PS4 vs Xbox One

I think it sucks you have to buy that hunk of crap.

I'm pretty sure they've recently said you don't need it plugged in which is how it should have been from the start. PerveVision can take a flying leap.

Agreed. Forced to buy something you don't want. And not 1 game has been displayed that at e3 or gamescom showing the kinect playing a huge role. Kind of odd don't ya think?
For some reason I think the X1 is rising in popularity again since the no-DRM rules came out. I would say 60% PS4 and 40% X1 in the war. I was certain to go with the PS4 but I'm having second thoughts now.

Sony said they have over 1 million preorders. Gamestop announced that 1.5 million signed up for email updatez compared to 750k for xbox. Time will tell. Sony releasing in 30+ countries will be huge if it is successful.
Sony said they have over 1 million preorders. Gamestop announced that 1.5 million signed up for email updatez compared to 750k for xbox. Time will tell. Sony releasing in 30+ countries will be huge if it is successful.

Funny you mentioned about the Kinect games. I don't remember seeing one Kinect game advertised for the X1.
That's because they didn't care about games for the Kinect. They wanted to be able to monitor what you were doing with PPV's and stuff with the Kinnect and that backfired. The Kinect is a stupid idea and it's even more stupid that you're forced to pay the extra 100 dollars to have a piece of equipment that won't even get out of the box for the majority of people. It's a waste of time.

The main reason I think they're still forcing you to take the connect is that I believe that down the road (6 months or something) they're going to release information saying that they'll be updating the XBox1 and it will now require Kinect once again and they'll put the always on and stuff back into play. I highly doubt they went to all that trouble with that Tech to just drop it for good. They're 'backing off' it for now for the sake of pre-orders and getting money on the new system. Once they get past the holidays and feel that they've got their fanbase comfortable you'll be hit with a system update that will once again require that Connect and the always connected junk. I have no doubt about that at all.

Titalfall looks amazing and it's a shame that it won't be on PS4 (and I read over the weekend that they've announced that it won't be coming to PS4 at all, not even at the later date others had once hoped) but it's not even remotely enough to make me swing back toward the Xbone1.
Titanfall is coming to PS4, and to PC as mentioned.

I'd already decided on PS4 for this generation when the DRM stuff was a thing, but even if I were considering an X1 at this point, Microsoft makes me nervous with their seemingly knee-jerk, customer-ignorant decisions that they later have to retract. Once the console is out, what's to say they won't go back to these plans, or make new things that they just implement with impunity since the console is already in living rooms? MS has proven that they don't really care about what their customers want until it becomes an issue of competition. I guarantee you that if there were a competing operating system for PCs, we wouldn't have Windows 8 the way it is. They want to create the direction for the industry and seem surprised whenever the rest of the world doesn't agree with their way.

I don't know. I was an XBox 360 owner, and Microsoft has just lost my confidence altogether in the last few years.
PS4 for me.

And I guess for me to buy it at launch it depends on how good Madden and Call of Duty are in comparison to the current systems.
Already got my PS4 Pre-Order finished off, now just waiting for drop day. Probably going to grab BF4, Fifa, 2K14, and Watch Dogs that day.
I'll be on PS4 and will definately be up for gaming with any folks who are going with PS4. I'll have Battlefield 4 and Ghosts at launch and I'll likely be looking into Watch Dogs as well.
Titanfall is coming to PS4, and to PC as mentioned.

I'd already decided on PS4 for this generation when the DRM stuff was a thing, but even if I were considering an X1 at this point, Microsoft makes me nervous with their seemingly knee-jerk, customer-ignorant decisions that they later have to retract. Once the console is out, what's to say they won't go back to these plans, or make new things that they just implement with impunity since the console is already in living rooms? MS has proven that they don't really care about what their customers want until it becomes an issue of competition. I guarantee you that if there were a competing operating system for PCs, we wouldn't have Windows 8 the way it is. They want to create the direction for the industry and seem surprised whenever the rest of the world doesn't agree with their way.

I don't know. I was an XBox 360 owner, and Microsoft has just lost my confidence altogether in the last few years.

I'm confused by the start of this post. I thought Titanfall was NOT coming to PS4 or PC? Did I miss something or was that what you meant and just miss typed?
I'm confused by the start of this post. I thought Titanfall was NOT coming to PS4 or PC? Did I miss something or was that what you meant and just miss typed?

It is most definately on PC and Xbox. Most seem to think it will eventually go to PS4 and will only be a timed exclusive.
I'll be on PS4 and will definately be up for gaming with any folks who are going with PS4. I'll have Battlefield 4 and Ghosts at launch and I'll likely be looking into Watch Dogs as well.

I'll be playing BF4, probably start out with the PS3 version. Get a jump on the guys waiting to play it on PS4. Look me up when the game comes out and we'll cap some MCOMS.
I'll be playing BF4, probably start out with the PS3 version. Get a jump on the guys waiting to play it on PS4. Look me up when the game comes out and we'll cap some MCOMS.

Absolutely. I love Battlefield so I'll be up for a bunch of that.
It is most definately on PC and Xbox. Most seem to think it will eventually go to PS4 and will only be a timed exclusive.

Ok. Yeah I heard they were only coming to Xbox and that they had initially stated that they were working on a deal to come out on PS4 at a later date but then recently said that they wouldn't be coming out on anything other than Xbox at all.

Which is why I was wondering if anyone found out different cause I was very interested in that game and was pretty disappointed to hear that they wouldn't be putting it on PS4. Almost as disappointed as I am that the new Batman game is not coming out on the new gen. From what I've seen on the games website they'll be 360 and PS3 only, at least for some time. I was really looking forward to that game. When they finally put it out on PS4 though I'll be grabbing it right up.
Battlefield 4 on a console? How unfortunate.

Yeah, it sucks not having to deal with hackers and cheaters. Plus I do miss how easy it is to play with a mouse. Oh, and spending 200 bucks on a new video card plus other uprgades every couple of years brings tears to my eyes.
I can't wait to see what Naughty Dog cooks up for the PS4. That alone makes me want that console.
Yeah, it sucks not having to deal with hackers and cheaters. Plus I do miss how easy it is to play with a mouse. Oh, and spending 200 bucks on a new video card plus other uprgades every couple of years brings tears to my eyes.

Hackers and cheaters aren't that big of a deal. You run into them occasionally, but not too often. EA and Punkbuster do a decent job with it. It's really not something that has affected my gameplay enough to bother me. Hell sometimes it's even funny watching them work.

It's just that FPS is so much phenomenally better on a mouse/keyboard that I could never ply a FPS on a console again. I remember back when Microsoft ran their Console vs PC test, I believe it was with CoD and Halo. They used some of the top console players in the world vs Console players who were just people who played a lot, wasn't even a contest. Not that it matters that much considering console/PC don't use the same servers.

200 bucks is cheaper than a console no? But I guess if you're not into computers very much it seems expensive. I tend to build a new computer around 2 grand every 4-5 years, always top of the line equipment and it takes at least 2 years before games even come close to lagging on max settings. I live on my computer though, so the investment is worth it.

Ah well. If you don't have a computer that can play BF4 well, I can certainly understand playing it on a console, the BF games are fantastic. But as I said, It's unfortunate that the experience isn't nearly as good as PC.
I haven't bought a console version of BF3. Do the console servers even have 64 player servers? Those are some epic games right there. I know previous BF games only allowed like 16 or maybe 32 players max, but full 32 vs 32 games are awesome.

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