PS4 vs Xbox One

FWIW, I haven't paid more than $40 for a XBOX Live 12 month card in a number of years. You check around and cards are always on sale. on ebay often has them in the $30-$35 price range.

Yeah, target and walmart offer those deals off and on, they just aren't heavily advertised.
Im going with Xbox 1.

All my friends are playing Xbox so ill stick with it just for that reason alone.

Disapointed that they can't throw in a mic after charging an extra 100 bucks more than the PS4 and giving me a kinect that I don't want.

Luckily for me pretty much everyone on my friends list is moving to PS4. So I won't have this issue.

I have both current systems and one thing is for sure, Xbox live is hands down the better multiplayer of the two. Its not even a contest.
If your an online gamer, you will be doing yourself a disservice if you go PS4.
This has been just like the last generation pre-launch. By that I mean everyone says the Sony is more powerful, they care about gaming, etc...., but its obvious who people chose, the xbox.
This generation will be no different.

Eh. Once again I don't know what people are talking about with this. Outside of party chat not being on PS3 I haven't found one bit of difference in the way the online multiplayer works and operates. It works just the same as my Xbox one does and it has the exact same lobby issues that my xbox does.

Other than the party chat feature not being on Ps3 I haven't seen one difference and I'm pretty certain they will have party chat available for the PS4.

As for who people chose...I went with 360 because A) it's what the majority of my friends had and B) it was cheaper.

This time around it's the other way, along with PS4 not having to backtrack off a bunch of dumb *** ideas, so this wasn't really a very difficult decision to decide to move off the Xbox. I've enjoyed my 360, I've enjoyed my PS3, and I'm quite certain I'll enjoy the PS4.
Going PS4 myself.

Got an Xbox 360 last round, had it for a few years before I got my PS3, at which point I pretty much never used my 360 again. Just liked the PS3 more in every single way except for the controller =p. Enough people say the XBOX online is better than PS, that I'll go ahead and believe it.. but I've never experienced anything different between them. I can go online and play lag free on either system.

Microsoft lost my business this time, regardless of their back tracking, but to each their own. Both systems will play games, and that's what we want them for, right?
Like previous posters have mentioned, I didn't like the way XBOX1 was marketed asbeing an all inclusive entertainment center. CPU's, TV, are seperate from gaming systems and custmers felt the slimy path Microsoft was heading towards (always online, forced Microsoft middle men to keep the prices high for used games, etc.) We already have TV's and cable, we don't need a gaming system for that, especially one that beleives adults want to waive their hand in every direction to replace a simple push of a button. It just showed a lack of connection to it's customers and showed a trend towards bringing in more casual gamers, or Soccer Moms who see this as "cool, interesting" new toy for their living rooms.
Xbox One of overall experience has been good and I love the windows 8 and tablet connectivity, Kinect is my selling point also.....
Release date of Nov. 15th/Nov. 29th for the PS4, depending where you live.

What does Xbox announce? I've heard some say Nov 5th, while others think it will be closer to back Friday.

Sony does seem to have a head start, launching in 30+ countries compared to 13 for microsoft.
I believe Xbox was confirmed for November but haven't ever announced a release date. I'd guess at this point they'll try to go ahead and beat the 15th of PS4 in North America.
I hope they are released on the same day. Just to see the console war head to head.
I did a preorder with Microsoft for the Xbone, and the rep told me that it would be released in Novemeber or possibly late October. He told me this right before the PS4 announced their 11/15.

Maybe Microsoft's strategy is to wait for Sony to reveal everything to the public and then they will counter. Microsoft announced they will include Fifa for UK. I wouldn't be surprised if they did the same thing for the U.S. by including either Fifa or another EA game to offset the $100.00 difference between the 2 consoles.
Rumors from developers have thus far had the XBone launching late November, but I'd be willing to bet that now we'll see them push it up a week or two to match or beat Sony's release.

Sony is also now going to do the thing where if you buy a PS3 game that's later launching on PS4, you'll be able to get the PS4 version later for like $10. I guess I'll be getting Madden 25 next week after all. :)
Rumors from developers have thus far had the XBone launching late November, but I'd be willing to bet that now we'll see them push it up a week or two to match or beat Sony's release.

Sony is also now going to do the thing where if you buy a PS3 game that's later launching on PS4, you'll be able to get the PS4 version later for like $10. I guess I'll be getting Madden 25 next week after all. :)

Thats great news. I was debating on whether I should hold off on getting BF4 until I got a PS4, but now I can play it for a while on the PS3 and just pay the $10 dollars when I get the PS4.
I have BF4 completely paid off already for PS4 so I'll just wait till launch. I've pretty much got Ghosts paid off as well and I see no reason to go ahead and get it on the 360 or PS3 when a week later I can just play it on PS4. I'll just wait for it all at once. It'll be awesome opening that all up.

Brand new PS4 with BF4 and CoD Ghosts, a second controller that I've pre-ordered. It'll be fun.
The Xbox One exclusive "Titanfall" looks really interesting...the only game I feel like I would be missing out on so far with the PS4. The ps3 games being upgraded for $10.00 is huge in my opinion. I wonder if Microsoft will anounce a similar plan with 360 and One games? I really don't understand the push for the kinect. Most gamers avoid games with this feature...PS4 really seems to be more consumer friendly so far, but I do admire Microsofts abandonement of their unfriendly consumer policies or else they would have been dead in the water.
The Xbox One exclusive "Titanfall" looks really interesting...the only game I feel like I would be missing out on so far with the PS4. The ps3 games being upgraded for $10.00 is huge in my opinion. I wonder if Microsoft will anounce a similar plan with 360 and One games? I really don't understand the push for the kinect. Most gamers avoid games with this feature...PS4 really seems to be more consumer friendly so far, but I do admire Microsofts abandonement of their unfriendly consumer policies or else they would have been dead in the water.

Good Sweet Lord if you have not seen the game this man is speaking of gaze your eyes on this! I CANT WAIT!!!!!
Titanfall won't be released on the PS4 for A LONNNNGGGGG time. It is the premiere game for next gen early releases and it's basically a X1 exclusive. I think I'm swinging to X1 because of it. Plus no more Kinect. MS finally has listened to the core fanbase. Shame that it took negative publicity for them to realize that they ****ed up. Still eventually buying a PS4 though, as I think it will ultimately be the far superior console.
Titanfall won't be released on the PS4 for A LONNNNGGGGG time. It is the premiere game for next gen early releases and it's basically a X1 exclusive. I think I'm swinging to X1 because of it. Plus no more Kinect. MS finally has listened to the core fanbase. Shame that it took negative publicity for them to realize that they ****ed up. Still eventually buying a PS4 though, as I think it will ultimately be the far superior console.
They are on record saying kinect is part of xbox and will not be sold without it. Titanfall is coming to PC as well. It does look awesome.
They are on record saying kinect is part of xbox and will not be sold without it. Titanfall is coming to PC as well. It does look awesome.

Yes I already know this. I was talking about the recent news that the Kinect doesn't have to be connected for the console to work.
For some reason I think the X1 is rising in popularity again since the no-DRM rules came out. I would say 60% PS4 and 40% X1 in the war. I was certain to go with the PS4 but I'm having second thoughts now.
They are on record saying kinect is part of xbox and will not be sold without it. Titanfall is coming to PC as well. It does look awesome.

I think it sucks you have to buy that hunk of crap.

I'm pretty sure they've recently said you don't need it plugged in which is how it should have been from the start. PerveVision can take a flying leap.

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