Post Pictures of Yourself and/or Family

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AsthmaField said:
Here are my two daughter's. I don't have one of my wife that's digital... but believe me, she's beautiful and I love her dearly. Way too pretty for the likes of me.

I'm just lucky I suppose.

Christa 12:


And Amber 8:


I'm already dreading the dating age. I told them they can't date until they're 25.
Hey Asthma, beautiful kids. I have 2 daughters the exact same ages as yours and I too dread the coming years. Boys are already noticing Kylie, my 12 year old.

One boy from the Jr. High asked Kylie to go on a date. Her answer thrilled me. "Have you seen my Dad?"
Moose said:
Your nick says it all. By the way in german its spelled JÄGERMEISTER. :laugh1:

@Banned_n_austin We have a special programm here in Hamburg at the schools. They start playing flag-football. Our local team the Hamburg Blue Devils is a four time German Bowl Champion (they won the last three bowls) but they are all amateurs.
They almost beat the Notre Dame Alumni (they played a charity bowl here in Hamburg)
Yes I am aware of that but my last name is Yeager :D
hey how do i post a pic? it says to enter the URL but i only have it saved on the hardrive lol not a website, how do i do it?
daboysin06 said:
hey how do i post a pic? it says to enter the URL but i only have it saved on the hardrive lol not a website, how do i do it?
You need to upload it to a site like www.***BLOCKED*** and then post the link to it.
Here's another one of me:


And one of my girlfriend with Griese (I'm taking the picture, don't worry.):

sorry that its so huge i didn't really know how to do it so someone else put it on a website for me. but thats me in the newspaper clippings this year. and the picture is of last year cause i don't have my high school ones!

http://i12.***BLOCKED***/albums/a205/zone_temp/mallow_01.jpg http://i12.***BLOCKED***/albums/a205/zone_temp/mallow_02.jpg http://i12.***BLOCKED***/albums/a205/zone_temp/mallow_03.jpg​
Juke99 said:
Beautiful kids.

Make it 35....and I'll go along with ya in the car behind them. ;)

Thank you very much Juke. They are REALLY good kids too. I've been a little strict on them, but "yes sir... no sir" is definately in their vocabulary. I only have to tell them things once and they mind. They're great. It's the way I was raised you know.

I'll take you up on the offer to follow them on the dates... I cringe just thinking about them going out.
Hostile said:
Hey Asthma, beautiful kids. I have 2 daughters the exact same ages as yours and I too dread the coming years. Boys are already noticing Kylie, my 12 year old.

One boy from the Jr. High asked Kylie to go on a date. Her answer thrilled me. "Have you seen my Dad?"

Thank you Hos.

I can imagine what the guys must think when they see you, lol.

Come to think of it... that might keep her from dating at all.
Ok I'm a little late chiming in on this one... but here's me:

With Marcus before the Capital One Bowl:

And my mom helping me get ready for prom this year (I would have posted a pic with my date, but he's a die-hard Saints fan, so I don't think he would appreciate his picture being on a Cowboys website! ha):

daboysin06 said:
sorry that its so huge i didn't really know how to do it so someone else put it on a website for me. but thats me in the newspaper clippings this year. and the picture is of last year cause i don't have my high school ones!

http://i12.***BLOCKED***/albums/a205/zone_temp/mallow_01.jpg http://i12.***BLOCKED***/albums/a205/zone_temp/mallow_02.jpg http://i12.***BLOCKED***/albums/a205/zone_temp/mallow_03.jpg​
Now that's what I'm talking about! You've now got a fan in me son. I see a kid diving for a tackle like that and I know he's got heart. You oughta ask for #74 if you get a chance. That number belonged to Mr. Cowboy Bob Lilly.

Keep me posted on how your football season is going. Feel free to PM me.
AsthmaField said:
Thank you Hos.

I can imagine what the guys must think when they see you, lol.

Come to think of it... that might keep her from dating at all.
My boss calls me the eclipse. I'm not sure if that is good or bad.

My girls are Kylie and Kaitlyn by the way. I'll try and post their pics here too. Not very good at this graphics stuff.
LSUAmy said:
Ok I'm a little late chiming in on this one... but here's me:

With Marcus before the Capital One Bowl:

And my mom helping me get ready for prom this year (I would have posted a pic with my date, but he's a die-hard Saints fan, so I don't think he would appreciate his picture being on a Cowboys website! ha):

Very nice amy your date was a lucky guy. :)
Okay here goes.....first time doing this.....BTW....I hate getting my picture taken



Here is one of my brothers girlfriend and my daughter (on the right) age 13


Here is one of my son.....age 15....... 6'6" they sure grow fast


Sorry about the size.....
Mash, 6'6" at 15? Please tell me he plays sports. I will love rooting for him.
holy crap tell him we have a spot at starting WR, or TE calling his name!!!!
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