Twitter: Practice Tweets - 12/13/13


A Work in Progress
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Didnt even take his fathers death Into account.

Purely based off his play and durability

His play has been okay, but not what you'd expect out of a guy on which you spent your two top picks. His durability is the main concern. He misses too much time, and I think that's really hurt his development. You can see the obvious drop off when he's not in there, so it's not like he's horrible. If he could stay healthy, I think he'd develop into something special. At this point, it's hard to have any faith in that.


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Death of a father is a pretty traumatic thing for a guy to go through. Cut the guy some slack this week.

We don't talk much about how much having that third quality (yes, I said 'quality') press CB out there has hurt us recently. Claiborne's play on the field has been spotty, but he's capable of playing effective press, and with out him in there, we've really been limited in what we can do in coverage. It's been a bigger loss than the quality of his play would indicate, because it's made us work around schematically some of the things we'd probably like to do right now. I'd really like to see him back next week if that's at all possible.

I remember Brett Favre's father dying and that same night a miraculous come back win. Not saying I don't feel for the guy, but he doesn't have the makeup of a champion.


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I remember Brett Favre's father dying and that same night a miraculous come back win. Not saying I don't feel for the guy, but he doesn't have the makeup of a champion.

Name me another football player who had a similar champion moment after his father died, and was coming back from injury. Don't say Michael Jordan. Everyone deals with a family members' death differently, and it has no bearing on how well you play the game. Does it deal with mental makeup? Yes. Same reason for fans being upset with Ratliff after the Brent crash. Grow up Ratliff and you should understand the psychological effect it may have on any person and the fact that it may make Mo forget about football for a short time while he grieves.


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I remember Brett Favre's father dying and that same night a miraculous come back win. Not saying I don't feel for the guy, but he doesn't have the makeup of a champion.

Hard to say with any certainty, since we don't know the specifics here. If Mo's still injured, then, of course, he's going to use that time to grieve.

In any event, this is one of those things that trumps football, so I've got nothing but sympathy for him and his loss. We do need Mo back, though, as soon as we can get him. And, yeah, the injury things is really frustrating.


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Name me another football player who had a similar champion moment after his father died, and was coming back from injury. Don't say Michael Jordan. Everyone deals with a family members' death differently, and it has no bearing on how well you play the game. Does it deal with mental makeup? Yes. Same reason for fans being upset with Ratliff after the Brent crash. Grow up Ratliff and you should understand the psychological effect it may have on any person and the fact that it may make Mo forget about football for a short time while he grieves.

Michael Jordan.