Prepare yourselves to be mad


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Low balling someone and not meeting someones possible overly high demands are two different things. The atricle did not state that he was low balled as it was provided as evidence that he was. That is not semantics. The market is set when teams negotiate a deal and it is signed, not what the player expects to be paid. If Wentz wants 40 million a year does that mean that "may just be the market nowadays" and the Eagles pay it or just want Wentz wants?

Wentz wants Folesie out of town. He gonna get it lol. Then he's gonna want Folsie money:muttley:

Little Jr

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Story up on BTB
Lol because the agent said so? What the hell is he suppose to say? We still don't know what the offer was. We still don't know what he's asking for but we assume it's the cowboys low balling him?

It could very well be him asking for 5 yr, 100m, 60m guaranteed. Cowboys countering with 5 year, 85m and 40m guaranteed. That would be low ball offer.

It also could be them are offering a 5 yr, 100m and 60m guaranteed but he's asking for 5 yr, 120m and 80m guranteed.

It's obvious they are far apart. What's not obvious, is who's at fault for them being far apart. Sorry, but I can't just go off a agent saying the offer wasnt serious.


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cheap Stephen is in full force.

1. Sounds like the low balled Tank. A long term deal seems unlikely. He will skip everything he can and play under the tag and then walk

2. We won’t be serious contenders for Earl.

3. They will sign skip the first wave of free agency and sign several people we have never heard of for little $.

4. Best guess is we leave a good $20 million on the table and the Jones’ buy another helicopter

1. Get the feeling this kid is asking to be the highest paid defender in the NFL. Cant pay him that
2. I don't want Thomas at 15 million
3. Glad they are skipping first round of FA. Not the way to play it.

This team has all the talent it really needs to be a true contender. We need to replace a few losers like Heath and Taco on D and get a young TE in there. No reason this team shouldn't be competing for championships. Other than the fact that our coaching is horrid.


Maui No Ka Oi
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What bugs me, and I know by now it shouldn't - is with this new found mortality that Jerry has, and his quest for 1 more ring before he departs. Is that, for all the rhetoric they have talked this offseason, they are not off to a very good start !
Finally cutting ties with Linehan - but keeping Marinelli. Having all offseason to negotiate with Lawrence's agents, and talking the good talk - but then not being prepared enough that they have to use the franchise tag again, after he told you last year he wouldn't sign a 2nd one ???
Now, we have lost Gregory - DE, Lawrence for some time and no surgery till deal is done, so, end of training camp/pre season for him to return maybe ? Plus all the bull**** about him being priority number 1, after being a good soldier last year. The idiot Irving finally gone - at least that's a partial positive.
No 1st round pick for a premium player - and yes, very happy with Cooper !
Again the offseason rhetoric about how they will be aggressive this year - umm, in my opinion its off to a piss poor start.
We will see how it all plays out, but as we stand, it does not give me the warm and fuzzies so far.
its like they are Jekyll and Hyde with this - roll over extra money from last year, knowing they have contracts to do. But then looking unprepared when it comes. 2 drug related suspensions that now will force their hands as to roster moves - when you knew both players were time bombs at very important positions.
Witten - I get it, and I don't get it. Dak, Lee, Beasley, Cooper, Zeke, Jones, Jaylon Smith. Its going to be a struggle this next 2 years, and we are now in the SB window. If this doesn't give Jerry a heart attack, it might me !


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
cheap Stephen is in full force.

1. Sounds like the low balled Tank. A long term deal seems unlikely. He will skip everything he can and play under the tag and then walk

2. We won’t be serious contenders for Earl.

3. They will sign skip the first wave of free agency and sign several people we have never heard of for little $.

4. Best guess is we leave a good $20 million on the table and the Jones’ buy another helicopter
More like 20 million more in Stephens inheritance. The older Jerry gets, the cheaper Stephen gets.


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I fully expect this offseason to be just like previous ones. Disappointment, the Jones' on vacation the first week of free agency, etc.

Everything Jerry and Stephen have said thus far give me no reason to believe that things will be different this time around. They have their beliefs and will stick to them.

Bargain bin free agents again, I suspect. They think they will find some studs in the draft.
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We left $12 million this past year

Which was rolled over to 2019. That money wasn't just left idle to increase the Jones' margins.

Where people (not you, Teague31) get this idea that our owner doesn't invest to win championships is baffling. We've been quiet recently because we overspent in past years. Jerry and Stephen use the resources available. Sometimes poorly, but they use them. Heck, when the new CBA was getting negotiated we were penalized for investing TOO MUCH for the period there was technically no cap.


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If D-Law wanted Mack money, even with Gregory and Irving out of the picture, see ya! Sorry, you were good, but you weren't THAT good last season.


Well-Known Member
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
cheap Stephen is in full force.

1. Sounds like the low balled Tank. A long term deal seems unlikely. He will skip everything he can and play under the tag and then walk

2. We won’t be serious contenders for Earl.

3. They will sign skip the first wave of free agency and sign several people we have never heard of for little $.

4. Best guess is we leave a good $20 million on the table and the Jones’ buy another helicopter

The CBA mandates teams spend their cap dollars. So, there is no incentive to save or "be cheap". The problem is that we have a lot of guys coming up for second contracts and we can't sign all of them for every penny they think they are worth. We have an offer on the table to pay him 20 million next year. So, thats 37 million over a 2 year period............... pretty dam fair considering his injury history and drug suspension.


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Who amonst you think that Tank will hold out like Dez until he gets an offer he and his agent like. He has passed on shoulder surgery up until now and from what I've read is prepared to forgo surgery until he gets what he wants. Anyone see a problem with that?


Regular Joe....
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cheap Stephen is in full force.

1. Sounds like the low balled Tank. A long term deal seems unlikely. He will skip everything he can and play under the tag and then walk

What constitutes "Low Balled"?


Regular Joe....
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That had to know going in he would demand somewhere between Miller and Mack $. So if they came in we’ll below that then it is a low ball offer. If it comes out that he wants double the Mack contract I will admit I was wrong

He had to know he is not Mack or Miller so that's kind of a two way street there, to me. If they want to keep him, I would just tag him as transition and get high picks for him if anybody signs him. If not, I'd just offer him a fair deal and if he signs he signs. If he doesn't, then he sits.


Defender of the Star
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I wonder what the over/under is on the number of “honest offer” pressers the Jones’ hold this offseason.


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Knowing the cowboys there going to drag the Lawrence situation out so long that all the free agents they could of gotten with his money will be signed and then they will either be force to let him walk (no trades or free agents to show for it) or be forced to sign him last minute and him delaying the surgery is going to hurt the team


Regular Joe....
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Who amonst you think that Tank will hold out like Dez until he gets an offer he and his agent like. He has passed on shoulder surgery up until now and from what I've read is prepared to forgo surgery until he gets what he wants. Anyone see a problem with that?

I can see where there might be something there. There is no good reason to hold out for premium money and then sign a deal, only to not be ready for spring training. Could be something with his shoulder. Despite all the noise you hear from fans, he didn't have a great year last season, in comparison to what he did the year before. I wonder if there is something more going on with the shoulder?


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I can’t think of a player that went in to get a contact and asked for less than what they were wanting to pay.

NO you will not pay me 20 million a year. I demand 17 million.