Prepare yourselves to be mad


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Stephen "Purse Strings" Jones making sure the bottom line is protected for when he finally takes over for the old man. Purse Strings hears and knows that the old man is sensing his mortality... Have to ensure that team value/personal wealth continues to rise!

All jokes aside, I think they get a deal done before the July deadline. At least I hope so.


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Stephen has a "philosophy" about FA, and thats not changing even if the team has cap.

No big money FAs (even their own for now), and low rate FAs that hardly push late round rookies.

No expectations here, just business as usual.


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From the article you just posted:

"Negotiating anything is about paying as little as you can to some degree, and maybe that’s the game that Dallas is playing. We don’t know if they low-balled Lawrence or if the pass rusher is just expecting some gargantuan number. What we do know is for now it seems like they couldn’t be much further apart as far as numbers go."

See above.

We believe what we want to believe right. If we don't like the FO we believe they low balled Tank. If we don't like Tank, we believe he's a greedy player. If we don't like the HC, we believe replacing him will improve our playoff record. If we don't like the QB, we believe replacing him will improve our playoff record. If we dislike both we're doomed to mediocrity.. If we don't like the FO or the QB we believe the FO will overpay the QB who doesn't deserve it. There is no end to the possible combinations and permutations of dislike on here. Seems to me that every fan dislikes something which becomes their personal crusade for change. Thank God none of us are in a position to make changes based on our personal dislike


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From the article you just posted:

"Negotiating anything is about paying as little as you can to some degree, and maybe that’s the game that Dallas is playing. We don’t know if they low-balled Lawrence or if the pass rusher is just expecting some gargantuan number. What we do know is for now it seems like they couldn’t be much further apart as far as numbers go."

See above. It is just negotiating and speculation as to what was offered.

Well then it’s an argument in semantics, either way dallas isn’t in the ballpark of keeping him. If he’s asking for Khalil Mack or slightly higher numbers, that may just be the market nowadays.


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in the words of Spaceballs "whats with the preparing, just go!"

I dont know why any of you would be shocked if we didnt deviate from how we have managed FA in the past....we will sign our own, pick up a mid level or two and then look for gems....

One thing i will say, is its a dumb comment to say the team will sit on cap space and not spend...they have way too many guys on the team they need to sign...if they dont spend cap space its bc they are going to pull it forward for that purpcpse


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That had to know going in he would demand somewhere between Miller and Mack $. So if they came in we’ll below that then it is a low ball offer. If it comes out that he wants double the Mack contract I will admit I was wrong

You quoted an article that says they do not know if he was low-balled or not as your evidence that he was low-balled. Maybe he wanted more than Mack money and they offered between Miller and Mack money. If you have that link go ahead and provide it. If not all you are doing is speculating and now moving goal posts.


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So some are saying (including agent ) that Dallas lowballed Lawrence ?

Lowballed according to who ? Since it’s all rumors and conjecture what if Dallas offered in the 19.5-21 million ball park with solid guarantees but DLaw and his agent are thinking of 24-26 million as the dollar amount ?

Negotiations always have one side thinking too low and the other too high .. if they can come to an agreement in the middle remains to be seen .. let’s not forget Dallas franchised him last year and couldn’t negotiate a deal long term both sides wanted .. of course Dallas May have been thinking like many fans that it was only one season ... let’s see what you can do two seasons in a row and settled on franchise however you would have to think both sides knew what sort of price point ballpark DLaw wanted as well.. I can’t imagine that the amounts being tossed around now weren’t already broached previously .. if both sides truly want a deal done .. it will happen ..personally I would love for DLaw to return but would I want to see the team way overpay based on comparisons to other similar players ? No way ... it’s no conincicence many defensive lineman are being tagged ... we will see


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in the words of Spaceballs "whats with the preparing, just go!"

I dont know why any of you would be shocked if we didnt deviate from how we have managed FA in the past....we will sign our own, pick up a mid level or two and then look for gems....

One thing i will say, is its a dumb comment to say the team will sit on cap space and not spend...they have way too many guys on the team they need to sign...if they dont spend cap space its bc they are going to pull it forward for that purpcpse

That makes too much sense for most. It's an instant gratification society man. In the words of Freddy the Mercury... we want it all, we want it all, we want it all and we want it NOW!!



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cheap Stephen is in full force.

1. Sounds like the low balled Tank. A long term deal seems unlikely. He will skip everything he can and play under the tag and then walk

2. We won’t be serious contenders for Earl.

3. They will sign skip the first wave of free agency and sign several people we have never heard of for little $.

4. Best guess is we leave a good $20 million on the table and the Jones’ buy another helicopter

They said when they made the 1st offer, it was low. Just to get it all started. It means nothing at this point.
How about we wait and see if they are serious contenders for ET or any other FA's.


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Well then it’s an argument in semantics, either way dallas isn’t in the ballpark of keeping him. If he’s asking for Khalil Mack or slightly higher numbers, that may just be the market nowadays.

Low balling someone and not meeting someones possible overly high demands are two different things. The atricle did not state that he was low balled as it was provided as evidence that he was. That is not semantics. The market is set when teams negotiate a deal and it is signed, not what the player expects to be paid. If Wentz wants 40 million a year does that mean that "may just be the market nowadays", for him, and the Eagles pay it or is it just want Wentz wants to be paid?

Point is we don't know what was offered or what he is asking for, so lets not act like we do.

Risen Star

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Low balling someone and not meeting someones possible overly high demands are two different things. The atricle did not state that he was low balled as it was provided as evidence that he was. That is not semantics. The market is set when teams negotiate a deal and it is signed, not what the player expects to be paid. If Wentz wants 40 million a year does that mean that "may just be the market nowadays" and the Eagles pay it or just want Wentz wants?

Do not use his name in vain.



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Why do any of us need to get prepared? Haven’t we lived through all of this for a long time now. They aren’t making anyone the highest paid anything. They are about the draft and team friendly deals now. We’LL see how it turns out. I’m not going to be shocked if DLaw, Jones, Cooper, and Zeke all end up leaving instead of getting a big deal in Dallas. Not saying I think that will happen, just not going to be shocked.


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Low balling someone and not meeting someones possible overly high demands are two different things. The atricle did not state that he was low balled as it was provided as evidence that he was. That is not semantics. The market is set when teams negotiate a deal and it is signed, not what the player expects to be paid. If Wentz wants 40 million a year does that mean that "may just be the market nowadays" and the Eagles pay it or just want Wentz wants?

It also doesn't state he's definitely asking for way more than the market dictates, the previous poster who brought it up is interpreting the circumstances, as people do on opinion boards.

but yes, the wentz example is exactly the point. We have to pay that because if we dont, someone else will. Because its the market price.


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Not mad. Just softly chuckling to myself, knowing we are doing everything possible to botch one of the most important offseasons in a long time.

This seems to be said every year.
And yet here we are, same situation, as if nothing was ever done to improve. It seems they have, but yet they haven't.

I guess winning the division 3 of the last 5 years or what ever it is, make them and some content.
Not me, a lot left to be desired for true improvement still.