i loved what key was able to do on the field, but what i loved even more was how he was off the field, honestly, i didn't like him at all before he came to dallas, then i realized how real he was, i would listen to the locker room interviews every week on dallascowboys.com and be lmao, he speaks his mind and he's not an ******* like many people think he is, definitley not a distraction. i remember on cbs before the broncos vs cowboys game they did a segment on keyshawn where he was helping a high school student who was peralized during a football game. its not like he just paid for everything to make people think he did a good deed, he's been helping him regain feeling and has been a good friend to him. the panthers fans are very lucky to have a player like keyshawn, i was very sad when we let him go because he earned my respect the 2 years he played w/ us, now that he's gone, he's my favorite player thats not on the cowboys.