Language patterns and beliefs are not psydo. They are far more credible than a lot of the history we receive. Besides a land bridge narrative and the amerigo vespucci line you mentioned, I bet you can not give any other explantation or detail for how people got here and the structures that are in both north and south america. I had history in school too, the land bridge and amerigo vespucucci was a few chapters.
People came across the land bridge and built this, which is earth quake proof, and built with insane precision
or this in north america which aligns with stars, is a calendar, among other things, and is structurally amazing
In our history books, native americans and incas built them, but in their histories they did not build them, and they talk about giants
Both north and south americans have history of being cannibles, practicing sacrificing and other stuff such as worshiping plumed serpents, gods, godesses that can be traced all over the world. Beliefs and language