Wow. I took off to go camping and am just learning of this right now. Long time members of this site may remember there's a picture of me with Randy on this site. I met him when he was promoting a rap album he did and was touring radio stations. The local rock station, KLPX 96.1 used to have me do a voice impersonation of him for some of their promos. One of my best friends was a DJ at that station and I got invited down to meet Randy.
No joke, just a really good guy. He was kind to everyone. He was candid about any question he got asked. My favorite one by far was when he was asked about playing Buzzsaw McGraw in Spider Man. They asked him what his favorite memory from that movie would be. He said, "I had me a little carnal knowledge of Kirstin Dunst in her trailer."
We all cracked up.
He talked about his feud with Hogan, how much he missed Curt Hennig, and he even talked about having done steroids and wished he hadn't.
Finally the radio guys got me on the mic to do a sound bite for him of me doing him. I chose to mimic him after one of my all time favorite wrestling moments when he hit Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat in the throat with the bell. He loved it. He said 95% of the time people who imitate him simply say "Ooh yeah!" or "Snap into a Slim Jim." He even told us who guys with Jamaican and Jewish accents have imitated him and it was just absolutely funny.
After I did it, he said, "Hey the big man really brought stuff on that one." He gave me a hand clasp which he pulled into a hug. You got the feeling when you were around Randy that he knew how big his personality was and he just wanted to see you laugh and smile.
Classy guy from my experience and just a real genuine character. Very sad news for me.