Twitter: Prescott starting "would be surprising"


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According to an article written by Calvin Watkins a few hours ago, Dak has been medically cleared to play, but the Cowboys are waiting to see how he feels Sunday morning.

Here's the quote:

"Multiple sources said Prescott has been cleared to play but the Cowboys will take a cautious approach with his health.

Prescott received platelet-rich plasma injections for his strained right calf muscle earlier this week to help in the healing process, multiple sources said."

What is this platelet rich plasma and where do I score some?


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rigged? what the heck are you talking about? It’s accurate information that gets reported. Probably by rule so that accurate lines can be posted. Nobody is suggesting anything is rigged. That’s just dumb.

Read your post then read my response
Verges is not getting inside info 3 days before the game as to if who plays or not just to change the odds.
That is the dumb part for thinking that.

so IF they did, then that is rigging the lines. So that is not a dumb thing to suggest.


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Some keep pointing to what Vegas is saying. So Vegas knows for sure that Dak isn't going to play and believes that Cooper Rush is going to keep the Cowboys within 7 points of the Vikings?
sounds weird huh?
I think it means the pro gamblers were taking Minn and getting 2.5 points, so they moved the line to reduce # of bets on minn.
Now if they take minn they have to give up 3 points. It has to do with how people are betting more than who will win or how much.
Games like this they would prefer it not be lopsided, all the money on 1 team.

Minn is avg 24.5 points a game so I guess they think cooper can get close to that.


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Former Cowboys quarterback Don Meredith played with broken ribs, He wore a special jacket filled with a red liquid. In one game he was hit by Hall of Famer Sam Huff, so hard that it punctured the vest. Sam Huff was horrified as he looked down at Meredith and saw this red liquid oozing out from under his jersey.

Meredith looked up at Huff, smiled, and said, "Now look what you've done, Sam. You killed me."

In a critical game against the Commanders in 1967, Meredith was hit so often that his teammates had to help him up after almost every play. They won the game on a last second TD pass from Meredith to Dan Reeves.

For three nights, the pain was so great that Meredith couldn't sleep. It wasn't until he was sent to the emergency room that doctors discovered he had played the 4th quarter of that game with a punctured lung.

A reminder, there was no such thing as "in the grasp" in the 60's and 70's. There was no such thing as "helmet to helmet". QB's were tackled just like any other player.

Today's NFL football rules have been implemented to deliberately give offenses an advantage in an attempt to make their game more exciting. These rules include giving QB's protection from the vicious hits that guys like Meredith and Staubach took during their entire careers. And yet, here we are discussing whether Dak should play.

The high NFL salaries aren't there because of the skill level it takes to play with a funny looking rubber ball. It acknowledges that this is a violent and possibly dangerous sport. You can bet their agents make that point during contract negotiation. Don't they always talk about "financial security". Isn't that another way of saying, "in the case of not being able to work any job due to a permanent disability"?

I kind of looked at the game of "American" football as a way of telling the world, "This is what we do for fun. Imagine how we would act if we got pissed."

A little too much testosterone for some of you? Perhaps you can discuss it tomorrow at your late morning "brunch". Try the asparagus quiche, I hear it's delightful.

LOL, sorry, sometimes I imagine what my father would say about a current situation. He was your typical 60's dad, a World War II veteran tough guy, but only on the outside. Me and my two brothers still have fun trying to see who imitates him the best.

"I used to walk 25 miles to school, first through a blinding snowstorm in minus 40 degrees weather, then through a barren desert in 120 degree heat before swimming across a crocodile infested river."

'When I was your age, we didn't have food. We ate mud.....and we were dahm thankful to have it"

He was old school and he would always cite examples where he thought it proved his generation was better.

Dak is a valuable investment that warrants careful consideration to what might effect the quality of his career. So much depends on him and now this injury has been said to be a direct result of his previous injury.

I think he will play but his style will be modified with respect to safety..


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Of course I know it. I just like to point out his lack of character so that others can start to see him for what he is.

He looked straight into the camera and lied to your face.

Just another day at the office.
Your take is so bad on Dak it borders on trolling. You deserve Quincy Carter as a QB .
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Follow the money trail. He’s not playing.

Rumors can cause a lot of havoc. There is the possibility that there were a lot of people thinking Dak wasn't playing and started throwing money on Minnesota. I know, I know, it would take a lot of people to move the line that much. But these aren't normal circumstances. Dak is questionable. That's really all it could take.


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If Dak was away for a funeral on Friday he shouldn’t play. This is a dangerous game for a guy with little work, a sore calf, and a opposing HC that knows how to get his team to hit the QB.


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So then he lied after the Patriots game when he said he was fine.

Or maybe he meant he himself is fine, he gets paid either way.

Enjoy Cooper Rush and 5-2.
My pal Roni thinks Rush will pass for 200, and our RB's will run for 200. That's good, right?


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I'd never think he'd miss a game because his calf is sore.

2016-2019 Dak would never.
I’m not sure if you’re just a troll or just dumb. Soreness has nothing to do with it. Every single NFL player is sore pretty much all the time. It’s about risking further injury. All “strains” are tears. It depends on the degree of the strain. A calf strain could result in further tearing of the muscle or an Achilles injury. That’s what the staff wants to avoid and rightly so.


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If I had to guess I would say Dak is playing. How bad can the calf be to need more than 2 weeks? The only thing that bothers me now is the line moving 5 points. I don't know exactly why it moved that much, I just know it has to do with Dak.
Gallup has been out since game 1 with a calf strain. Do you not pay attention?


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So if the line stays at 5, then it must mean that Vegas either has a lot of faith in Cooper Rush to keep the game close or they don't think that Kirk Cousins and the Vikings are good enough to beat a Cooper Rush Cowboys team by a lot of points.
You guys need to brush up on how sports betting actually works, because many of you are clueless.


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According to an article written by Calvin Watkins a few hours ago, Dak has been medically cleared to play, but the Cowboys are waiting to see how he feels Sunday morning.

Here's the quote:

"Multiple sources said Prescott has been cleared to play but the Cowboys will take a cautious approach with his health.

Prescott received platelet-rich plasma injections for his strained right calf muscle earlier this week to help in the healing process, multiple sources said."

I have to get a couple of bagfuls every time I have a surgical procedure because my liver is shot and I know have a low blood platelet count. In my case I get it so my blood can clot to stop the bleeding in open wounds. Not sure what it does for a strained calf muscle.
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Please pardon the unwarranted part of my posts above. I stand behind he content of all three posts, but the snarky remarks shouldn’t have been included. I guess the constant Dak bashing (also 100% unwarranted) just ticks me off.


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I’m not sure if you’re just a troll or just dumb. Soreness has nothing to do with it. Every single NFL player is sore pretty much all the time. It’s about risking further injury. All “strains” are tears. It depends on the degree of the strain. A calf strain could result in further tearing of the muscle or an Achilles injury. That’s what the staff wants to avoid and rightly so.
He’s both. A Eagle troll at that.