Post Pictures of Yourself and/or Family

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Thanks guys.....they are my life....can't believe the years went by so fast. I'm very fortunate....even with the seperation....(50/50 split in custody) I can't ask for better. The ex and I live a block apart so I get to see the kids everyday.

Both the kids are tall for their girl is already 5'9" (the pic is decieving)...but niether has the love or drive for sports. My Boy dunks with ease and I can see the talent....he just doesn't like it.....oh long as they do well in school :)

btw.....he just turned 15 a few months ago.....its hard finding him clothes and shoes (size 17)....probally need to find a second job....hehe

Thanks again
LSUAmy said:
Ok I'm a little late chiming in on this one... but here's me:

With Marcus before the Capital One Bowl:

And my mom helping me get ready for prom this year (I would have posted a pic with my date, but he's a die-hard Saints fan, so I don't think he would appreciate his picture being on a Cowboys website! ha):


great pics. amy
Mash said:
Thanks guys.....they are my life....can't believe the years went by so fast. I'm very fortunate....even with the seperation....(50/50 split in custody) I can't ask for better. The ex and I live a block apart so I get to see the kids everyday.

Both the kids are tall for their girl is already 5'9" (the pic is decieving)...but niether has the love or drive for sports. My Boy dunks with ease and I can see the talent....he just doesn't like it.....oh long as they do well in school :)

btw.....he just turned 15 a few months ago.....its hard finding him clothes and shoes (size 17)....probally need to find a second job....hehe

Thanks again

Good looking kids...maybe he is not into football or basketball....maybe he would be more interested in playing tennis since his pops looks a little like Andre Agassi ;) :p:
Mash said:
Thanks guys.....they are my life....can't believe the years went by so fast. I'm very fortunate....even with the seperation....(50/50 split in custody) I can't ask for better. The ex and I live a block apart so I get to see the kids everyday.

Both the kids are tall for their girl is already 5'9" (the pic is decieving)...but niether has the love or drive for sports. My Boy dunks with ease and I can see the talent....he just doesn't like it.....oh long as they do well in school :)

btw.....he just turned 15 a few months ago.....its hard finding him clothes and shoes (size 17)....probally need to find a second job....hehe

Thanks again
17 isn't a shoe size, it's a water ski size.


He's a great looking kid. So is your daughter. Tell him girls love athletes.

...but here goes.





great pics. david

nice looking family ,and cute doggy as well.

thanks for posting.
You have a beautiful family David... and you hold up the tradition of our male members marrying out of their league... ;)
Great looking Family David.

Your young ones have great smiles and the joy really shines through. :cool:
BrAinPaiNt said:
Nice pics....I really hate the cold....I need to move to an around the year warm weather area. :cool:

I'm more or less the opposite. Its not that I like cold. I just hate heat. Its very hot by Swedish standards here right now, around 90 F i think it would translate to. I hate it.

This thread is still going, I see ... Nice looking pics everybody. David, LSUAmy, Daboysin06 (I used to play Killeen back in the day), Mash and Aikmaniac ... very nice looking people (I wish I could say the same) and nice looking families.

Keep those pics coming!

SweCowboy said:
I'm more or less the opposite. Its not that I like cold. I just hate heat. Its very hot by Swedish standards here right now, around 90 F i think it would translate to. I hate it.

I am the opposite. If I were to move back to cold country it would take 7 figures per year to entice me.
Hostile said:
I am the opposite. If I were to move back to cold country it would take 7 figures per year to entice me.

No doubt you live in one of the hottest places on this planet ...

I've always admired my family there for putting up with that heat. It gets hot in Texas of course, but you guys don't have it easy by any stretch. AZ is freakin' hot.
Banned_n_austin said:
No doubt you live in one of the hottest places on this planet ...

I've always admired my family there for putting up with that heat. It gets hot in Texas of course, but you guys don't have it easy by any stretch. AZ is freakin' hot.
You don't even notice it if you do certain things. Drink a lot of water. Other beverages dehydrate you. If you stay hydrated with water your body stays cool. Swim when you have the chance. Early evenings when the sun is going down is a great time. Take advantage of shade. Plant shade trees. Park in the shade. Worship air conditioning. If your house doesn't have A/C I recommend a lot trips to the Mall.
lanecity1975 said:
great pics. david

nice looking family ,and cute doggy as well.

thanks for posting.

...the kids wanted Eunice included in the pictures. The kids also have a cat named Sadie and a bunny named Abigail. With three kids and three pets it's like Dr. Doolittle around here.
Yeagermeister said:
Good looking family you got there David including the dog :D

...was a rescue from a native organization up in Northern Saskatchewan. The owner of a convenience store on the reserve said the mother came out of the bush with three pups. One male plus Eunice and her sister. The mom went back into the bush with the male and left the two sisters under the steps of the convenience store.

A lady rescued the dogs and had all the shots given and the girls spayed. My office administrator took one dog and when our 17 year old Springer passed on she asked the kids if they wanted a new puppy.

My wife didn't want another dog right away given that the loss of our old dog, Agnes, was so rough. But in the end Eunice won over my wife's heart and a place in our home.

The kids came to us in a more conventional sense. :)
trickblue said:
You have a beautiful family David... and you hold up the tradition of our male members marrying out of their league... ;)

... my wife happened to be a devout feminist and thinks that football is the pastime of barbarians.

Right now she is watching a BBC production of holy women of the ages and their contributions to the feminist movement.

She doesn't want me corrupting the children with this "bloodsport" as she calls it.

The boys love Madden and when football season is on love to preplay the games that are going to be on Sunday afternoon.

I told her she can't take away that most boys love guns, cars/trucks, more horsepower and contact sports.

Sunday afternoon is her poetry and tea club. Sometimes it also a double header with the Ikebana (Japanese Flower Arranging) club.

My daughter follows her Mom in interests.
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