PS4 vs Xbox One

I am still confused on which one to buy. Have never been a fan of Sony's controllers, always have had XBOX. I lost track of what was changed prior to launch, heard all of the reviews and still have no clue which way to go.

As long as I can play BF, CoD and Halo, I will be ok.

Well you can't play Halo on a ps4 lol.
Sounds like they're going to add later on. And not concerned about external storage because unlike xbone you can swap the internal hard drive.

Beyond that the fact the Xbox is settling for 720p says a lot to me. Especially when a COD developer mentioned they had to make it 720 to stabilize the frame rate. And in an effort to fix it MS denied them using resources dedicated to Kinect.

Meanwhile every PS4 game is in 1080p but Battlefield which is 900p and 720 p on xbox. After buying all the other Xboxes at launch and a Playstation later in the cycle this time around its Ps4 first.

I've read a couple of things about the 720p being a product of the Xbox being more difficult to code for.

That was the crippler for the PS3 because even though it had more power, COD always ran smoother on the XBOX.

I'm not sure if the One will share the same fate but many of the articles have said that the graphics disparity isn't going to be a longterm thing.......or at least that's how I understood the article. I'm not really a big tech guy in terms of hardware pieces.
It's hard to explain but I'm a little worried that if the PS4 really outdoes the XBOX that it might change the type of games back to the way it was before, when there was a much bigger divide between PC games and console games.

It seems like most of the good RPGs, strategy games and shooters etc that I always liked were only on PC and most of the popular American game developers only did PC. Then when the Xbox became basically a computer hooked to your tv and the internet most of these made their way to Xbox and now both consoles. Before when PS1 and PS2 were dominant the type of games on consoles were never the kind of stuff I liked, it was more action button mashers and Japanese influenced game animation, Final Fantasy RPG type stuff.

I don't think games like Skyrim and Call of Duty would be on consoles if xbox didn't sort of bridge the gap during that time.
It's hard to explain but I'm a little worried that if the PS4 really outdoes the XBOX that it might change the type of games back to the way it was before, when there was a much bigger divide between PC games and console games.

It seems like most of the good RPGs, strategy games and shooters etc that I always liked were only on PC and most of the popular American game developers only did PC. Then when the Xbox became basically a computer hooked to your tv and the internet most of these made their way to Xbox and now both consoles. Before when PS1 and PS2 were dominant the type of games on consoles were never the kind of stuff I liked, it was more action button mashers and Japanese influenced game animation, Final Fantasy RPG type stuff.

I don't think games like Skyrim and Call of Duty would be on consoles if xbox didn't sort of bridge the gap during that time.

I would love if games were more like they used to be, especially RPGs. I haven't played a really good RPG in a very very long time. Even the newer Final Fantasy games are kind of crap, and those were the cream of the crop at one point. I'm tired of this first person nonsense.
I would love if games were more like they used to be, especially RPGs. I haven't played a really good RPG in a very very long time. Even the newer Final Fantasy games are kind of crap, and those were the cream of the crop at one point. I'm tired of this first person nonsense.

Your comment is a good example, there's a whole age group of people younger than me that think of RPGs as the japanimation/anime final fantasy style games, when I think of the ones on PC like the Baldur's Gate series that sort of morphed into stuff like Mass Effect on Xbox.

I don't know.
I would love if games were more like they used to be, especially RPGs. I haven't played a really good RPG in a very very long time. Even the newer Final Fantasy games are kind of crap, and those were the cream of the crop at one point.
Your comment is a good example, there's a whole age group of people younger than me that think of RPGs as the japanimation/anime final fantasy style games, when I think of the ones on PC like the Baldur's Gate series that sort of morphed into stuff like Mass Effect on Xbox.

I don't know.

Do you mean older than you? Final Fantasy prior to Baldur's gate is the RPG style I really love and miss. Since then the good ones have been very limited. I have a hard time calling Mass Effect an RPG too. I consider it more of a 3rd person shooter with a few RPG elements.
Your comment is a good example, there's a whole age group of people younger than me that think of RPGs as the japanimation/anime final fantasy style games, when I think of the ones on PC like the Baldur's Gate series that sort of morphed into stuff like Mass Effect on Xbox.
Do you mean older than you? Final Fantasy prior to Baldur's gate is the RPG style I really love and miss. Since then the good ones have been very limited. I have a hard time calling Mass Effect an RPG too. I consider it more of a 3rd person shooter with a few RPG elements.

Final Fantasy was a bad example for me to use since it's been around so long. I guess what I mean is console games were always a lot more japanese influenced as opposed PC games, american game developers like Bioware didn't make rpgs for consoles until the xbox.
Ultima Online(PC game)was one of my all-time favorites. Too bad RPG's are becoming less and less. I guess we could blame that on technology.
I would love if games were more like they used to be, especially RPGs. I haven't played a really good RPG in a very very long time. Even the newer Final Fantasy games are kind of crap, and those were the cream of the crop at one point. I'm tired of this first person nonsense.

I know it's the most popular but have you played Elder Scrolls "Skyrim"? I am not a big RPG guy personally but definately respect the effort and attention but into that game. The Fallout series is definately a little more RPG-esque than Mass Effect if your looking for a shooter-RPG themed game. PS2 probably had the most emphasis on RPG's as a console. I especially liked Baldurs Gate: Dark Alliance and play it on my PS3 60 GB compatable system.
I know it's the most popular but have you played Elder Scrolls "Skyrim"? I am not a big RPG guy personally but definately respect the effort and attention but into that game. The Fallout series is definately a little more RPG-esque than Mass Effect if your looking for a shooter-RPG themed game. PS2 probably had the most emphasis on RPG's as a console. I especially liked Baldurs Gate: Dark Alliance and play it on my PS3 60 GB compatable system.

Yeah, I played Oblivion and Skyrim...very briefly. I appreciate how much went into the games, but they are not for me at all. And I tried Fallout because I heard good things, and it was supposed to have an option for 3rd person, but it never worked and I gave up on it. I like a little more linearity to my RPGs (but not to the extreme of the awful Final Fantasy 13). I don't really care to just go around exploring for long chunks of time (I don't have the time to do that), so I like to keep pretty focused on the story. That's a big reason I wasn't a fan of Mass Effect 2, so much of what you had to do wasn't pushing the overall story arch forward.
Yeah, I played Oblivion and Skyrim...very briefly. I appreciate how much went into the games, but they are not for me at all. And I tried Fallout because I heard good things, and it was supposed to have an option for 3rd person, but it never worked and I gave up on it. I like a little more linearity to my RPGs (but not to the extreme of the awful Final Fantasy 13). I don't really care to just go around exploring for long chunks of time (I don't have the time to do that), so I like to keep pretty focused on the story. That's a big reason I wasn't a fan of Mass Effect 2, so much of what you had to do wasn't pushing the overall story arch forward.

I think you would really enjoy the Dragon's Dogma series. It is much more linear or directive and focuses much more on combat, and building a good "tandem" that you can alter depending on the type of quest/mission. There isn't the long exploration or vast enviornments that need to be covered, and there is usually stimulating action even with the more mundane missions.
I know it's the most popular but have you played Elder Scrolls "Skyrim"? I am not a big RPG guy personally but definately respect the effort and attention but into that game. The Fallout series is definately a little more RPG-esque than Mass Effect if your looking for a shooter-RPG themed game. PS2 probably had the most emphasis on RPG's as a console. I especially liked Baldurs Gate: Dark Alliance and play it on my PS3 60 GB compatable system.

I agree about Fallout and Skyrim some of my recent favorites if I had to name any made recently.

Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance might be good but did you know it was a simplified version of the PC game, you should try the original on PC even though it's 15+ years old now, especially BG2.

There's a disconnect I have with an age demographic that grew up playing PS1 and PS2 games who are extremely loyal to sony stuff and the japanese role playing games etc., I'm probably the weird one though. The only reason I came back to consoles was because they got to be a lot more like PC and I hope that doesn't change, was my original point.

I feel bad now for thinking about it this much haha.
Hey I used to feel I had to pull out my nerd glasses when going into depth about video games, but in all honesty it has been a great hobby for me that has kept me in the house. Trouble seems to happen with me in public? Thanks for the post on the expanded PC version and will look into playing that after the mountain of games I'm still working through :)
COD Ghosts getting ripped apart too

It shouldn't be. I think it's probably the best COD since the first Black Ops.

There is a ridiculous selection of maps. I've played a good bit and have only had a couple repeat maps. There's really only one map that I don't like.

The game isn't so tailored to spoon-feeding small children. I've been killed by IEDs a couple times but haven't seen claymores, bouncing betty's and all that other crap be used too much. I'm not even sure they're in the game.

The traffic lines don't funnel traffic to one spot and map control is much more difficult.

The perk system is great. You can drop a secondary, frag and tactical equipment in exchange for more perks.

I'm honestly impressed by it so far. I quit MW3 and Black Ops 2 relatively quickly. Probably have more time in Ghosts than either of those games.
COD Ghosts getting ripped apart too

I haven't played it yet, as I decided to wait for the PS4 instead of getting it on 360 now. But I've seen quite a bit of favorable commentary on it over twitter and on youtube. It seems like the majority of the people I've been reading/following are pretty happy with the game thus far. It's got it's things, as all CoD games do, but they've been generally pretty happy with the game thus far.

I'm actually looking forward to it which I wasn't with MW3 or Black Ops 2.
I haven't played it yet, as I decided to wait for the PS4 instead of getting it on 360 now. But I've seen quite a bit of favorable commentary on it over twitter and on youtube. It seems like the majority of the people I've been reading/following are pretty happy with the game thus far. It's got it's things, as all CoD games do, but they've been generally pretty happy with the game thus far.

I'm actually looking forward to it which I wasn't with MW3 or Black Ops 2.

Why didn't you like MW 3, just curious?
I was burnt out on CoD by the time MW3 came out and then...ugh. MW3 was just the worst freaking game ever. It was just really really really bad.

The hit detection and lag in MW3 is by far the worst I ever experienced. It just wasn't possible for me to enjoy that game at all. By March I had quit playing it entirely. I didnt play it again after that. Which is wild for me since I normally play CoD games all through their entire cycle and that one I quit playing 4 months after it launched and even after I'd bought the Elite to go with it. I checked it one time in like June of last year, when I decided to finish up the campaign on it, and found that the clan I was in had still been playing in those competitions. I had like 27 hours of Double Xp to use at that time that I never used because I had quit playing.

Hated that game. I'd never play it again. Hopefully Ghosts is much better.
I haven't played it yet, as I decided to wait for the PS4 instead of getting it on 360 now. But I've seen quite a bit of favorable commentary on it over twitter and on youtube. It seems like the majority of the people I've been reading/following are pretty happy with the game thus far. It's got it's things, as all CoD games do, but they've been generally pretty happy with the game thus far.

I'm actually looking forward to it which I wasn't with MW3 or Black Ops 2.

Black Ops and MW2 were the best COD games of all time. Black Ops was really fun. Each of their sequels I didn't like.
It shouldn't be. I think it's probably the best COD since the first Black Ops.

There is a ridiculous selection of maps. I've played a good bit and have only had a couple repeat maps. There's really only one map that I don't like.

The game isn't so tailored to spoon-feeding small children. I've been killed by IEDs a couple times but haven't seen claymores, bouncing betty's and all that other crap be used too much. I'm not even sure they're in the game.

The traffic lines don't funnel traffic to one spot and map control is much more difficult.

The perk system is great. You can drop a secondary, frag and tactical equipment in exchange for more perks.

I'm honestly impressed by it so far. I quit MW3 and Black Ops 2 relatively quickly. Probably have more time in Ghosts than either of those games.

Good points but the maps are too big for regular game play and are more geared towards Groundwar. But from what I hear, Groundwar will only be available on PS4.

The colors are pretty good but it also makes it difficult to identify an enemy, especially with the larger maps and sight lines. It just seems like the colors blend.....

Ghost also forces you to be more campy and not designed for players that like to rush. I've spent more time running around the map just to find an enemy and then you get killed by someone camping on one of the many 2nd floor windows. This game will be a camp fest once people learn the maps and all the hiding spots.

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