Purdy Has 2 NFCCGs in 2 Years


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This is one thing 49ers and Raven QBs have in their favor. They can play average/below average, and still be in the game. Some QBs and teams don't have the luxury. I'll leave it that. Anyone who puts all the success in the QB is just not worth worrying about.
That's not true. If Dak doesn't throw 2 INTs maybe we are only down 14-0. Maybe we get a turnover. Who knows. But you can't give the ball away when your D is struggling.

AND ALL YEAR...DAK STANS GAVE NO CREDIT TO SHORT FIELDS AND LEAGUE-LEADING TURNOVER D. It was "Dak is MVP" and "Do we have the best QB in the game...?". No mention of the D that scored points and gave him short fields.

NOW...now...it's the D's fault for putting too much pressure on him!!! Poppycock!!!!!


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Bill Parcells said it many years ago,,, you build your team from the inside (OL/DL/LB) out. Jimmy's teams physically dominated in the trenches. Jerry doesn't prioritize the Biggs like he should and he overrates what he's got,,,,
Jimmy also said this. D-line, O-line...

The team has just drafted poorly on the D-line....


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That's not true. If Dak doesn't throw 2 INTs maybe we are only down 14-0. Maybe we get a turnover. Who knows. But you can't give the ball away when your D is struggling.

AND ALL YEAR...DAK STANS GAVE NO CREDIT TO SHORT FIELDS AND LEAGUE-LEADING TURNOVER D. It was "Dak is MVP" and "Do we have the best QB in the game...?". No mention of the D that scored points and gave him short fields.

NOW...now...it's the D's fault for putting too much pressure on him!!! Poppycock!!!!!
Are you misreading my comments? I am on record saying we MUST move on from Dak. Period. But our D is crap. There's no written rule that the D has to allow a TD when the QB turns the ball over on our side of the field. And this comment was as much about teams like the Chargers, Dolphins, Bears, etc as about Dak.


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well, Dak is a better QB overall and has 6 more years experience waaaaay more coaching/teaching time investment in his career. His performance should be NOTICEABLY BETTER than Purdy. So no...Dak has NO EXCUSES for not out-classing Purdy. If the better team wins...fine. But when you throw 2 first half INTs EVERY FREAKING YEAR...and Mr. Irrelevant does not...there is no defense. No one made Dak throw those passes. He was not under pressure and he has the #1 WR in the game (arguably).
I'm not giving excuses for Dak, he is what he is, but I'm not excusing the rest of the team, coaches, FO either. Everyone knew this team's weaknesses last season, rushing the ball and stopping the rush, we did very little to address those and we got similar results. That #1 WR also dropped passes that could have extended drives and looked disinterested in being there. There weren't other players that stepped up their game in the playoffs, the opposite the other players disappeared too.