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Rumors are swirling that Saudi Arabia has bought WWE and it'll to private again? Is this for real right now


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Rumors are swirling that Saudi Arabia has bought WWE and it'll to private again? Is this for real right now

The rumor is certainly making the rounds.

If it is in fact going private again, that leads me to believe Vince isn’t going anywhere. The point would be that he doesn’t want to answer to anyone again for his actions.

When your own daughter immediately resigns after your return, you know things are bad.

If he assumes full control over creative again, I’ll probably just stop watching wrestling entirely.

Sad times.

The rumor is certainly making the rounds.

If it is in fact going private again, that leads me to believe Vince isn’t going anywhere. The point would be that he doesn’t want to answer to anyone again for his actions.

When your own daughter immediately resigns after your return, you know things are bad.

If he assumes full control over creative again, I’ll probably just stop watching wrestling entirely.

Sad times.
I haven't been watching, but I have occasionally kept up on recaps and such. It reads as though it has been better without him. I'd guess it would reverse course if he takes over creative again.

If the Saudi thing is accurate, I do wonder if this impacts Sami Zayn's future in both the short term and the long term.
I haven't been watching, but I have occasionally kept up on recaps and such. It reads as though it has been better without him. I'd guess it would reverse course if takes over creative again.

If the Saudi thing is accurate, I do wonder if this impacts Sami Zayn's future in both the short term and the long term.
Reports are that at least one talent has said they’d want out if the sale goes through. I have to think it’s Sami.

Vince HAS to have been working on this deal while in exile. It’s come together too quickly to suggest otherwise.

My only hope is that he again steps back after it’s done, but considering how power crazed he clearly is, I’m not confident that will happen.

If he retakes Creative, I’m done watching wrestling.

I just can’t support bad people.
Anyone watch last night's RAW?

If you have a chance, watch the promo between Cody and Heyman and the cage match between Bayley and Becky.
Hopefully I can get to Raw tomorrow. The women I will watch. The overhyped Cody and the unlistenable to anymore Heyman not so much.
The overhyping of Cody is sickening. What has he accomplished to warrant it? He was a jobber when he left. Now he dramatically returns...and gets a title shot. Good grief.

Regarding Heyman, I think everyone is sick of him and Roman. Its way past time for a new champ. How much of Heyman kissing Romans butt can anyone be expected to take? If I hear him say MY TRIBAL CHIEF one more time I'll puke. He thinks he is the smartest person in the room and his speeches last far far too long.

The amount of WWE content I watch has decreased dramatically the last few years. Vince dang near killed it. And this seemingly non-stop Heyman/Roman/Bloodline crap is about to finish it off. There is a reason I can watch SmackDown in about 15 minutes. My remote control is on FF for a minimum of 80% of it. Last week the Heyman/Roman/Bloodline crap started the show, got more airtime at the hour break and finished the show for a total of 45 minutes of airtime. I guess I should be thankful. It gives me more time to do other things.

I am praying Roman loses at least one belt at WM. If he doesn't, I'm done with SmackDown. If he does and it's to Cody, I'm done with SmackDown. Sorry got off on a tangent. Just makes me sick what WWE has turned into and how far it's fallen over the last 20 years. There is a reason ratings have gone down every year for 20 straight years. There isn't any kind of promo Heyman can do to save it either.

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