Purdy Has 2 NFCCGs in 2 Years


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Purdy is surrounded with the best talent, team and coaches in the NFL.

Give Dak the same, we would be in the Super Bowl 2 years in a row now.
This is laughably comical. Dak had Cooper, CeeDee and full ACL Gallup...and still crapped the bed. He's a CHOKER. Nothing you can do to fix that.


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It's even more amazing, that dak couldn't put any points on the board against the 25-ranked defense. why couldn't he go penguin toe to normal toe against them? Why did he wait until the Packers went into prevent and put subs in?


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It's even more amazing, that dak couldn't put any points on the board against the 25-ranked defense. why couldn't he go penguin toe to normal toe against them? Why did he wait until the Packers went into prevent and put subs in?
he was punishing CeeDee for giving up on his airmailed throws.


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Purdy is mid. Honestly he’s Dak tier. 9ers have better roster overall and better management.
I wouldn't call Purdy "mid", he is very good, but yeah, he's not the reason they are in their second championship game. Purdy is not a game changer type QB, but he does what the team needs.


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I wouldn't call Purdy "mid", he is very good, but yeah, he's not the reason they are in their second championship game. Purdy is not a game changer type QB, but he does what the team needs.
Purdy is not all-time. But as Jimmy said, "It's not about how many great plays you do make, it's about how many bad plays you don't." Dak wets the bed and Purdy doesn't give the ball away.


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Purdy is not all-time. But as Jimmy said, "It's not about how many great plays you do make, it's about how many bad plays you don't." Dak wets the bed and Purdy doesn't give the ball away.
That's true. Purdy also has the benefit of not having to make plays as often as Dak, he has a better team around him. Dak can make great plays, but he also has to much more often for this team to win and that's not a good position for the team to be in. We don't have a running game to lean on, our defense can't stop the run and really is only built to play with a lead, throw in all our penalties to overcome and that's too much for Dak.


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Dude tank last weekend, but he didnt throw an int, so thats good. More importantly 49ers defense and coaching won that game. Along with a ill advise throw by Love and a miss FG by GB.
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That’s right….Mr Irrelevant. I said last year that he played better than Dak in every statistical category while facing a higher pressure rate and that we should take of it, and got absolutely crucified as a Dak hater. But here he is again, beating the team that ate our lunch and basking in football glory, probably going to a SB.

If you believe it’s not Purdy but his team, then we can’t keep Dak bc we need to build a team like that and can’t do that with Daks contract. If you believe Purdy is better than Dak than obviously you need to drop him and get more QBs, bc if Purdy is better, Dak ain’t top 10 anymore.

Either way, an organization that really wants to win stops chasing losses and makes the hard choice to look to the future instead of dragging this team to more years of underperforming
Bill Parcells said it many years ago,,, you build your team from the inside (OL/DL/LB) out. Jimmy's teams physically dominated in the trenches. Jerry doesn't prioritize the Biggs like he should and he overrates what he's got,,,,


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HE did not play particularly well yesterday but when the game was truly on the line he made plays
simple as that

Now the dak bots will whine and cry about dropped picks
BUT they never talk about all the dropped picks dak has had
just like all QBs

picks are dropped because DBs are there because they cannot catch well
if they could they would be WRs
This is one thing 49ers and Raven QBs have in their favor. They can play average/below average, and still be in the game. Some QBs and teams don't have the luxury. I'll leave it that. Anyone who puts all the success in the QB is just not worth worrying about.


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That's true. Purdy also has the benefit of not having to make plays as often as Dak, he has a better team around him. Dak can make great plays, but he also has to much more often for this team to win and that's not a good position for the team to be in. We don't have a running game to lean on, our defense can't stop the run and really is only built to play with a lead, throw in all our penalties to overcome and that's too much for Dak.
well, Dak is a better QB overall and has 6 more years experience waaaaay more coaching/teaching time investment in his career. His performance should be NOTICEABLY BETTER than Purdy. So no...Dak has NO EXCUSES for not out-classing Purdy. If the better team wins...fine. But when you throw 2 first half INTs EVERY FREAKING YEAR...and Mr. Irrelevant does not...there is no defense. No one made Dak throw those passes. He was not under pressure and he has the #1 WR in the game (arguably).