Predict the score for Sunday Night


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You didn't answer the question. So you are saying you beat 2 teams with winning records?
What I am trying to say is, to me it is irrelevant who we beat as long we beat them. So this whole point of us not have beaten any winning team is a mute point. Just win, good team or bad! Hope that answers the question for you.
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What I am trying to say is, to me it is irrelevant who we beat as long we beat them. So this whole point of us not have beaten any winning team is a mute point. Just win, good team or bad! Hope that answers the question for you.
You can't answer because it goes against your argument. If you say they you beat the Jets with a winning record you look foolish the Jets are not a winning team. I'm looking at the big picture of how the team is for the year and currently the Cowboys have not beat a single team with a winning record. That may change but right now all you can say is the Cowboys are better than bad and average teams.


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You can't answer because it goes against your argument. If you say they you beat the Jets with a winning record you look foolish the Jets are not a winning team. I'm looking at the big picture of how the team is for the year and currently the Cowboys have not beat a single team with a winning record. That may change but right now all you can say is the Cowboys are better than bad and average teams.
Okay we suck, have a happy life is that is what you were looking for? Football is entertainment to me. I don't live by it. If you read my other posts, I am usually just here having fun. There is much more to life than figuring out if your team is good or bad. The question is, if this sport is entertaining you or raising your blood pressure. If it doing the latter then invest some where else as it is not worth ruining your mind or health over. Just enjoy the ride. You might be young so I can understand your perspective. There was a time when losses used to take a toll on me and this sport effected me deeply. I have since realized it is not worth it. At the end of the day it is simple entertainment to me. Either the movie is good or bad, it is up to you how you perceive it, not others.
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Okay we suck, have a happy life is that is what you were looking for? Football is entertainment to me. I don't live by it. If you read my other posts, I am usually just here having fun. There is much more to life than figuring out if your team is good or bad. The question is, if this sport is entertaining you or raising your blood pressure. If it doing the latter then invest some where else as it is not worth ruining your mind or health over. Just enjoy the ride. You might be young so I can understand your perspective. There was a time when losses used to take a toll on me and this sport effected me deeply. I have since realized it is not worth it. At the end of the day it is simple entertainment to me. Either the movie is good or bad, it is up to you how you perceive it, not others.
I agree it is just entertainment. But if you recall this started when YOU were critical of my post trying to change the meaning of a common English word.


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Cowboys win 38-37.

I want this one to hurt them. I want beautiful, great working TV's to be destroyed in the city of Philadelphia by the very people who bought them for the very same reason they are now being destroyed. I want tears in the streets of brotherly love.

I want the Cowboys to be losing 34-14 at the half. I want to see the Eagles bench celebrating as they run into the lockerroom at halftime.

Then, in the 2nd half?

I want the Cowboys to slowly and methodically take it all away, little by little, step by step. I want to see the cheers and laughter and smug eagle-face smiles and smirks of their fans in our stadium slowly transform into expressions of revulsion and despair, forever tormented by nightmares from the carnage they just witnessed.

I want to see a late Sunday night in Philadelphia filled with empty, broken hearts blossom into a morning of depression filled business offices teaming with ideas on how to fix the Eagles while attempting to gallantly live on with the knowledge that it will be the Cowboys who, again, prevail.

That's what I want to see and I don't think it's impossible so it is also my prediction. I'm abandoning my typical method of evaluating and thinking and other difficult stuff and I might just be on to something here.


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I agree it is just entertainment. But if you recall this started when YOU were critical of my post trying to change the meaning of a common English word.
You can have a different opinion and still keep it civil without being confrontational. I wasn't trying to get in to a back and forth with you. Sorry you took it that way. I was just sharing the way I looked at it. I respect everyone's opinion here and I hope they can respect mine. It's all good, this forum is a lot of fun, if you don't take things to heart.
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You can have a different opinion and still keep it civil without being confrontational. I wasn't trying to get in to a back and forth with you. Sorry you took it that way. I was just sharing the way I looked at it. I respect everyone's opinion here and I hope they can respect mine. It's all good, this forum is a lot of fun, if you don't take things to heart.
A win is a win and that is all that maters. However people have said the Cowboy have beat a team with a winning record. At this point of the season no they haven't. If the Cowboys or Seattle win this weekend that will no longer be the case as Seattle and/or Philadelphia will have a winning record. However if both lose the Cowboys will have only beaten teams with losing records.


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A win is a win and that is all that maters. However people have said the Cowboy have beat a team with a winning record. At this point of the season no they haven't. If the Cowboys or Seattle win this weekend that will no longer be the case as Seattle and/or Philadelphia will have a winning record. However if both lose the Cowboys will have only beaten teams with losing records.
I get it, I am hoping for a win but let's see. Either way, I won't be bothered by the end result.


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I cant really tell. I think the Eagles are way better then we are. Still this is a divisional game and we had some confidence building wins.
Could be a very tight game. Still i think the eagles will win.

24-17 eagles.


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I'll let you all have at it, give me a score, you could have us winning or them, it doesn't matter!
I predict a blowout. Dal-45/Beagles-15. I think this team is going to pounce for this game at home, with rest. Let it finally happen!!!