QB Patrick Mahomes says he's not worried about getting passed over by other QBs in contract numbers

Sure if he plays 16 games I’ll take that bet. Easy money. We can add money to it. 300 dollars and account ban…fair?

There’s no “if he plays this many games” outs. Your buddy Ken that said Dak would have a better season than Mahomes last year pulled that card already.

I don’t want you money. You not posting ever again is enough.
Lots of player cite other player's contracts when they negotiate their own deals. And Mahomes signed a 10 year deal. His deal is very friendly to his team so he has already put his money where his mouth is. Maybe his attitude about winning and legacy is what makes him great as opposed to other players who only worry about the money.
lol he got 450M man. Hard to care about others money when your contact is half a billion. No other player is even getting offered that. Also, he will 100% renegotiate sometime within that and get even more money. He may be the highest paid player week 1 as they are currently renegotiating.

You know what makes him great? His skills, work ethic, and talents and throw in an elite HC and elite FO. Not his lack of worrying about his contract lol.

Also, we saw direct results of his new deal this offseason when Tyreek couldn’t be retained and they could only afford to get stop over WR’s. They didn’t win because he took a team friendly deal they won because he’s one of the best players of all time and is being coached by arguably a top 7 all time HC.

We put waaaaaaay too much stock into contracts and act like they dictate much. Good players, good coaches, and good FO’s win with players making market value.

There’s no “if he plays this many games” outs. Your buddy Ken that said Dak would have a better season than Mahomes last year pulled that card already.

I don’t want you money. You not posting ever again is enough.
You said the bet that I offered. The bet I offered was contingent on him playing 16 games….you’re full of it.
You don’t believe Dak can stay healthy?

I bet you would have no trouble saying it if there was nothing on the line.

The true feelings come out when you stand to lose something.
What do I stand to lose? I have burner accounts remember? I lose this one I’ll just get on my burner.
I expect them to redo his contract. and I agree. he took a large long term contract and got paid early. money today is worth more than money tomorrow. smart finantical move.
How did he get paid early by signing a longer term contract?

He would have been much better off to do the traditional 5 year deal and negotiate another deal five years down the road at the new market rate rather than lock in at current market rate for 10 years.

He got a small signing bonus and the contract was structured with the majority being in annual "roster bonuses" which pay him if he is on the roster on a certain date (mid March) every season. He did the opposite of "get paid early".

In no way did he do the smartest thing from an entirely financial perspective. He left money on the table and gave the team flexibility. But like he said himself, He got all he needs to be set for life AND he wants to chase the legacy.

He wins, the team wins, the fans win.
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I’m a troll to the trolls lol.
You admitted to being an Eagles fan now you’re playing victim and claiming you’re a Cowboys fan? Damn…..this is crazy.
Wait I have a hundred posts in a day? Wait so now you monitor my posts and posts count? This is beyoooonddddd me lol.
Actually 63019 lol.
There’s no search function on this site and you know it. You don’t even have the nuts to let people see your last posts lol…..

But I can go all day with your silly Eagles posts.

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Well-Known Member​

Preach it, Swift.

What respectable Cowboy fan would say this?
Damn you’re a big boy why do you need Vtwin he’s not gonna save you lol. He’s gonna leave you out there to the wolves to get. And pretend like he doesn’t see you struggling.
Bet you on what? What’s the bet now? You’ve proven to be able to lie and not a man of your word. You aren’t honorable so why would anyone waste time on you?
This is the guy who calls others "attention seekers".

All of these on ONE page of a thread.

None of them about football.

Yea Bro.... I am the attention seeker. lol
Why didn’t Mahomes take less so they could give Tyreke Hill more? He took a long term deal because he could. Mahomes is the best quarterback in the league. For everyone else thst 10 year deal is nothing. For him? He will see all 10 years and get extended.
tyreke wanted too much, to pay him mahomes would have to give up 10-15 mil a year .
Also by moving mahomes $ they could have kept hill, but decided they did not need him at his asking price.
And then they won the SB, so seems like they didnt need him. Plus hill is a diva head case, they might have wanted him gone partly due to that.







BE THERE!!!!!!







BE THERE!!!!!!

Since it's in the cage, can we loosen the rules on language?


Mahomes is the best QB in the NFL and he has this attitude. Dak probably isn't top 10 and has the opposite approach.

He says exactly what I was saying in the other thread about QBs should be as greedy as possible to the detriment of team success.

There comes a time when money is no longer an issue and winning titles is what truly leaves a legacy for an athlete.

Since it's in the cage, can we loosen the rules on language?

Sure. CowboysZone's Convention Center has a HUGE parking lot. Folks curse out there all the time. Sometimes, when it is only two or three people yelling, you can hear echoes...

On the other hand, all members must abide by site rules #4 and #13 considering language. CowboysZone. WHERE ASTERISKS RULE!
If this was a real job Dak would have been fired already.

In the real world people don't get rewarded for failing over and over.
I liked your post, but people fail upwards all the time in the corporate world. It's an exclusive club, and they don't want many more in it.
Do you really want this brain trust picking a rookie QB? Unless they have a disastrous season, they would have to give up quite a bit to get up into the top 1-3 picks.

There is a strong possibility that none of these QB's just drafted are going to be as good as Prescott has been and a couple of the top picks will bust.

Then in 4 years, they're right back where they started because the QB contracts are just going to keep climbing.

But, AC, this team has the added problem of the owner's ego involved. If he picked 'em, he's overpaying 'em.
If we are not going to win the SB then what's the difference?
Once again, are you okay with continuing to increase the price of overpaying him at the cost of other players whose contracts are also due?
And, once again, that's irrelevant to what I wrote, and irrelevant to the situation now. The contract is already in place, so what you or I think. Again, no player willingly accepts a pay cut in the middle of a contract, so it's nonsense to pretend Dak is unwilling to do something others would.

If you, me or the Cowboys, want him to be paid less the team will have to cut him at whatever point it's possible to do that and save money, or wait until its time to negotiate his next contract. Otherwise, the contract is what it is, and it's unfair and misleading to indicate Dak is unwilling to do something he hasn't been asked to do and shouldn't be expected to do.
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It’s easy to say you’re not concerned with contracts winning when you’re on a team that’s winning and have one of the largest contracts .

He makes more off the field with endorsements which will only continue to grow with more winning.
I think what's funny here is people think these comments mean he's not going to get every dollar he can lol. When eh signed his contract he was the highest paid QB in the league. The reason he is not is because people came after him. To pretend like Dak is selfish and he's not is a joke in itself.
Yep, and when he signs again will be the top paid QB. Some fans have never grasped the Market Value concept for QB contracts .

These fans want to believe their contracts are some type of pecking order for QB’s.

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