Props to Dak


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Despite the usual bile from some of the haters on this forum, Dak played awesome, he easily outplayed Hurts.

This one is on the o-line, particularly Steele, who is a revolving door if I've ever seen one.


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I agree, it was not solely on Dak. But just like any other part of the team he had his weaker moments. And the sum of it all caused the loss. Just don't give me that "awesome" crap. Awesome means a great game which he turned into a win by delivering in that deciding moment. But that's not Dak. The problem is not, that he ain't good. But he just can't give us those extra 5% when needed like a Mahomes.

So no, he did not lose that game. He played like a good top 15 QB, like he always has, or most of the time. But he didn't play like a top 3 QB. And you need a top 3 QB to win a Superbowl, if the rest of the team ain't top 3 material.

So all in all nothing new has been dug up during this game. I knew staying neutral and just wait and see was the right approach. The main discovery yesterday was, that nothing new was discovered. One and out. Maybe two and out, but that's it as long as the Jones boys steer the ship the way they have been doing ever since the salary cap.

Edit: My post kinda sounds more negative towards Dak than I wanted it to sound lol. Dak did play well and yes he was one of the better Cowboys yesterday. So yes, props to him. He definately did not "cause the loss" or anything. The loss was more "Cowboy DNA" than anything else. That is who we were from 1996 onwards, who we are atm and who we will continue to be for quite some time. It's a mentality thing more than anything else.
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Dak completely mismanaged his team when it mattered most...go watch the replay...he couldn't get the 1st and goal play from the 6 off in time due to a stupid audible and that forced Smith to jump...just run the play man and if you do not like it throw it away.

Second he took a sack (the only think other than turning the ball over that he could not do on the next play)...YOU CANNOT TAKE A SACK...just take three steps see your first read and throw it in the stands (you have three more plays and probably 20 seconds at that point)...he killed them taking the sack and have 4 seconds to throw it away and didn't...he also had a delay of game trying to audible (again)...

He just choked.


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Dak completely mismanaged his team when it mattered most...go watch the replay...he couldn't get the 1st and goal play from the 6 off in time due to a stupid audible and that forced Smith to jump...just run the play man and if you do not like it throw it away.

Second he took a sack (the only think other than turning the ball over that he could not do on the next play)...YOU CANNOT TAKE A SACK...just take three steps see your first read and throw it in the stands (you have three more plays and probably 20 seconds at that point)...he killed them taking the sack and have 4 seconds to throw it away and didn't...he also had a delay of game trying to audible (again)...

He just choked.
Wish I could like this 100x

big dog cowboy

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Dak completely mismanaged his team when it mattered most...go watch the replay...he couldn't get the 1st and goal play from the 6 off in time due to a stupid audible and that forced Smith to jump...just run the play man and if you do not like it throw it away.

Second he took a sack (the only think other than turning the ball over that he could not do on the next play)...YOU CANNOT TAKE A SACK...just take three steps see your first read and throw it in the stands (you have three more plays and probably 20 seconds at that point)...he killed them taking the sack and have 4 seconds to throw it away and didn't...he also had a delay of game trying to audible (again)...

He just choked.
The level of his mismanagement in the last 27 seconds of the game is frankly quite remarkable. When it was first and goal at the 6, I honestly thought there was no way we couldn't score. We had 4 plays to gain 6 yards. And went backwards.


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Dak completely mismanaged his team when it mattered most...go watch the replay...he couldn't get the 1st and goal play from the 6 off in time due to a stupid audible and that forced Smith to jump...just run the play man and if you do not like it throw it away.

Second he took a sack (the only think other than turning the ball over that he could not do on the next play)...YOU CANNOT TAKE A SACK...just take three steps see your first read and throw it in the stands (you have three more plays and probably 20 seconds at that point)...he killed them taking the sack and have 4 seconds to throw it away and didn't...he also had a delay of game trying to audible (again)...

He just choked.
He forced Smith to jump? That's pretty lame, Smith has more experience than the rest of the line put together, should know better.


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The level of his mismanagement in the last 27 seconds of the game is the frankly quite remarkable. When it was first and goal at the 6, I honestly thought there was no way we couldn't score.
There are a plethora of Cowboys games from the past that say otherwise in this situation.


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Dak did play an excellent game.
Whoever said that dak didn't give us the extra 5% that mahomes gives Kansas City forgot to include that big Mike doesn't give us the Extra 25% in coaching that Andy Reid gives.

Also don't forget teams like the eagles go out before the trade deadline and try and make their team better while we sit on our hands if we had Derrick Henry on the 6 yard line we would have handed the ball off not to mention on the drive before when we had 3 minutes to kill off so put the extra 70% on the front office for not giving Dak the help he needs


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He blew the ending which basically relagates the rest of the game to stats...yet again, biggest game , biggest stage and biggest movement - the opportunity was there for him to breakthrough and he couldn't get it done.


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Dak did play an excellent game.
Whoever said that dak didn't give us the extra 5% that mahomes gives Kansas City forgot to include that big Mike doesn't give us the Extra 25% in coaching that Andy Reid gives.

Also don't forget teams like the eagles go out before the trade deadline and try and make their team better while we sit on our hands if we had Derrick Henry on the 6 yard line we would have handed the ball off not to mention on the drive before when we had 3 minutes to kill off so put the extra 70% on the front office for not giving Dak the help he needs
You cant quantify coaches impact. When it comes down to it the ball is in Dak's hand, period. Just as in the two SF play-off loses his end 'clutch' game performance doesnt push the envelope, doesnt get us over the line and we've blamed a mixture of: Running game, run Defense, Moore, McCarthy, Penalties, WR' corp (despite having Amari + CD in game 1)....whereas the one consistent is = Dak.

I know your pet cat is Henry (who was not available), and you could possibly make an argument that we would of won that game with him, but there's also an undercurrent that we just have too many holes to go all-in especially with extreme weaknesses in Biadasz, Steele, Lewis and WR/Dak connection (outside of CeeDee).


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He blew the ending which basically relagates the rest of the game to stats...yet again, biggest game , biggest stage and biggest movement - the opportunity was there for him to breakthrough and he couldn't get it done.
That game is a microcosm of his career, excellent when the pressure's off (tantamount to playing lesser teams) and then not getting over the line at clutch moments. The problem is that his contract extension and deferred payments is going to prevent us from providing the support weapons he needs......therefore he needs to step up.

I realize it comes across as negativity towards Dak, but it's the stark reality, those around him arent likely to improve, YOU need to get the best (and find the best, when it comes to receivers) and use those legs to rollout as the protection may well be what it is and on the downturn.


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That game is a microcosm of his career, excellent when the pressure's off (tantamount to playing lesser teams) and then not getting over the line at clutch moments. The problem is that his contract extension and deferred payments is going to prevent us from providing the support weapons he needs......therefore he needs to step up.

I realize it comes across as negativity towards Dak, but it's the stark reality, those around him arent likely to improve, YOU need to get the best (and find the best, when it comes to receivers) and use those legs to rollout as the protection may well be what it is and on the downturn.
Yup and I'm ok with being negative towards dak - I defended him for years but after the 49ers game this year I finally accepted that he is not going to get the cowboys over the top.

Is he a top 10 qb? Yeah at times he plays very good to great and statistically has the numbers. However he is not elite nor does he have the gamer ability to finish when it matters most.

At this point I just want to see him play his contract out and then the cowboys move on from him.


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you play the whole game, if you choke in the last 27 seconds then you're a choker and all the other crap means nothing. sheesh, the 2 point conversion cost them the game because of duck feet. it is what it is. go-go ducko....


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Even the Horsemen other than Ric Flair (Pappy) talking about the foot not staying in bounds on 2 point conversion, is all we heard so far on Dak, not even seen Mountain (Lex Luger), you know he played well. Lol


Well-Known Member
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Despite the usual bile from some of the haters on this forum, Dak played awesome, he easily outplayed Hurts.

This one is on the o-line, particularly Steele, who is a revolving door if I've ever seen one.