Practice Tweets

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Nick Eastman, Dave Helman are at camp and watching him live. They both said he has noticeable limp or hitch to his gate.

He's recovering from nerve damage, it should be totally expected.

Acting like he should be 100% at this point is ridiculous.

I may have the wrong mindset but im just gonna accept anything he gives us in '17 as gravy. All signs point to '18 being his year to really emerge as the star LB we hoped for. And i'm fine with that.
I may have the wrong mindset but im just gonna accept anything he gives us in '17 as gravy. All signs point to '18 being his year to really emerge as the star LB we hoped for. And i'm fine with that.
Two quick thoughts on Jalen and the Limp (sounds a bit like a new-age band): first, I just completed several months of rehab for a partially torn MCL and strained ACL. Even after being pronounced fully fit and functional, I still find I favor the knee even though there is no pain or movement issues - all in my head. And, no, I am not trying to compare my relatively minor injury to Jalen. Just suggesting that in my case, the mental aspects of recovery were as big of an issue as the physical. Second, a while back, I was watching a tribute to Jim Brown. At one point, the narrator commented how Brown was slow getting up from a tackle and oftened limped back to the huddle only to pile-drive a linebacker the next play. Could Jalen be messing with the press a bit?
So who did the police photograph and fingerprint when they brought him to police headquarters after the arrest?

Could very well be a person that gave a fake name. It's a misdemeanor so the police aren't locking him up and throwing away the key.

I tend to believe Lucky at this point since the records from the plane trip prove his point and in general, rich people don't shoplift (unless you're Winona Ryder or Joseph Randle).

But here's the issue...given that Whitehead was going to Virginia that day and somebody may have used his name as a fake was probably a friend or relative.

And you don't give a fake name for shoplifting unless you have another outstanding warrant for something more serious on your record. So that means that Lucky is hanging out with some bad people and it's just as suspicious as the dog kidnapping ransom he just had.

Choose your friends wisely, kids.

Nick Eastman, Dave Helman are at camp and watching him live. They both said he has noticeable limp or hitch to his gate.

He's recovering from nerve damage, it should be totally expected.

Acting like he should be 100% at this point is ridiculous.

my problem with that is the number who were at camp both reporters and observers who did not mention it at all. My point is this: was he limping all the time? Clearly NOT. So those saying this proves something are full of it.
Slow as heck, too. Looked like he was wearing concrete shoes.

Very true, but he hasn't played football in a year so I imagine it going to be a process to get him up to full speed, but that is a big kid playing LB.
This is the video that gave me pause. But in later workout videos he looked fine. So who knows:

Same here. I saw one video that didn't look too good. But then a bunch of them that did and a lot of great reports.

Summing it all up, I think many of us are going to be paying close attention and I think it's natural and understandable.

I'm feeling better that the positive videos and reports far outweigh the few.
I pointed out the limp and the hitch in his mechanics earlier, but I will say this. I had ankle reconstruction surgery when I was younger and even months after the final surgery and weeks of physical rehab, I still had a slight limp to deal with.

There was no pain then, it was just my mind still trying to protect my ankle after those weeks of PT and it took me a while to fully trust my ankle again even though the doctors, tests, etc. all confirmed the surgeries had been a success and it had healed properly.

So, while I personally see the limp and the hitch in his mechanics, I also believe it could be more mental than physical. If that's the case, the more he practices and plays, the more it will get phased out.

I think the way the team plays or doesn't play him will let us know if he's truly doing better. It's one thing to be on a practice field sharing snaps with a lot of other players because they can limit his snaps and give him breaks when he needs it. The key will be to watch how much the Cowboys play him in preseason games.
5 4 doesn't look very good on that agility to me. Slow to get turned and he looks ginger in how he pulls up after running out to cover. I don't know guys.....

Yeah, that was the one video that I saw early on that had me concerned too. But do yourself a favor like I did and search out all of the rest of them.

Trust me, you'll feel a whole lot better.
but he acknowledges the slight limp which is what most people are saying they saw, me included.

People here act like the only way to be a Cowboys fan is to pretend everything is perfect.

I want to see Jaylon Smith recover and help this defense. A concern or observation that he is limping is not rooting against him.

be a fan, not a sheep.
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