan.

The other was one she took after a night on the town when I was a little less, shall we say, coherent than normal. She had bought a pair of Speedos for me and had me pose, if it can be called that. It wasn't a horrible picture. The thing is, when you've got a person who spends most of their day inside at work, there's not a whole lot of color where the clothes are. On top of that, on some level I was still embarassed and my face was BEET red. I looked like a lollipop. :eek::

I thought I had thrown the thing out after we broke up, but noooo. My wife found it, and even though I tossed it I just know she's got a scan of it someplace.


Sounds like you need to stay away from the cameras.

But your wife sounds like a woman that knows how to have your expense :p:
BrAinPaiNt said:

Sounds like you need to stay away from the cameras.

But your wife sounds like a woman that knows how to have your expense :p:

Believe me, I try. I just have never liked having my picture taken. I found an old B&W of me on an International Harvester when I was about 9 or 10 years old. I was glaring at my cousin while she took it.

She's a one all right. Don't worry though, I get her back. I have my ways... :cunning: :D
DLK150 said:
This is an older one. The hairline's gone back a bit more and there's a wee bit more gray in the facial hair is the only difference from now, though. I've never been one for having my picture taken, and this instance was no exception. The only other semi-recent ones were from when I was doing some landscaping earlier this year and ended up resembling a mud wrestler. My wife snuck a few and buried them on a disc somewhere so I can't get rid of them.

She's a one all right. Don't worry though, I get her back. I have my ways... :cunning: :

Ok .....

I'm trying to picture this guy ------------------>

:cunning: <--------------- doing this ...

I have no idea how to do this kind of thing, but since I know you're all dying to see a pic of such an influential poster, here goes....

If it works, then it's me with my better half.
Provence, France. We went on vacation there a few years back.
jem88 said:
Barely more hair I'm afraid. Who is that picture of?
He's an actor....Enrico Colantoni. He's been in a few movies but he's probably more know for being on the tv show Just Shoot Me.
Woody'sGirl said:
The queen has arrived. The thread is now complete... :)
Well, I'm not very photogenic WG, but I do have both the shoulders and the 'fro to play MLB. :p:

The only pic I have currently on my comp.
Notice the hat... Da Boys baby! (always wearing one)
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