What is going on!
Rumors are swirling that Saudi Arabia has bought WWE and it'll to private again? Is this for real right now
I’m hanging on by a thread myself. If Vince comes back and assumes full control, I think I’m done with wrestling. Let him destroy the entire industry.So Vince is back as executive chairman???????
I didn't watch Raw and just now seeing all of this. Good grief.
My interest in WWF/WWE is lower than at any point. Ever.
I haven't been watching, but I have occasionally kept up on recaps and such. It reads as though it has been better without him. I'd guess it would reverse course if he takes over creative again.https://www.wrestlinginc.com/1163294/wwe-reportedly-sold-to-saudi-arabias-public-investment-fund/
The rumor is certainly making the rounds.
If it is in fact going private again, that leads me to believe Vince isn’t going anywhere. The point would be that he doesn’t want to answer to anyone again for his actions.
When your own daughter immediately resigns after your return, you know things are bad.
If he assumes full control over creative again, I’ll probably just stop watching wrestling entirely.
Sad times.
Reports are that at least one talent has said they’d want out if the sale goes through. I have to think it’s Sami.I haven't been watching, but I have occasionally kept up on recaps and such. It reads as though it has been better without him. I'd guess it would reverse course if takes over creative again.
If the Saudi thing is accurate, I do wonder if this impacts Sami Zayn's future in both the short term and the long term.
Word was that WWE was confident that they could sign him. Since this recent Vince news broke, I think all bets are off.I see Switchblade Jay White's contract is expiring soon. Heading to the states?
Hopefully I can get to Raw tomorrow. The women I will watch. The overhyped Cody and the unlistenable to anymore Heyman not so much.