Post Pictures of Yourself and/or Family

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StonetheCrow77 said:
nada... work is winding down and it's almost Beer:30... what's up?

just got through mowing, finishing my first bud light . cold beer........ mother's milk!
Banned_n_austin said:
Says the guy with the light a match sig ...
Wow, that is funny. :D :eek:
I honestly never even looked at my new sig that way. :lmao2:
Seriously, I was trying to symbolize that BP seems to have had "a flame lit under his arse" this year meaning he's going all in now. I didn't even consider the "light a match and pull my finger possibility"! No joke.

Guess I need to clarify that under my sig. lol :D

me at 12:30 in the morning

This pic was taken about 5 mins ago.


And as long as we're showing the kids. Here's a pic of my daughter getting ready for the prom.

Wow your daughter is bangin' sexy

You must have a beautiful wife, and obviously you got a beautiful daughter.. props
Okay... I'll post mine. All I have is this cheesy work photo they gave me.

<-------- Big Daddy

Let the insults begin! :cool:
AsthmaField said:
Okay... I'll post mine. All I have is this cheesy work photo they gave me.

<-------- Big Daddy

Let the insults begin! :cool:

What's up Babe Laufenberg? :D
AsthmaField said:
You think I look like him?
You might in about thirty years, if you become an anorexic and catch a case of late acne.

No offense to Babe, he's a sweet sweet man, and very much so interviewing Tuna on Cowboys Huddle.

There is a VAGUE resemblance in coloring, and a little around the mouth and eyes, but you are much better looking.

LaTunaNostra said:
You might in about thirty years, if you become an anorexic and catch a case of late acne.

No offense to Babe, he's a sweet sweet man, and very much so interviewing Tuna on Cowboys Huddle.

There is a VAGUE resemblance in coloring, and a little around the mouth and eyes, but you are much better looking.


Well thank you very much Ma'am.

I bet I throw a better pass too. :D
Here are my two daughter's. I don't have one of my wife that's digital... but believe me, she's beautiful and I love her dearly. Way too pretty for the likes of me.

I'm just lucky I suppose.

Christa 12:


And Amber 8:


I'm already dreading the dating age. I told them they can't date until they're 25.
Me and my friends enjoying MNF and drinking lots of german beer. This one NE guy well ...I´m working on him getting a cooler jersey. :laugh1:

Moose said:
Me and my friends enjoying MNF and drinking lots of german beer. This one NE guy well ...I´m working on him getting a cooler jersey. :laugh1:


Nice looking bunch of guys, Moose. My friend from Germany tells me that they are actually pretty big on football there.

Is it your favorite sport?
AsthmaField said:
Here are my two daughter's. I don't have one of my wife that's digital... but believe me, she's beautiful and I love her dearly. Way too pretty for the likes of me.

I'm just lucky I suppose.

Christa 12:


And Amber 8:


I'm already dreading the dating age. I told them they can't date until they're 25.

Beautiful kids.

Make it 35....and I'll go along with ya in the car behind them. ;)
Sure is. Best sport ever. Germans really like American Football can see it at the NFL-EL. There almost only german teams. My favourite team are the Hamburg Sea Devils, of course. Too bad there were no 'boys on the roster this year. Maybe next year.
Moose said:
Sure is. Best sport ever. Germans really like American Football can see it at the NFL-EL. There almost only german teams. My favourite team are the Hamburg Sea Devils, of course. Too bad there were no 'boys on the roster this year. Maybe next year.

Of course. Do you guys play a lot of football over there? Or just watch?
I was stationed in Giessen for almost 3 years and all the German I know is bier, bratwurst, and pomme fritz....hold the mayo please :D
Yeagermeister said:
I was stationed in Giessen for almost 3 years and all the German I know is bier, bratwurst, and pomme fritz....hold the mayo please :D
Your nick says it all. By the way in german its spelled JÄGERMEISTER. :laugh1:

@Banned_n_austin We have a special programm here in Hamburg at the schools. They start playing flag-football. Our local team the Hamburg Blue Devils is a four time German Bowl Champion (they won the last three bowls) but they are all amateurs.
They almost beat the Notre Dame Alumni (they played a charity bowl here in Hamburg)
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